Red pill me on this game. It’s on gamepass is it worth an install? I never played the first Nier

Red pill me on this game. It’s on gamepass is it worth an install? I never played the first Nier.

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yes its good

Its pretty good barely related to the first nier you gotta watch a stageplay and a fucking audiobook or some shit for them to link up story wise

Worth an install and try. It has a pretty decent platinum action game combat system although that's not its strong suit. The game has a killer soundtrack and uses that to its advantage to create some great atmosphere

watch these videos (except the automata ones)

It's unironically one of the greatest games of all time. Only played it myself a couple years ago when it came out on PC, and it blew all my expectations out of the water.

Trying to sum it into one or two genre's or play styles would be extremely stupid. It's one of those great gaming EXPERIENCES that need to be experienced personally.

The OG NieR's now getting a remake, so you may wait for it. If the Xbone now runs 360 games, you could also try finding the OG copy.

No, do NOT watch these before you have played the games. Yes, all of them.

It's a very good game that actually utilizes genre shifting well to convey the story it's trying to tell. I strongly recommend playing the first one first though, it's good for the same reasons and 2 has a lot of moments that benefit from having played the first one.

>huuur I should play 15 different multihour games just to see if I would like the new one everyone likes.

More like you need to read supplemental material to even see how any of the stuff connects.

One of the best games of 2010. Period.
Neat visual design, even if the tech itself ain't anything special.
Killer soundtrack and audio design. Hearing its tunes still punches me right in the feels.
Gameplay is very varied, and might be hit or miss depending on your milage, but it all flows very smoothly. Plenty of customization options, that let ya outright break the game.
Story's bigger than the universe, and the themes are some truly fascinating stuff. The messages the game deliver however go beyond its plot.

Just play the Automata and forget the rest.
If you want more of Taro's mushrooms afterwards, THEN play the past games.

That's what I did, and I loved every moment of it.

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No. It’s a cheap collage of gimmicks

Not really necessary. Most of the stuff in the lore can be ignored as some ancient history with little relevance to the current events. Obviously you'll miss some references, but nothing too major.
If one can play the original NieR first, or at least soon after, it might help a lot though.

Yes! It's one of the "big three" of the 2017, and all around a magnificent ride unlike no other. The less you know before hand, the better. Just don't give up!

Another example of how we should have just nuked all of shitpan

Op here, sounds like you guys mostly like it, I’ll give it a shot. Thanks.

I was hooked as soon as I heard this

the gameplay is fun but the open world part is boring garbage, cant bring myself to finish it.

I'm installing it too.

Can someone tell me if I can get all the endings playing on easy? I just care about the story, same deal as Yakuza 0.

You can play on whatever difficulty you like and there's exactly one piece of missable content in the game.

Make sure to download FAR mod to fix the god awful framerate and settings. You're in for an experience. Go for all of the endings, it'll be worth your time.

>there's exactly one piece of missable content in the game.
what is it?

There are no mods on the Xbox. I think you knew that
Ok, easy it. Still have Ace Combat to get through.

It's not an Open World though, like the first game it's a Zelda-like in terms of world design.

>open world part
It's not "open world". Just hub-based, like N64's Zeldas. The world is quite small, but it's the reason you become quite intimate with it.

>Can someone tell me if I can get all the endings playing on easy?
Yes, but come on man - just play on Normal.

It’s good but you should absolutely play the first game first if you ever plan to play it at all.

Holy shit fuck off

I'm playing on easy and there's an auto combat mode. lol

I literally just want to see the story and see how it holds compared to the first game

It’s not a good game but if you’re one of those hipsters that think music and atmosphere make up for that then sure

>I'm playing on easy and there's an auto combat mode. lol
Yes, that's why you should not play on Easy.
The game's plenty easy as is, especially once ya get to customizing Chips.

No, it's a great game, with great music and atmosphere to boot.

Kinda hard to be hipster by liking a game this popular

>one of the most beloved and praised games from past few years
did RetardEra wake up again?

I'm not enjoying this game all that much. It doesn't feel like Nier, even the music feels like it's trying too hard but fails to hit the mark.

Unironically a masterpiece


Absolutely kino atmosphere, feel, and soundtrack.

One of the joke endings, you have to die in a certain way in a certain side quest and if you save after completing it without that happening then you can't replay the quest

Thread full of normies as always

Warning don't play this game if it hasn't finished installing yet

After the first boss it won't let you continue and will delete all your progress. Let the download finish before playing the game.

The gameplay is kinda shit. It looks competent at first but you can't juggle bosses so the combo system goes almost entirely unused and in higher difficulties they're just annoying HP sponges more than anything else. You can also bypass most of the bullethell by just mashing attack and dodging
As an interactive movie it's alright, I guess. The pacing is all over the place and the payoff isn't that good, and thematically it's pretty basic and doesn't really say anything new (nor does it deliver it's story well enough) but it's a fun diversion, overshadowed by the story that came before it

It's the best jrpg of the last decade, easily. And it uses the medium more effectively than any other game before or since.
You don't need to have played Nier, but it helps.
Do fucking NOT watch the clemps videos before you play it all the way to ending E.

>best jrpg
>it's actually a fucking hack n slash

Gameplay is garbage and the story everyone raves about is shallow af. Just because it hints at themes you probably have seen or read about before in your life, it doesn't mean it actually has explored those themes in an in depth manner by proxy.

Its a repeat of the story told in the previous game.

And was done better there.


My friend told me word for word "Dude you wouldn't get this game without playing other games like first Nier and Drakengards it's literally the last game chronologically wise".
Now i really don't feel like playing it.

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your friends is a retarded lorefag
the game is its own thing

It's pretty self-contained, at most you'll miss some throwbacks to previous games

Radiant Historia had an ATB. That's my favorite jrpg of the past decade.

Gameplay is pretty braindead and the story is anime melodrama with hints at being oh so deep like said. Most people like it for 2B’s ass.

I couldn't play this game because of MENUS and BACKTRACKING.

Download is at 40%.
Fucking Yoko Taro piece of shit, should've put a WARNING sign that the game wouldn't be able to save before the instalation was complete.

of course? impatient mong

wtf it's on gamepass? I literally bought it last week because it was on sale. goddammit

your friend is a dumb faggot

You've reassured me, thanks Anons. About previous games however, should i want to play them do they emulate well?

it's fun, not the best Platinum game, but the story is interesting enough to make you replay it 3 times

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play automata first, if you like it then play nier and then drakengard 3, you can emulate them for ps3 if you have a computer
if you really want more play drakengard 1
don't play 2


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you can emulate Nier fully with rpcs3 provided you have a good rig, but you may as well wait for the remaster coming out soon

the drakengard games are def an acquired taste though, i've only played a bit of 1 so i can't speak to them more.

>the gameplay is fun
thats the worst part of the game

I've been playing Drakengard 3 on RPCS3 and it's been fine bar some framerate issues in certain areas. Thought the dialogue was super entertaining and I want Zero to step on my dick

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Aight, thanks again. Time to download!

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This actually looks comfy