The music fucking sucks. East coast people can turn on their game right now and be greeted with a grating 2pm track...

The music fucking sucks. East coast people can turn on their game right now and be greeted with a grating 2pm track. The only good one I have heard is 5am.

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2pm really reminds me of something but i cant place my finger on it
OST is great though get some taste

They need to add DLC tracks later that contain music packs from past games.

Gamecube's OST will always be the GOAT

7pm is the GOAT

only hourly tracks I like so far are 12 pm, 5pm, and the throwback accordion in 6pm. Really miss the more quirky music of the pre new leaf games

8pm is the fucking worst

Motherfucker I will fight you.

2pm is great, though.

terrible compared to

wow thats awful. I hate this fucking one I dont want porno jive music in animal crossing

get some taste you monkey

lmao it aint me who needs some taste bud

the entire OST is absolute trash compared to ANY earlier title

this was like the one really good track in NL and it takes from the originals 5PM


wait, people hate this track?
this shit is fucking comfy. makes me wanna lay on my hammock while watching the big booty animals walk by.

only coomers like it bc it reminds them of porn u furry subhuman

I need more accordion

Holy fucking yikes. This is actually sonically offensive.

2pm is fucking great you shitter

NL had like two really good songs. I don't even remember Wild World's soundtrack and didn't play City Folk. GC probably still is the best, but NH is a great overall improvement since then.

Where do I get the Corona mask?

fucking shit taste

7AM is best

I have turnips for 109 if anyone is desperate, if you have over 250 I am very much interested.

This is good, but it doesn't fit animal crossing whatsoever. If they're going to use more dance inspired stuff (electronic instruments, jazz/funk/disco sounds) then they need to do a better job of making them work.

already sold for 311 earleir

>filtered by the music

Doctor's mask is sold in Nook's tent services

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Fuck off, nostalgia fag

City folk knew its music shouldnt be blaring and was calm pretty good especially in the later hours 11pm- 3am

i like it but it feels way too funky, its like there was going to be a jazz club building and they cut it but kept the track

best hourly music coming through, clear the fucking way

Hes not wrong the Gamecube/n64 has the best music by far and no later entry has come close to the same level.

To this day the few things the gamecube edition holds over its successors was the music and the holiday events

Rainy day is still the best

Yoo hold up.
just got a 3 star rating and kk is coming.
I have 0 fences out out. About 15 decorative furniture pieces in the town. Maybe 30 flowers. No weeds.
4 bridges and 3 inclines.

So many sources claimed you need 200 flowers and 250 fences.
that is blocks! Ignore it.

Suck my dick, nigga

Beautiful I love this one

The best ones are 3pm, 6pm, and 12am because they sound like Wild World tracks

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Yes these are good

5PM is fucking kino as per usual for the series.

>"my first game was NL and I emulated the Gamecube game"

You know what fucking sucks dick? The fact that you need to progress at least 10 real life days to get these hourly tunes. Why did they fucking did that?

>"I am a faggot and I hate myself"

Never tried AC before. Between the NDS and 3DS, which one should i try first?


I held on to these cars for 4 years now which villages should I bring to my game

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I got mine when I got the upgraded resident services building, that takes like 5 days

Bob looks pretty based

>literally Wild World's themes again but with higher quality midi
fuck sake


bob and kabuki

5pm is the worst I've heard in the game I actually turned the sound off when it came on

6pm drives me nuts, that acoustic guitar is gratingly repetetive

Has anyone's villager asked them to change their catch phrase? I think you can change it via Izabelle but I don't want to force it on em. Was a fun feature I liked from previous games

I loved this hairstyle and now it's got a zoomer fade that looks bad

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>gratingly repetetive
literally all the music is no exception

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>I think you can change it via Izabelle but I don't want to force it on em
you can't change it via isabelle, you can only reset it via isabelle if they start saying nigger or something

I dont know if youve noticed, but all animal crossing hourly themes are just the same 3 melodies repeated for a minute.

Bon Bon and Snake

ahhh that makes sense