Last of Us Delayed Indefinantly

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Based, hope it never comes out.

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Shit, it's real.

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Who is it that even wants or cares about this game?

>providing the launch experience our players deserve
i.e. we wait for a time when people stop panic buying toilet paper and have shekels to waste on our shitty games.

sony NPCs

I think they mean the PS4 version is done but the PC one isn't. when I played it it was very not done.

kek get fucked naughtycucks and go play a real game

Millions of people obviously

Makes sense. They’re gonna end up with the best-reviewed GOTY and don’t want people shrieking about China Flu while they’re collecting their shekels from the masses.

>economical/logistical reasons

Translation: our contractual agreements with retailers would lead to company ending lawsuits if we released it digital-only during the pandemic, so we're pushing it back to until after the virus passes.

The whole point of the cloud is so that in the event of events like these, business operation continues. But, well, if you release on consoles and you have major agreements with a variety of partners that rely on retail and physical distribution of goods, you're basically fucked.

GOOD! Now those fucks can include multiplayer. It would be insane to release the game without it.

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>PC version
PCfag COPE is particularly strong

nice spelling bro


>The whole point of the cloud is so that in the event of events like these, business operation continues.
>Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are throttled by ISPs, despite bandwidth limits being temporarily lifted
FUCK buying digital.

It's a lie.
They have no games for PS5 so it's one of the games they want to port to PS5 on day 1.

ellie dies


>another kotaku shill thread
You faggots need to get banned.

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Corona is just an excuse, remember when the movie was supposed to come out last year? Development is just a shitshow.

This could very well be the case as well. Remember that weird as fuck footage with ellie sperging around like a drunk autist and getting magnetized to a dog?

why would they delay it because of the virus? they can just realize it digitally


>getting magnetized to a dog

Could someone post the webm? I know someone has it.

>Jason Schreier
>Direct link to Kotaku
Nigger what are you doing.

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This fucking jew every time

>all cinemas in the world close due to corona
>literal movie game is shut down as well

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The word 'indefinitely' is literally right there and you STILL fucked it up???

Hahahahahahahahah yeah as if, more like they're scared that many people aren't even gonna bother with that trash

>>all cinemas in the world close due to corona
Really wish this happened while some jewish disney blockbuster was supposed to come out.

But FF7 did it.

>Linking Kotaku unironically
Go choke on a train of dicks op

>everyone is home and wants to play vidya
>this is somehow an economical decision

Naughty Dogs are fucking hacks, OH NO MY LESBIAN SIMULATOR NOOOOO

Japs just now realized the virus is real now that Olympics are postponed

IIRC the Mulan remake's release got fucked by the virus.

>"i want a good multiplayer game"
>definitely should be the last of us

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>delayed countless times before
>devs roasted for bragging about adding gameplay features that Super Mario 64 did in 1996
>most of the actual devs are amateur hour staff
>Naughty Dog gets railed for devs revealing their crunch time as being almost RDR2 tier bad
>game now indefinitely delayed using the virus as a scapegoat (it could very well be legitimate but with the history of this game there's room for doubt)

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COVID did fuck with the box office for Onward (although I suspect it would have underperformed anyway).
also, Mulan was supposed to come out by now and Black Widow is supposed to come out soon. I think BW is going to go straight to streaming but I'm not sure about Mulan.

>delaying the game when it's done
>when the world is playing more video games now than ever
>stuck at home with nothing to do but play vidya
Whatever. I hate the series anyway.

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Repeat after me : I N D E F I N I T E L Y .

they probably had a bunch of box units made and are worried about cancelled preorders if digital version isn't well received.

makes me worried why they think it wouldnt be well received now.

Lust of us, who cares

i'm calling my shot here and now. TLOU2 "Definitive Edtion" for PS5 launch with a "neutered version" on PS4 released simutaneously

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that's the biggest fucking irony right there

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>Yas Forums: a delayed game is good eventually

Why would you not release it now that the entire world is at home? I understand physicalfags might suffer from this but the amount of digital copies that they'll sell is insane

how is CDPR managing to release their game while this studio cant?

>people being cooped up in their homes prevents them from enjoying video games
Sony, I...

>how is CDPR managing to release their game
>Cyberpunk delayed to September
>will inevitably get delayed again because of the rona

Hope this drives the snoygger suicide rate to 51%

I mean I guess that's something, but I was hoping for something more along the lines of Star Wars or Marvel caliber.

when did they release a game?

Faggots and sjw nigger lovers.

nuNaughty Dog makes the best multiplayer games. Uncharted 2 and 4's multiplayer were among the best and most fun multiplayer games I have ever played.

Yup. Gay games need to die.

SJWs and LGBTQ freaks.

Did you not play the multiplayer to Last of Us? It was the only good part of the game.

HAHAHAHA no pozzed tranny garbage for you Recuckera is dead HAHAHAHAHAHA

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hold up, I assumed it would have multiplayer. are you telling me it's not going to have it?

>May movie night cancelled


Now what am I gonna play when Tyrone comes over and visits my wife?

I thought they fired that faggot? Why are you following him or kotaku in the first place?

this is why I don't buy it. other games are coming out and it's no secret the problems Naughty Dog is having. it all seems a little too convenient.


why not put it out over amazon prime with a premium account like other new movies?

He may be a faggot, and he is, but he's friends with a bunch of other faggots who leak info to him. I'm not sure what kind of horrific failure of a person would want to be friends with him, but that's the world we live in.

Makes sense, since cinemas are close now.

>the game is done
>delayed indefinitely

Is this a code word for "the game is such DOGSHIT that we cancelled it".


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The biggest days of the MCU and cinematic Star Wars are done, user. MCU is phasing out a number of their biggest hit characters, and Star Wars ended up shitting the bed so fucking hard that nearly the entire franchise is irreparably severely damaged. The next big thing by your standards would be Black Widow, and you can bet your ass that's going to "underperform" for multiple reasons.

A jrpg re-releasing a third time?

Cant they just release it on DVD/Bluray or on Nerflix?

>Thinking ND has any say about what the publisher does
Found the retarded nigger


>economic reasons
wow bros but Animal Crossing released in the midst of this but sold a boat load, do I sense fear?

Good. When the game comes out Yas Forums will be unusable.

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There is no sauce, it's just another user shitposting for the sake of shitposting

>mfw the grind was literally for nothing
Tyrannosaurus REKT

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Corona keeps BTFO'ing LGBT community. Pretty based.

>Gays 100% mortality rate due to AIDS
>Sony lesbian simulator cancelled
>Trannies can't get surgeries or hormones.

>Gamestop were the exclusive retailer of the game in burgerland and they intentionally held back copies for YEARS just so they could sell them "used" for a premium for YEARS
>Wii U
>digital only and IT'S THE FUCKING WII U
>"New" models only and it's graphically the worse version to play with the only improvements being a better UI and portability.

this is literally the first time for this game to get a non-bullshit proper release.

Wouldn't this be the perfect time to release video games? A large portion of people are stuck at home.

TLOU is not a game. Its a horror movie made for dykes.

>gameplay features that Super Mario 64 did in 1996
what feature?