This April Fools joke wasnt very good desu

This April Fools joke wasnt very good desu

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Other urls found in this thread:

I liked it.

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Is it ever? All Yas Forums does is fucking gay ERP no matter what the theme is. I fucking hate you all

nice tuck

Aside from a couple of trannies samefagging in their dead threads no one is gay here. Fuck off with your "Yas Forums is totally gay" bullshit. Go dilate or something, freak

Literally half the threads were ERP, are you fucking high or something?

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april fools day is like a full moon to Yas Forums niggas when they turn around 360 degrees from straight to gay

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i dont remember that much erp when we were /vint/

Seriously, why is Yas Forums so full of thirsty teens?

i will not deny this

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/vint/ was top-tier. They should just merge boards all the time.

No they fucking weren't, tranny. Just because you seek out some shitty ass gay thread doesn't mean the catalog is full of them.

Well realistically speaking videogames do attract that age-group, but by that logic Yas Forums would be like this too, maybe their moderators actually do shit about it?

Because zoomers are a bunch of autists that hate women and they have to get off somehow

This is nothing new. Only thing different is you people spamming "tranny tranny dilate dilate" etc every chance possible. twry5ma vxempnb

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All it did was reveal who the main shitposters were desu. Canadians and 3rd world country poorfags. Though it was still better than the last 2 ones.

Yeah that's why everyone in this thread is discussing it huh? This happens every year.

Yeah, samefagging and discussing it with yourself. You're pathetic. 42%


Ah yeah that makes complete sense. Did you take a look at the catalog at all? At any point? I mean saying it was half gay shit is an understatement to be real. You could go check the archives RIGHT now if you think you're so correct.

Literally every other thread had faggot trannies ERPing. Dumb fucking tranny.

Really? I don't remember a single erp thread lol

Just like tradition. Your point? Feel free to go elsewhere if you don't like it.

Dial 8

You're the one visiting gay threads, tranny. Eat shit.

It’s genuinely an interesting little phenomenon though, because it all started in 2018, and every year since there’s one day of the year where the group pops back out of the woodwork. It was especially prominent this year though, holy fuck it was bad.

How is gay ERP a fucking tradition on a videogames board? Neck yourself homo, how about you go to /lgbt/ instead?

Two words: lurk moar.

The Hex threads where nice though.

Quite literally. Those gay as fuck hex threads were filled with genuine discord faggots who wanted to be trans. Fucking disgusting

history revisionism just one day after?
Now that's new

Or... was it actually 2018? Whatever, there was a certain year it just became a fucking thing to do.

>arguing with anons who deny the existence of gay erp threads
Have you learned nothing? They do this everytime. Half the board goes full gay during April Fools and then the next day they pretend as if nothing happened. They also tried rewriting history when that team came in 2nd place 2(?) years ago saying they were always Chads when their whole team was posting in gay erp threads for most of the day because they were in last place at the time.

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What's wrong with sucking cock?

>half the threads
Nigga, there were like 3 threads that got replies consistently, the rest were just archiving or being deleted with less than 20 replies. And on the ones that got 100+ replies, were being spammed by spider man and that fag posting hobgoblin.

It was ruined because of the coofposting.
There could've been something so much better, but no.
They had to fucking run with a seasonal meme.

3 trannies samefagging. Nice.

Why is everyone calling each other trannies?

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There was an actual story between the boards but most people didn't even see it. Also the cure was to put hydroxychloroquine in name and options.

Attached: BallofHate.png (1680x1050, 59.11K)'re complaining about seasonal memes? HERE of all places?

>All anime posters

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>solely went into all of the lewd threads to save hentai
Great day. Have a bunch of new favorites on panda now and I didn't have to deal with any of the faggots

and Yas Forums will claim that tumblr/reddit/twitter are degenerate
holy fuck

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It's the new "hip" thing to do.

ON 4channel? Say it ain't so!

Yo closed faggot, are you sure you not only clicked on those threads (:?

It’s fucking nuts, I’m surprised more people don’t talk about this because it’s been happening for years.

Well ofcourse. You do know about the new years tradition Yas Forums has, right? Wonder if that's their designated gay day, sure didn't seem so bad on april fools.

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I just want board mergers or teams back, everything after has been dogshit and forgettable, and this years was tasteless considering the virus actually killed a shitload of people

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I'm kinda bummed that I'm not in this screencap

It's because if this
It's already happening in this very own thread. Anons are in full denial mode.

What did you expect? It's not like the faggots are going to be ERPing with their obese neckbeard bodies

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Reminder to ERPers and cuteposters that you are not and will never be a cute anime girl. You are a mentally ill shut in who is starved for human contact and your desires to become a cute girl are product of your gender dysphoria indcued by porn.

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>frogposting in the year of our Lord 2020

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Yeah, haha, those damn faggots... haha...

yeah, i'm thinking based

You are not cute

Same imo desu senpai

Dangerously based
>peanut butter was the one doing the faggy shit the most
>they ended up fucking winning
This will never not be hilarious

Hey, I'm in that one!

>Peanut butter literally whored their way to the top
Fucking hilarious

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>They take first or second place
>Most of them deny of ever ERPing
>Claim these screencaps are fake
Why is Yas Forums in so much denial about their gayness after every April Fools?

Gay Yas Forums is fun Yas Forums


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Hey I had a good time. It's just some harmless group jacking off OP, you should be familiar.

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team mini was the best
cute fanart and little tranny activity

Every team was pretty distinct
>Mini: The team that hardly gave a shit about the actual competition and just drew pics of their loli princess
>Peep: The team that did nothing but spam memes and dab
>Chocolate: The most normal team, I guess
>Peanut Butter: The faggot team
>Creme: The team literally no one liked

now post this years cap

How's your boyfriend doing

Friendly reminder that April Fool's ERP/surrender threads were nonexistent until Team Chocolate started beating everyone. We truly won the culture war in the end by collectively mindbreaking Yas Forums's userbase.

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I wonder if mods will even bother doing anything come Easter. Entire board turns into a bunch of sexual degenerates whenever it deviates slightly from the norm.

R U Blind
calling out

Imagine how their ass smells like.

it was shit
but Sana is a good girl

That cunny thread on Yas Forums that reached 600+ posts was incredible

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Well they are.
We are just no better.
Least you weren’t creme
>drop down from first place
>hehehe please don’t double team my asshole, chocochads
Fucking hell

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I always keep off of Yas Forums during "events". Every one is just 24hr of omly shitposting.

Don't have one.

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Sorry to hear that


I avoided all boards

>he was a creme
Sorry to hear that you were given the literal worst team there was

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Peep chads worldwide

It's alright user, it's not your fault. I'll find the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someday.

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Our team represented hubris and downfalls, it’s a shame but everyone gets dealt a bad hand in life at times.

Oh I know you're "bummed", faggot.

Not him but I was also Creme, and holy fuck our team was just the least creative group on the planet. It was really odd how it was the only team that couldn’t define themselves in some way besides ruling the top for a period of time and then getting knocked down.

>muh weeb forumz!!

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I was there, that thread was based as hell

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On a side note, masturbation and ERP works under the same principle of fantasizing sexual experiences. So yes, pretending to have sex and fapping are dangerously close experiences. One could even say masturbation can make people gay and this pretty much is evidence enough.

Damn, I missed it! Were there any particular highlights?