Why does Yas Forums not like mountain blade anymore?

Why does Yas Forums not like mountain blade anymore?

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too popular

The combat is shit

Yas Forums here, I like it just fine.

bodkin arrows cant do significant damage against plate armor

Damn look at all those guys
My battles fucking chug at 200

It looks like shit so it probably plays like shit too

they never liked mount and blade
they liked modded mount and blade
a new UI and better textures won't change that

Because it's popular and this whole website is infested with gatekeeping virgins.


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what anime?

so it is success launch?

Stop with the shitposts niggers.
Can we just admit that not!mongols are the best faction aesthetics wise?

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Alyx has 3.5k so I dunno if 200k+ is a success

I'm finding some of the armor stats are strange, like a 211g chestpiece has way more armore than a 658g armor chest

Yas Forums is full of contrarian newfags who cannot find enjoyment in anything except imagining they somehow have the power to make other people hate games they used to like.

VR is a shitty gimmick which will take at least 2 decades to start getting good games. It's not really a good comparison but quarter of a million for a niche indie game is pretty good, I'd say.

I guess friendly fire isn't a thing?



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compare that ugly shit to the greco-roman marbled halls that the empire factions has. but horse archers rape all.
the horse archers have fucking 280 bow skill which is the same as the special hero battain archer units.

there's unironically been a targeted discord raid by people who don't like M&B in the first place trying to influence public opinion here

V doesn't like games

You can shoot your company, but not the other way around.

What's more important for upgrading to play Butterlord, 16 gigs of ram over the 8 I have, or an SSD?


no compromise get both

Fuck you

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I liked Mount and Blade. Hell, I liked 0.632 alpha Mount and Blade.



ok go sdd and lower battle size

No thank fuck. The AI isn't good enough to handle that, but if you stand right in front of a friendly they won't fire.

I really like it, but I want to wait until they improve it instead of relying on mods like the one that unlocks the 250+ items the devs forgot to unflag as multiplayer only.

>everyone runs around the mob in circles firing arrows at them
>Instead of charging head-on into them

The player base has gotten soi


>those five shitters that died

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>running across the sights of his entire warband several times
fucking disgusting
immersion broken
called the cops


How do I open up a shield user in combat? Kicking staggers them but it doesn't open them up for attack.

fippy bippy

fucking christ all these bugged quests and random crashes are making the game unplayable.

I get that it's early access, but did they not even test any of these fucking quests in alpha? How does this not fucking get fixed before EA release?

>no actual companions, just randomly generated named NPCs
>barely any armor and weapons
>smithing useless grindfest
>2h swords are short as fuck
>early medieval setting is just not nearly as interesting
>AI not improved
>no camping, no books
>fucking useless perk system
>everyone looks mentally retarded due to the shitty facial animations and the dumb 'symmetry' slider

Graphics are a good improvement, but that's it. The excuse that they only had 3 years out of 8 to work on this is fucking ridiculous, just think about what modders did in a year or two in Warband compared - and that's almost always a 1 person project. These fucks had tens of thousands of man hours put in and holy cunt it's weak.

It baffles me that most people here say the biggest problem is high damage / low armor, when the game has way ,way more glaring flaws that make it downright unenjoyable.

i wanted this to be good so fucking bad bros, it's been 8 fucking years it hurts i want to die i'm stuck at home for at least another week trying to play it and i already hate it help

How can people actually play this and think that looks ok?

If going for realism, lmfao no.
If going for good gameplay, lmfao no.

strafe around their left flank (your right) while doing a left-to-right horizontal swing.
You can usually get in another attack following that up that will get around their shields.

Crassus was a rich cunt.

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You mean the charge?

You can shoot your own soldiers. But your soldiers cant shoot each other (and you)

Had my first siege battle. Holy shit this is awesome. Reminds me of For Honor's Breach mode but with actual soldiers fighting each other and siege engines. Really cool to also see enemy soldiers trying to push down your ladders.
Now, if only the fucking game didn't drop to 15 fps

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Graphicsfags are scum
Go play back to your ps5 threads

Looks fine to me, what's your problem with it?

Thanks wise warrior.

because literally SOULLESS early access game, retards can get ripped off or all I care

Is Bannerlord now better or what? Everyone says something different.

Please for the love of God, don't interact with these types of posts. Have you seen what happened with Doom Eternal discussions for that exact same reason?

Stop. Mount & Blade is sacred grounds.

Imagine if this game had friendly fire with arrows.

Most of the people who are on Yas Forums came after GG and the election.

We're getting patches every day.

It's almost like people have different opinions

No wonder Parthia shoved Rome's shit in time and time again. lmao fucking Italians man.

Just decided to move on from my 7 year old beast of a pc (It's at my parents place so no going there anytime soon, thx Corona) and got a Ryzen 5 3600 with a FX 5700 XT. I presume this would crush Butterlord on max settings? Or did I goof?

How the fuck do you recruit better units this time around? I play as Muslims, but if I remember correctly, they should have Mamlukechads, all I have are Tribesman that levelup into generic infantry and archers.

There are "royal" units now that can only be recruited some other way?

>everyone looks mentally retarded
That's an improvement over the dumb potatoes.

I never even got the appeal from the first one since I never really looked into it.

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What is there to have opinions about? Warband had barely any content, glaring flaws in the endgame and the core mechanics kept it barely afloat. If Bannerlord isn't even better than that I give zero fucks about the game.

I know for a fact that sieges are definitely better than in Warband though.

>Early access

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>There are "royal" units now that can only be recruited some other way?
You can get noble units from settlements but that depends on the richness of the region.

That's not a very high bar but it's still good to hear

>What is there to have opinions about?
Because the similarities to Warband are only skin deep. The game functionality wise is different from Warband at all which is why a lot of people are complaining. This includes the way recruitment works, the reworked skill system, character management and so on.

say goodbye to your waifu Yas Forums

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I'm just waiting until it's actually finished to play it.

Because some people have nostalgia goggles on and can't see that Bannerlord is superior in almost every way, or at least has the potential to be like that. There are some serious problems with balance, capped workshop income, factions snowballing way too fast, some factions are clearly better than others and are literally unstoppable, shit like that. I assume it's all gonna be ironed out later.