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The Last Of Us 2 delayed indefinetly
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Xenochads get their time in the sun.
Even as someone who enjoyed the first game I pretty much stopped giving a fuck about the sequel.
I wish they would just cancel it instead
They probably want to have it as a lunch title for the PS5 now, since they have no other big title lined up to compete with Halo Infinite.
>It's happening Yas Forums
Apparently not anymore.
Does anyone here even give a shit about this movie?
>mfw I can't consume product
Nobody cares.
Not interested in playing this game (and yeah, I have PS4), but I wonder if they'll use this situation to further develop the game and expand it with new content or will they sort of stop working on it altogether except for supporting it with internal bug fixes. Okay, this is not interesting, but I began writing this stupid post so I'll as well finish it. Fuck.
it's just gonna launch with ps5 at this point.
Sounds like they didn't make the decision?
Animal Crossing really has them scared huh lmao
please be kind, it is all the PS4 owners have left
damn, rough launch for this game
wasnt it already delayed? 'indefinitely' just sounds weird too. like a couple weeks seems too short, so more than a month, but they dont know how long, so maybe eve more than a month?
Nobody asked for this sequel, even the people who liked the original game.
Its gonna be woke shit from start to finish too, especially with fucking Druckman in charge.
>We were bummed
Holy shit that's not how adults write you fucking dangerhairs
The faggots at naughty dog act like they’re making life-affirming art that can’t be just released digitally. It’s a fucking movie game for sjws.
May as well just make it a ps5 release at this point
Don't really care.
mfw tranny consoomers will see this
mfw they'll chimp out over the fact that they can't CONSOOM new product
mfw they finally begin to blame Chinks and openly begin to form a gang of trannies that goes around and attacks Chinese shop owners and other various bugmen
Truly the best timeline
how much do you want to bet this is all bullshit and they're just using the virus as an excuse to launch this as a ps5 launch title because they have no fucking games
Eff pee
Bee pee
No one said ‘indefinitely’ except the faggot OP
>caring about western movie shit
Sony made the call because they can't manufacture enough blu-ray covers right now.
Leaks say it can't run on the PS5 because it's too weak.
don't get too happy sony haters, CP2077 is next
thank you corona
who cares
will be same exact shit as the first one but with I'M A LESBIAN WATCH ME SCISSOR THIS DYKE bs
Corona is a convenient excuse to shift it onto PS5 as a launch title.
>we sure this news is just as disappointing
Nope none at all its great news.
>delayed indefinitely
>he thinks it has any chance of coming out this year
nothing personnel, sonyfags~
what do switch and xbox owners have left?
Look up the definition of indefinitely and read what's written on the image.
Imagine playing w*stern games
>moviegame as souless as hollywood delayed
>they couldn't force their employees to work crunch due to quarantine so the game got indefinitely delayed
They are probably realising that releasing a game about a virus that has destroyed civilization isnt really that fitting during these times.
>logistical problems
>software development
what a non excuse lmao
No one even with PS4s is actually looking forward to this fucking """""""""""""""""""'game""""""""""""""""
Getting the actual zombie survival horror game RE3.
So, what he's saying isn't that they can't finish the game in time.
He's saying that because so many countries are on thin ice, no stores are open and everybody's panicking about the economy, they wouldn't sell as much if they launched the game regularly.
Because they know most normie fags will buy this trash at their local grocery store in the entertainment isle next to Barbie's Horse Magic School for the Switch.
I have a theory that this delay was intended from the start and COVID just gave them a convenient excuse.
They got to pretend like PS4 is still relevant for the longest time so they'll keep selling systems, and now they get to bitch and and turn it into a PS5 launch title.
so I won't be able to pay $60 to watch a dyke revenge film. Who cares.
hopefully it gets cancelled
It looks like the PS4 drought just got worse.
but the last of us isn't about a viral infection, but a fungal one
Can you imagine how much of a technical disaster this game and the PS5 are going to be? Near radio silence for months is never a good sign.
So when's the new one releasing on Netflix?
ps4 will get cross gen games in 2021
It still needs to be shipped dumbass
Picking up a literal demake. Lol sad. as. fuck.
who and who?
based digital influencer
No, they're gonna release it on ps4 at the end of this year, and then remaster it for the ps5 sometime at the end of next year you just watch.
I still get multiplats exclusively not on the switch :^)
>Naughty Dog delays TLOU2 due to virus
>meanwhile Square ships FF7R a week early instead
ocne again japs btfo'ing westacucks
>logistics of a digital product that can be distributed to everything, ad infinitum
What's this bullshit excuse? Can anyone translate from PR retardspeak to human language?
the normie would probably still feel it being too distasteful either way
no they realized they cant release it physically and dont want to piss off retailers by selling digital only
Motherfucking THIS
Well done user
Why can't they release it digitally again?
>muh logistic
What a load of bullshit
I don't know about xbox but I haven't put my switch down since Corona-chan began her reign of terror and I still have a Zelda and a half to work through, all of fire emblem, and Torna Golden Country, plus animal crossing.
To say nothing of my PC. Still trying to work through doom.
based hahaha couldn't have happened to worse cucks lmao
I dont get it.
Why would releasing a video game during a time in which everybody is home playing video games a logistical issue?
Have they not seen what Animal Crossing as done? What's wrong with them?
jesus this game is shaping up to be a disaster
That's a really roundabout way of saying "oh God, we just realized our game is utter shit and we don't know how to fix it"
those multiplats are on PC chum
>implying anyone gives a fuck about cybershit2077 anymore either.
Thats a shame.
To someone.
I guess.
Why delay it. No one is going to go at theatres for a long as time regardless.
Just send it straight to dvd/digital.
What a load of shit, PSN exists.
The real reason is they want to launch it with the PS5 so they PS5 doesn't have zero games at launch that weren't released prior.
I hope you are only pretending to be retarded
>doom eternal and even butterlord sell on a pandemic and do extremelly well
>noooo we can't release now, it's totally because of corona, its finished we swear
it's hurts when I remember how much I liked naughty dog
>Implying they need more than a month to manufacture all retail covers
"the game isn't actually in a launchable state and we are using the corona virus as an excuse to delay it further and say it would be a logistical nightmare when in reality its the best time to release since the world is stuck at home and a video game would be the best time past"
if that was the only reason all games with physical releases would get delayed.
>they had to delay it because ps5 has no gaemz and needs to compete with sexbox
At this point either FF7R or Doom Eternal will get GOTY. Which I have no problem with because FUCK TLOU.
FUCK SONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been waiting years for this game and now gets delayed again???!!?!
How is it that resident evil and final fantasy come out without any problem?
valve just released a game about an entire city being quarantined
And exclusively not on the switch™
They think gamestop and retail are still relevant to sales and don't want to sell online-only. Fuck them.
>PSN exists
nobody goes to the store to buy vidya anymore, user.
If you're not getting it delivered day one for free then you're doing it wrong.
I'm talking about games yet to be released
So, how shit is it running on PS4? I bet at 22fps with constant drops.
S O Yfags btfo
They want to turn it into a PS5 launch title and took this as a convenient excuse.
>doom scared of animal crossing
>tlou scared of xenoblade
I loved the first game, hated the expansion, and don’t give a shit about this.
all Switch owners either own a PC and a PS4, I don't know what you are getting at?
Are you telling me no one buys games digitally?
so online shops dont exist now? fucking retards, druckmann off yourself fucking bitch
You missed out the more important announcement
i hate modern naughty dog and this delay has absolutely nothing to do with development of the game, it has everything to do with not being able to produce enough copies and not enough physical locations
dont be a console warrior dipshit
Switch has an actual drought.
Xbox and PS4 atleast have multiplats
what the fuck has switch had besides a furfag simulator gacha lite ?
I'm saying PSN is not the only reason why any worries they have about the game not selling are wrong.
Just make Jak 4 no one cares about some shitty zombie game
I think a lot of people are using Corona as a convenient excuse to cancel/delay their stuff honestly
Like if E3 wasn't shaping up to be a dumpster fire I doubt it would have cancelled as early as it did.
nobody cares.
games like re3 are too close to delay
games like cyberpunk are too far away to have to delay yet
what a mess
>doom sells exceedingly well
>animal crossing sells exceedingly well
>bannerlord biggest launch on pc and selling amazing
>ff7r pre ordered skyrocketed after the demo
yeah, good excuse you got there
You're grasping at straws m8. RE3 is just around the corner and the negative buzz around it has nothing to do with the virus at all.
>doom scared of animal crossing
They released on the same day and Doom stood its ground mostly because it was targeted towards a different audience than AC was. Also DE made twice as much revenue as 2016 did so it's doing pretty damn good.
not a big loss for gaming
>Jak 4
Why do people care about this game?
Legit question
Cybertranny is next lmfao.
Xenoblade Chronicles is getting a remake the same day TLOU2 was coming out but it seems they were too scared to handle it?
>it has everything to do with not being able to produce enough copies and not enough physical locations
Bullshit, no other games are getting delayed because digital stores exist. They haven't shown of anything from the game in months outside of a few seconds of gameplay on Twitter, it is absolutely not even close to completion and they're trying to cover that up.
This thread is going to hit bump limit
>Both Sonyfags and Nintendofags are getting fucked by Corona
As a PCfag, i love seeing this.
Bannerlord didn't just get delayed but instead gets released a day early because corona
Are they talking about being able to release the game physically? Just go Digital only. What a shitshow.
Bannerlord is unfinished garbage.
it's coming out to launch with PS5.
Shut up, faggot.
expect this to happen more and more
there is also no way in hell the ps5 and the xbone 2 will release this year if corona doesn't get contained
NOOO! How long do I have to wait to experience exciting new and innovative gameplay mechanics like jumping and dodging!?
From that message it sounds like they are waiting on physical retailers to open. So it might not really affect anything.
Nobody with actual braincell care.
No one does. Except Sony, because they expect another truck full of awards for being "deep" and "moving" or some shit.
TLOU2 isn't being delayed because of a JRPG. Its getting delayed because Sony and Naughty dog are a bunch of incompetent fucks who think fag and tranny propaganda sells and the game is a technical nightmare.
higher ups at vidya companies usually aren't the smartest or most well informed
>Studio is built on crunch
>pandemic happens
>forced to let employees work from home
>suddenly can't force them to crunch
>suddenly can't meet the deadline
What a joke of a studio
wait what Ninty titles got delayed thanks to corona?
>Nintendofags are getting fucked by Corona
how? their most recent major release sold insanely well. the only major issues I've actually seen on their end are physical shortages and a smash character getting delayed.
But..gamestop wont open again ever