Only true Sonichads may enter this thread. Erafags, furries and obsessed Sonic haters need not apply

Only true Sonichads may enter this thread. Erafags, furries and obsessed Sonic haters need not apply

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What are these guys up to?

Attached: ES_Share.png (900x500, 325.45K)

I can't believe I missed the last thread by the way. Seemed pretty good.

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Robochads report in

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I hope Cream finds the keys to her basement soon so she can let her mother and G-merl out. This design is too based to go to waste.

Attached: G-Merl.png (720x900, 299.33K)

Will he be playable in the next mainline game?

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Yes...maybe? I don't know.

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What would he sound like? Has he ever appeared in a game other than Advance 3?

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I love Sonic

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>What would he sound like?
Like a robot?
> Has he ever appeared in a game other than Advance 3?
Nope. Him and Emerl only ever appear as unlockable artwork and Mii costumes.

Attached: EmerlMii.png (261x502, 170.22K)

I wish Metal showed up more.

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Feels good to be a Robochad

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No, he isn't Sonic

making sonic adventure 3 i hope

Absolutely livid how criminally underutilized Omega is. He’s essentially the comedic relief of Team Dark because of how sociopathic he is to the point of hilarity. Even in the fandom Omega is just kinda forgotten about. Only the comics have ever given him a personality, Omega’s just plain nonexistent in the mainline games and even in the spinoff games, he’s just relegated to being a cameo half the time.

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Press DOWN to ROLL!

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I thought a mild amount of furry was okay...

Nah, I'd rather run into shit and die.

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Robochads reporting in.

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Why can't Sonic cutscenes always be this based?

which comic is this from? IDW?

Low key I think Espio is the coolest looking Sonic character but he and his buds don't show up often enough for me to play as them.

still looking for that 3D sonic model someone made that looked just like Tyson Hesse's sonic

Attached: file.png (900x574, 243.34K)

It's Archie, this was from the first Megaman/Sonic crossover.

Be honest. What do you expect in the Sonic Panel this April? New games?

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This edit of the Unleashed model preceded Tyson Hesse, but may have influenced him.

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Nothing, as per usual.

I think it goes without saying that they're working on a new game, but it remains to be seen whether Coronavirus will push back the announcement.

I'm also still expecting like a Switch remaster of Adventure 1&2 or something like that.

no I remember a webm going around Yas Forums a few years back that was fully animated to have the spikes going in almost random directions like they do in the Sonic CD animations. I can't find it and it's killing me that it's nowhere to be found despite how I reword my google searches.

When will 3D Classic Sonic get a non cutesy model?

Attached: Toei vs Classic Sonic.jpg (1350x875, 201.91K)


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What is it with Orcas in Sonic lore that feel the need to try and kill him?

Attached: SonicAdventureWhale.jpg (620x350, 53.58K)

Is it wrong I kinda hope we see Elise again one day?

Attached: Elise2006.png (360x360, 100.6K)

Hopefully never, not that I want him to remain a cutesy bastard, but because I want Sonic to be confident enough in one universal design. Like, ever wish a game was never made purely on the basis that despite being great it caused more damage than good?

She should have been an animal like the main cast. She's be less hated, if still boring.

I dunno, maybe.
they probably ate some chaos drives.

I feel like trying some Game Gear/Master System Sonic titles, what would you recommend I try?

They help him out in the Heroes level of Gens though?

I wish for it everyday user but I have no hope for the games. And yet here I am desperate for a new game to give me hope.

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Clearly they were under the influence to help him since he restored their world!

>She should have been an animal like the main cast
We’ve been over this, she doesn’t need to be an animal, Elise just shouldn’t have been written like shit and the game shouldn’t have had an ugly as fuck Final Fantasy art style.

They should have just made Blaze the princess character, she already had the fire deal going.

The last minute and a half of this song is pure unmatched kino

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Blaze shouldn’t be in the game, they should just make Sonic Rush 3.

>because I want Sonic to be confident enough in one universal design

Honestly he doesn't need a universal design, even Mario has different looks in different games, the games just need to be ACTUALLY GOOD like Mania was.

Anyone else into Generations mods? Unleashed Project is kino and Fixed Classic Sonic makes the original Gens great with the exception of bosses still sucking.

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I'm just saying, if they HAD to have a fire princess character in the game, it should have been Blaze.

Personally I feel Sonic didn't need to be in Sonic 2006, it would have worked fine with just Shadow and Silver.

>We’ve been over this
Didn't know, don't usually take part in 06 discussions, but you're right about everything else.

I don't get why I enter these threads. I haven't enjoyed a Sonic game since Generations and Mania. Yet I keep coming back and playing fan mods.

I've been playing that P-06 mod for the 2006 game where a ton so far has been fixed. Playable Super Sonic, proper controlling, camera, etc. Makes me wonder how I was able to play and finish the original game 6 times when it first came out on PS3.

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>I haven't enjoyed a Sonic game since Generations and Mania.
I mean, we haven’t had a Sonic game released since Mania (and Forces). Last major update was Mania Plus and that was 2 years ago. It’s not like we’ve had anything released since then besides a spin-off racing title.


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Tails Adventure, Sonic Triple Trouble.

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But Amy?!

Making her a hedgehog is redundant. Changing her species just so the kiss scene is less gross doesn’t fix the core issue with her character.