What went wrong?

What went wrong?

>durr nothing went wrong it's the only moba I enjoyed
Well now the game's on life support so catering to those tastes clearly didn't help much.

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I'm not so sure what went wrong, out of all the MOBAs on the market I found this was the one that I kept having a good time with and coming back to.

Not enough female pandas to fug

It's the same thing that killed overwatch, catering to esports faggots instead of the people who actually play the game on a regular basis

>catering to esports faggots
By making the game impossible to carry, casualizing the game more with each update and ending the esports scene overnight?

I swear Yas Forums is the worst place on the internet to discuss any game that demands a skill investment. You guys literally have no clue what you're talking about if it isn't a single-player RPG.

Here's a detailed video about why it died.

Long story short, it came to the scene too late, it has an expensive moneitizing system in Alpha/Beta that turned everyone off to go play other F2P games.
Lastly, it had a forced esports scene that didn't grow naturally and that bubble popped once they pulled out.
Overall the game is really fun to play for the player and it focuses on teamwork, but that teamwork also makes it so the individual cannot shine dramatically like a "Dendi" carry in a traditional Moba setting.
This leads to a samey feeling that doesn't fly well with hardcore players and it's also not fun to watch.
The game is good, but it will never "succeed" in the commerical scene thanks to all these marketing flaws that's necesarry to break into the highly saturated and competitive genre.

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You can't carry so playing with randos is like cancer.

Really good video. That interview with Richard Lewis at 22 minutes applies almost 100% to Overwatch as well, and it's why that game's gonna fail too. It's just happening in slower motion because of all the outside investment.

removed tower ammo to make it more like other mobas

>>durr nothing went wrong it's the only moba I enjoyed
this but unironically

Garbage engine
Garbage controls
Tries to copy LoL but more casual
No mod tools
Overwatch heroes

Quickmatch and ranked can't coexists.

Blizzard can only make so many ripoff games before people get sick of it

They released Hots 2.0 in probably the worst state the game was ever in, balance wise.
It was horrendous. That was their literal last chance to be popular and they blew it with the Genji and Malthael party.

Attached: hots2.0.jpg (1280x720, 156.34K)

the games on life support because they dumped resources into overwatch and shitty remakes


>can't carry
Clearly you don't play Illidan

>the only moba I played *
fixed it for you blizzdrone

In LoL/Dota you can carry on literally any hero. Assassins, supports, junglers, whatever.

HotS just had a couple they accidentally gave the potential to. Illidan, Artanis, Genji. That's about it.

late top the party, people already have invested time and money on other mobas, there not gonna drop that and go to another

Casual BUT competitive
Lootboxes update

it's dead. No update since December.

Blizzard went wrong, doesn't matter how successful a company is women and minorities will run it into the ground.

They are working on OW. Which is also dying.

It just came too late to the party to get a significant share. DOTAfags and LOLfags are addicted to their respective games and aren't going to budge. That leaves a market that previously wasn't interested in MOBAs, but there's just not that many people.

I have nearly 10k games in it, over 6 years from pre-alpha. I enjoy it despite some of its flaws. It's a shame Activision pulled the plug on it because it's not a "sound investment" but yet they're still shoveling cash into OWL.

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You can get mvp on the losing team and your personal performance is what matters for who you get matched with in quick match. If you do ranked I can't help you, I play video games not work video games.

they couldn't hold their poke


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>Murky and Abathur and their unique playstyles are stuck in this dead game

mirelurk chads it's so cold

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don't forget Cho'Gall.
Best fun you could have if you have a bro.

Came out too late.
Was too party focused rather than solo focused
Had very little variety at a high level
All of which was fine, until 2.0 came out and completely ruined the monitization method.

Just because you don't like the game anymore or agree with where it's going doesn't mean it's dead you idiot.

I remember c9 left the hots scene after the first blizzcon (and they won) because it was obvious the game was going anywhere

Overwatch heroes
Poor launch and late adjustments

>All of which was fine, until 2.0 came out and completely ruined the monitization method.
The monetization method is good for consumers though. It's easy to get everything you want from the game without spending a single penny just by playing.

This thread isn't about Overwatch

Overwatch is more dead than hots they just have major sunken cost fallacy over it. Overwatch even started as the scraps of a failed much bigger project that took like 6 years of funding before that.


>when you and a bud manage to land the bomb skillshot

Shit was cash as fuck

It is dead.

You can carry in LOL, you idiot.

It's not activison dumb blizzdrone

Overwatch isn't dead. Competitive is. Quick play, arcade, and workshop all have insane amounts of people still playing.

Go back to where you came from underage little girl.

Oни caми ceбя пoгyбили, этo игpa мoглa бы cтaть пoпyляpнoй, нo нeт, нaм жe нaдo oблaжaтьcя

Play actual dead games faggots. I can still get games in Overwatch even if I played right now. I can't get games on AvP 2010 or Monday Night Combat.

how dare you speak to me.

Blizzard killed the dev team and also Blizzard destroyed whatever good will they had.


they banned me for calling someone a nigger
nublizz is so awful its not even funny, its not so much the games themselves but how they are handled - blizz always profited from the community fixing their communities and games, and they dont allow that anymore

its quite fitting they now go for the moblie audience

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It went on life support because of BFA being a failure, Starcraft Remastered not reaching expectations in hype and OWL was fucking garbage. This part is just speculation but they likely moved the staff around to fix their bigger core IPs. HOTS is a great game but I personally believe the people running the team has no idea why people like it nor the cool things they're doing. It's evident whenever a major change happens. We get haunted mines and it's fucking horrible garbage. So they fix it and rerelease the map. Map is serviceable and fine. Blizzard cuts the reworked map entirely. Then there was Hanamura which was so bad it was removed in like a week even though it was in testing for like 2 months of everyone saying it's fucking garbage. They rework characters who were ok to suddenly fucking garbage. It almost feels like they have some evil vendetta against Chen. Now that the team is mostly gone they finally gave up and left him alone as this unstoppable killing machine.

What i'm getting at is the game is a fantastic moba developed by a team that clearly cares for the game. There's nothing wrong with the game itself they did a good job. But they're working for a company that doesn't give a shit with heads bringing in ideas trying to sabotage the game as much as possible.


>my yearly reminder that mnc is dead
please stop

Heroes of the Storm is unapologetically Blizzard, the genre stems from Blizzard's iconic work in the RTS genre.

weird I called people nigger, faggots and retards all the time and never got a ban or a warning

the game failed way before bfa was released lmao

Oh is this just a shitposting thread? Dang.

Came too late so people already were playing either League or Dota. Which is a shame, because the amount of background detail/interactions in it is impressive.

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No, by pumping billions of dollars into tournaments, instead of developing the game so the fanbase can grow naturally

>pumping billions of dollars into tournaments
I remember this mid year toruney, it wasnt even the biggest one of the year but they flew 4 americans, chinese, korean and european teams to korea plus 2 australian, brazilian and south east asian teams (basically all dead weight for diversity) imagine just the cost of that plus caster and crew.

How did HotS understand the appeal of Sally Whitemane better than WoW did? I can't believe they did this to her.

Attached: High_Inquisitor_Whitemane_Legion.jpg (481x754, 67.01K)

Because the HotS team is the last remaining scraps of Old Blizzard.


Is Sam Wise still working there?

>late to the party when LoL and Dota2 where at peak popularity
>showed the game off when it was in alpha stage and all the models looked like dogshit
>characters where more expensive than the game it's competing against, LoL
>near impossible to keep up with new characters with only in-game gold
>kept the game in closed alpha/beta hell for too long
>had to play several games with each character to unlock all talents

people will blame it on gameplay but it's failure is all because of it's horrible early stages.

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Yes but he's really only ever done art stuff