What is it about Golden Sun that attracts so many autists that wants it to be revived?
What is it about Golden Sun that attracts so many autists that wants it to be revived?
I've tried to like this game so many times, but I just couldn't. I love JRPG's, but the story is bad and I think the only reason people says it's good is because of the twist ending. And they even fucked over that in the sequel
Slow paced story heavy on exposition and proper nouns that promises payoffs that never come while not doing anything too creative or weird that would alienate people.
You see the exact same thing with Kiseki and a self-deprecating version of this in Kingdom Hearts (due to being so whacko and mainstream that complete reverence by the majority is impossible).
There are a lot of people who are easy to snare in the sunk cost rationalization trap.
it has nice graphics and a good battle system. the rest is nostalgia
There's plenty of good if you look at it piecemeal. The music's strong, the aesthetics are nice, the djinn system is really cool in theory, there's a good core to the story. It's okay to admit that it has strong qualities in spite of the terrible writing and poor game balance.
Babies first JRPG, it's complete dogshit compared to the JRPGS from the 90s.
I know this isn't the thread for it but I totally agree with Kiseki. What point is there building up your world and characters if nothing is done with it? And you're continually grounded? Never feels like stakes are ever raised, and when they are raised, it is only to some degree before it comes back to Normalcy. JRPGs to me should take you to fantastical places or have sweeping moments that you can only find in fiction, not spending your time doing errands for anything but sidequests.
kys underage tranny
I think it was a decent JRPG on all levels except the dialogue. It's just the dialogue was so bad it drains massively from the rest of the game. The story was pretty unoriginal too.
Not really, it´s pretty good considering the graphical quality and the system is was released on, nothing groundbreaking but an IP that Nintendo forgot, I would accept that it is dead if not for the fact that the last game ended in one big cliffhanger, what the fuck?
Dead franchise, grow up.
I don´t think the story is unoriginal, at least it´s an interesting setting in which there is no "magic" it´s alchemy and PSY, also, the "flat earth" thing going on is something really cool and it ties into the story as well, wonder what lies below the waterfall.
I felt the same way. Bought it expecting a classic but it's just mediocre. I don't get why people would rather play Gden Sun over something like Super Star Saga or Mother 3.
I agree the setting is at least relatively fresh, it's just the
>You have to activate these things or the world will end
story and most of its plot points were pretty trite for a fantasy setting.
Kiseki's problem isn't that it lacks escalation, but that it relies on existing narrative framework built on continual escalation and doesn't bother to offer meaningful alternatives. It's eternal bluebells. Things will keep getting hyped up as reality shattering god rending power but the associated narrative agency and consequences are absent. It focuses on that unsatisfying combination instead of other, lower stake alternatives.
Or, short version: Rean being the omegachad could work if his role in the story changed to reflect that and the narrative stayed focused on the plight of Joe Schmoe in the wake of your typical JRPG bullshit, but instead they keep acting like the characters can't obliterate cities whenever that would be narratively inconvenient.
It's also piss easy and stretched out terribly long on fucking nothing. 1+2 are basically equivalent to the Magus arc of Chrono Trigger.
I don't really see how it's anything special or worth a revival. The game isn't exactly bad, but it's nothing worth fighting for.
Tales of Symphonia syndrome
Until the Switch, Nintendo consoles were starved of quality JRPGs leading fans to massively overrate the few good ones that arrived on each system.
See also Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii.
Dungeon puzzles and class creation.
That is all
Bait, Wii had Little King's Story and Sonic Chronicles.
babi's first jrpg. seriously i tried to play this once or twice but the beginning part is kinda boring.
>good music
>unique mechanics
>interesting dungeons/puzzles
granted I played this shit when I was a kid so maybe the story was retarded and I didn't realize it, but it had plenty of merits, especially being on a game boy
>characters don't target another enemy if their previous target is already dead and instead just waste their turn doing nothing
Fucking dropped.
>Sonic Chronicles
>cant mash a
>has to think about enemy HP pools for fights
Grug no like think
? Nigga, NES, SNES, GB and GBA were JRPG goldmines. The N64 shat the bed.
Well yeah I'm gonna be mashing A, because none of the enemies in this game REQUIRE thinking or strategy
Actual best gba jrpg coming through.
>GB and GBA
Not really, GB and GBA had rather weak selections overall for rpgs. GB had the occasional classic like Saga II or Pokemon but beside that options were pretty limited.
not that user but unless your fighting a boss, you want the game to do those sort of things with trash mobs.
Yes, the dungeons had great puzzles, and other mainsteram JRPG after it just felt empty on that department. Bravely Default, Octopath and Xenoblade are just hallways with some monsters, no puzzles, maybe only like dead ends or a
Hidden treasure behind a wall.
Just use spells that hit everything retards
>but the story is bad and I think the only reason people says it's good is because of the twist ending. And they even fucked over that in the sequel
really? what did you think was bad about the story?
I agree that the NES and SNES had good JRPGs but that was like 25 years ago. They have since gone through a long period without many JRPGs with the exception of the DS and 3DS handhelds.
But yeah, I should probably have specified "modern" or "recent" Nintendo consoles.
>still no RPG with actual puzzles in dungeons except lufia two or this
What jrpg inspired turn based indie games have actual dungeons?
The fact that a dungeons isnt just walk to the boss is the main selling point imo.
Oh yeah, sometimes I have to use wish too.
I wish we had more enemies like Star Magician.
Well, it had a lot of spinoffs, ports and re-releases, FF1,2,4-6, Tactics Advance, Sword of Mana, Breath of Fire, DraQue 1-3, DQ monsters, Mystery Dungeon, Tales of Phantasia, Megaman BN, Medabots(JP), and those SMT monster games too.
Switch has a shitload, finally, the Mid-Wii era to late WiiU era were dark times indeed, for Nintendo home consoles.
>I wish we had more enemies like Star Magician
You realize that fight isnt that hard right?
>kill deathball and heal ball
>fight for some time
Shit like the final boss using cruel ruin over and over is MUCH worse
Notice that zoomers are now nostalgic for that era.
The game is fun.
>each area has secrets that require solving puzles to access
Thats already better than 90% of jrpgs that think just walking to the boss or pressing a on a hidden wall is good design. The whole "hidden maze" idea where you walk into what seems like a natural barrier to find secrets is the closest thing jrps have to gameplay outside of mindless battles.
>actually defending that shit
It just makes an already slow as fuck game even slower for no other reason than the devs being incompetent as fuck.
Why are jrpg fans so dumb they literally cannot fathom doing anything but mashing confirm?
He плoхaя гpaфикa, мyзыкa дoвoльнo тaки клaccнaя, эcтeтикa, дa и + eщё в тoм, чтo oнa cтapaя и вызывaeт нocтaльгию
Golden sun has the worsf prose and most pedantic writing of any game ive played
Game's fine, stop being a retard and let people enjoy things. Nintendo forgot the IP anyway.
>Motoi Sakuraba soundtrack
>Innovative class/summoning system where setting up and activating your summons changes your class mid battle
>Zelda like puzzles in dungeons
>Ability to use your powers outside of combat
They aren't perfect but they're pretty good games. Too bad they didn't clean up their problems (endless exposition, one-dimensional characters) in the DS game, but the GBA games are pretty fun.
Yes, scariest shit, now they have the lowest standards "ah we do not need all those obscure games, just give us more mario :)"
Again, it makes the game slower because spells take more time than normal attacks.
Your game is shit, deal with it.
>25 years ago
My man the N64 was 25 years ago.
I thought the Djinn system was cool. It made your special attacks changing every turn, which introduced a level of strategy in setting up your special moves to be able to combo off well.
>jrpg combat not fast enuf
If this is your complaint about GS then you are delusional
The dialogue is its major downfall. The combat and class creation is still ahead of half the shit out there
Utility spells that can be used outside of battle.
Especially mind read.
The reason I liked it was BECAUSE it's got a basic bitch story and simple gameplay that isn't trying to be something bigger than itself.
If I want quality JRPG gameplay, I play FFV
If I want quality JRPG story, I play Chrono Trigger
If I want to coom, I play Atelier Ryza
If I want to coom AND have good gameplay, i play FFX-2
Golden Sun is basic. Which is good if you just want a simple fucking game, for those times when you just don't want to deal with anything else.
i love golden sun games and the class system but he's objectively correct that the fastest way to get through encounters is spamming a. also the dialogs fine its a childrens video game
>every area has platform style puzzles about lining up the right platforms to reach extra stuff
>every dungeon is about using positioning and character abilities to solve puzzles
>every town has secrets that require character abilities to learn of
>ends up with slight metroidvania progression where new abilities can unlock extra dungeons in early content
Sure the combat is simple and the story is basic but the rest is anything but.
>Zoomers, this is your mindset.
And if you want retarded dialogue and the most infuriating NPC to have ever been conceived (KRADEN YOU DUMBFUCK), you play Golden Sun.
>Love Golden Sun
>Wanted it to be revived
>Got Dark Dawn almost a decade later
Nah, they can leave it alone, thanks.
Xenoblade came pretty late into the Wii's lifespan.
you nailed it. to me no rpg comes close in terms of platforming & secrets
As I recall invisibility is pretty much the only ability you can really 'miss.' Everything else is just basically a matter of progressing to it.
As for the nature of the game's play out of battle it really is basic puzzling. I never remember it being too terribly complex.
The djinn system doesn't have a lot of flexibility. A lot of classes are just gimped versions of the main classes, although there's one or two mixups like Samurai and Ninja that do pretty well.
GS is very basic. That's kind of the point I thought
>people like game
>people want more of it
Wow fucking autists! Look at these retards! Liking games!
Imagine liking video games.
Sveta makes me coooom.
I don't know man. People are weirdly nostalgic for a lot of GBA games, maybe because it's the first thing everyone emulated so everyone remembers, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, etc. and, of course, Golden Sun which was pretty much the only JRPG on the system most people played back then. Game's pretty unremarkable compared to most JRPGs of it's time so I can't think of any other reason.
Whether an ability can be missed doesnt change that there are secrets all over you can only access later so returning to towns for additional dialogue isnt entirely pointless.
The point of making other classes is to let you get certain elemental summons off MUCH quicker. The djinni system isnt as great in 1 but the classes you can make in 2 are fucking great especially with the class equipment.
Simple combat can be appealing if you want just that, something simple.
I still wish the RH fanbase was bigger. That is an IP that is worth bringing back
Because of the Nintendo logo
Also because jesus christ alex needs to get what's coming to him already
you can miss growth as well as it involves changing from default classes. its not so much that the puzzles need to be complex, point is kind of that you have a lightbulb moment once you acquire a certain psynergy that gets you past an area where you'd been road blocked. whats also rewarding to me is having a overworld character mechanic that is directly tied to your progression and identity as a combatant character. I feel like that's something rare and novel to see in RPGs
God damn the ending of 2 and his comeuppance was so satisfying to me but knowing he is still around is infuriating.
Especially because you never get to face off against him going all out.
It's overrated nostalgia for people who didn't experience earlier RPGs.
>The reason I liked it was BECAUSE it's got a basic bitch story and simple gameplay that isn't trying to be something bigger than itself.
>uses Chrono Trigger as an example
>get more game
>game sucks
>fans wonder why new game doesn't come out
Did you even read? Chrono Trigger is what is wanted for a QUALITY story in a JRPG
reading comprehension for Yas Forums ESLs is really weakening now.