Animal Crossing New Horizons

Why do so many of you play as girls?

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you know the answer

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>tfw no girlyboy to bully with my cock

>tfw not a girlyboy that gets bullied by cock


Very interesting question in retrospect

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trannies get asshurt over anything

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If anything this just makes you seem even more pathetically obsessed, please seek help.

gays hate women tho

ok faggot

ok faggot

ok faggot

I had low prices all week and today morning is 142. Afternoon will be a huge spike r-right?

The person who made it is obsessed. I can still use it

You'll never pass

Gays love women. Incels hate women

shhut up faggot

God i fucking hate trannies and their fucking attention whoring, if i could press a button to instantly exterminate them all from the face of the earth i'd do it in not even one goddamn second

and look where it got them

ok faggot

Because I'm a huge faggot who wants to be treated like a girl and fucked senseless by a big strong man calling me good girl

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>animal crossing is now a tranny franchise

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ok faggot

they're doing 42% of that for you
have some respect

>imagine making this collage

every April fools is like this, it's pretty much a meme at this point

Nice, post discord


the name of the LGBT-flag catgirl OC so I can look up rule 34
any possible rule 34 of that "why do you play as a girl" thinking emoji comic

You're gonna get a lot of mad replies to this, Yas Forums doesn't like being shown how fucking gay it is.

Find any proof that42% of trannies are killing themselves. The highest suicide group is mentally ill males ie incels.

That's not true, i wish Yas Forums was more gay.

>mentally ill males
So.... trannies?

nice post, discord

Doubt it. You're the type to shrivel up when they see actual dick. Stop being obsessed with 2D

Trannies are girls!

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That's still not enough tho, the other 58% are fucking insufferable and a disgrace to this world

With all them avatarfagging as anime girls, you just know a good fraction are AGP.

Because I like girls.

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Imagine being in it

I bet some tranny fag drew this

I'm a fucking fag and I hate nothing more than women and trannies

I wouldnt be surprised if they were counted as chicks in this sorta thing.

How do you mark someone as a friend in-game?

Dear God...

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>Gender does nothing to restrict cosmetic options anymore
>There's no indication of your selected gender such as in the UI or passport
>It has absolutely no impact on any dialogue in the English version
>You can change gender whenever you want at a mirror anyway

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Sounds like you're so pathetic even a tranny turned you down :(

You retards ruin every thread

He does it every year. And every year people point out that the erp threads are made by the literal faggots at /trash/ out of their containment dumpster.

Being gay because women dont like you doesnt count.

I really wish there was more gendered dialogue, would be great if people pointed out that it's weird you're wearing girl clothes as a boy.
Makes it way hotter.

Because I'm not gay. I'd rather stare at a cute girl's ass when playing than a man's.

>implying that's not a tomboy that slowly turned into a more feminine look
Try thinking outside the box for once Yas Forums...

I'm curious, do cute tranners who get constant dick and positive attention kill themselves or is it just the shrek looking hons?

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Every day is pretty much like this

You dont speak for all of us faggo

Ahh the classical boogeyman, Yas Forums can never take responsibility for it's own fuckups and has to blame somebody else. Reddit, rosetta, /trash/, Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Tumblr, when will this board ever just admit it's fucking stupid and stop trying to deflect so hard?

Rates of suicide attempts among early transitioners are basically identical to cis women, so i think passing has a lot to do with it.

Give me that corona chan pic, the one that says "GREENING THREAD"

Good effort there mate, you sure got me

>turned you down
>implying any sane man would ever even consider hitting on something like THIS
How goddamn delusional are you freaks
If i had an adult son like this, i'd fucking kill it

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and that's a good thing

I hate faggots so much.

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What if you had an adult son like this?

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>I'm not obsessed, here's a compilation of 100+ tranny pictures to prove it!

>Why do so many of you

It's literally just a couple of trannies mass replying and spamming their own threads everywhere

That turned you down? Damn man. No wonder you're an angry incel.

Yeah but you're not sane, you're a schizophrenic incel.

What time does Able Sisters close?

It's mostly the ones that cut off their dicks trying to become women instead of just living their lives as gay crossdressers which will probably also kill themselves in their 30's unless they turn straight

You can't generalize that hard. Many gays are staunchly misogynist and believe they're far lesser than any man, while many incels would worship any woman that gave them the time of day.

The feeling's mutual retard.

>If I had an adult son
You will never get an adult son because you're already an adult and a virgin lmao

Are you saying you need to be a schizophrenic incel to even consider dating a transexual?
Wow dude, that's fucking harsh

9 pm i think.

This. While incels certainly make some good points about women at times, they would drop those beliefs in an instant if it meant getting some pussy.

Then we'd be spending a lot of father/son quality time together ;)

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That was mostly a joke though

>Screencapping your own posts 100+ times

All this proves is that the discord tranny raid meme is real and that Yas Forums was never an actual problem

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Daily reminder that trannies >>>>>> females. They are less cancerous.

t. Yas Forums reddit refugee