This guy makes shittons of money just playing fortnight for kids

>This guy makes shittons of money just playing fortnight for kids.

Why even live bros?

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I totally want to be remembered as a guy who played video games.

To one day see him realize that he isn't worth anything and overdose.

Playing is one thing. You also have to be an absolute cringelord in front of the camera. It's how you play the YouTuber game. Would you sell your soul for that?

instead you won't be remembered at all

You sell your soul for any job.

For a billion dollars? Yeah

>Why even live
Because I don't need a shit ton of money to be happy and live a NEET life

>Barely even leave your house
>Play games that you probably don't even like but know its the only way that it makes you money.
>Put on a fake persona no matter how shit you've been feeling.

This sounds like absolute torture. No wonder most of these guys become fucking nutcases.

Ninja a cute. CUTE!

To strive for a more meaningful purpose.

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There is no meaningful purpose in life, just enjoy it while you can.


I live because I know if I took myself out it would affect people who are still alive that I care about.

Also, I don't want to die, I just want to be dead. Dying in most cases is painful.

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I'm too shy, I wish I could get on camera and parade around all happy like that. Can a few of you watch me play RE2 and give me streaming tips?

You make your own purpose, user.

Why does that bother you? If anything you should be happy for the guy.

neither will anyone else on earth

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His eyes don't smile when he smiles. This dude's a psychopath.

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Nobody can actually fake a real smile for a picture user

Don't hate the streamer or the MLG pro.

Hate the audience.

To be fair there's plenty reason to hate Ninja lmfao.

name 4

You can if you're not dead inside.

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There really isn’t unless your a sperg

Not him but I can name at least one

He was the biggest streamer to use his influence as a streamer to have people banned for "stream sniping", when all they did was taunt because ninja and the people he was playing with hadn't left the match and were still watching.

You could just as easily say you make your own delusions. None of it has any real point, besides hiding that fact from ourselves with a semblance of purpose.

There is literally no reason to live in the 21st century. Everything our species has learned through blood, sweat, and tears over centuries has been undone in a matter of years.

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I make way more than this guy and look better

>Bans people for supposed "Stream sniping"
>Defends his retardedly childish behavior behind the guise of "Its not just a game bro!"
>Acts like a total cringelord in front of the camera for seemingly no reason other than to entertain the kiddies.
>Isn't even that good at Fornight but brags about how he's the best.


for a dollar? yeah

t.math major

some part of me does like the fact that a man with consistently retarded opinions devoid of any personality or any trait that would make him interesting has somehow managed to become both incredibly successful and quite famous
it turns out your boring average guy can strike it big and it only took a faggot like ninja to prove it


>t. zero ambition cuck

>it turns out your boring average guy can strike it big
Its been a thing through history, but it's always luck. Nobody cared who ninja was and nobody thought fortnite would be a succesful BR when PUBG was already doing ironman numbers, then look what happened.

>>Acts like a total cringelord in front of the camera for seemingly no reason other than to entertain the kiddies.
he isnt acting, he is a cringelord

Except the people being remembered for playing video games (ninja)

Fortnight eclipsed PUBG easily.

nobody will remember him though

That's just what being a performer is.

you really dont its more you work with the shit dice roll god gave you then you die

>pic unrelated

Yeah, that sounds like absolute hell user. Why do people do that to themselves?

It doesnt matter.

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>Why even live?
I don't get this sentiment; like you shouldn't even bother if you're not the absolute best?
what kind of asian parent bullshit is that

For as toxic as he is, he at least has some form of talent. Even if he does die to random kids all the time.

I'm pretty sure being a unique millionaire would be something worthy. Considering millions of this throw away generation will still remember him in their elderly years.

Through all that he still comes off like an angry insecure piece of shit though so its funny. He really does try to pretend what he does takes insane amounts of effort and should be respected. Making tweets like the shit about saying its just a game to try and pretend him throwing man child fits is anywhere near people who will be disappointed in a performance and want to improve. Compares himself to sports players and other shit.

Also one of the people to use the "hes famous so its okay" lines to defend some faggots "career" which god bless Epic i don't play their garbage but bless them for not unbanning that queer faggot. Ninja is gonna get off'd or overdose some day. Or fuck even somehow go bankrupt and lose it all with lack of discipline.

Why don't you?

At least my "image" won't be stuck to a shitty game

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Ninja is a faggot guaranteed. The first two are probably very accurate but lets not pretend like half these people aren't famous for just amping up how they already act.

But he isn't, this guy is fucking autistic.

he is an outlier. if you focus on outliers as examples of success throughout your life, you will always feel like a failure.

I totally want to be remembered as a guy who sat at his desk and was a good boy to his boss.
No, not really ;_;

He's not even playing Fortnite anymore, he's jumped onto the Warzone bandwagon.

who the fuck care about being remembered or not?
he's making millions by playing video games, while I busted my ass in school only to earn fucking 2000 shekels
fuck e-celebs

Ninja is the old pewdiepie, Yas Forums pretends to hate him because he's popular, ten years go by and suddenly he's based.

2nd one is my favorite. That whole shit was beyond cringe. Hes a fucking retarded manchild who acts like DSP in alot of cases but pretends its warranted because games are serious business. I mean i dislike people who down play other peoples hobbies/commitments no matter what they are but there is a difference between being an angry/disappointed adult and just throwing a fit. I know having done both. The issue is Ninjas a shameless retard with as much pride as he has shamelessness.

>fortnite was 10 years ago
Holy fuck bros...

Playing video games you don't like is miles better than doing something incredibly tedious like fucking excel sheets or even manual labor

wanting to be remembered has nothing to do with ambition. wanting to be remembered might as well be a mental illness.

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this guy is a trashbag and i'd rather die penniless than contribute what he does to society

The difference between Pewdiepie and Ninja is that Pewdiepie has barely done anything wrong, while Ninja is just in general a shit person who's done a lot wrong.

I dont hate either of these guys i just dont care about them if you dont understand with these type of people work they dont care how they have to act to make money pdp just shifted his crowd to keep the money flowing.Thats what i hate or maybe even envy about them they can drop there self respect to 0 to get the maximum amount of money.