Randy is based af

randy is based af
fuck the devs

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Other urls found in this thread:


Gearbox is already known for being a total armpit to work for. They're going down the EA route of just being unable to hire anyone.

Not watching youtube eceleb shit. Give me a run down of how and why he did it

I would feel sympathy if it wasn't for the blatant SJW faggot story they crammed into it. The story has always been shit but Jesus Christ this is sad. Put me off completely to the game and it's an overpriced game for what it is anyways. $60 for that shit is NOT worth it. No one I know plays it or talks about it. Even on here. No one cares about the game.


>everybody on Yas Forums agrees randy is scum
>but now that le news reading man made a video attacking him people rush in to defend him


e-celeb niggers and their horde of shills were a mistake

okay incel

How: Jew Why: Jew

ok niggercel

Americans rushing to defend their corporate overlords as usual.

He manages to repeat his intial info and thoughts for 15 minutes. Any news he has is always over and done with in 5 of those minutes. He's essentially padding his videos every single time just to hit that 15 minute mark

What is up with that Angry Asian?

That's commendable, not many people are able to do such a thing.

>Defending Randy Pitchford, even ironically
Yas Forums has hit a new low.

Randy Pitchford is just a massive cunt and is surprised when nobody likes him.
Didn't give Borderlands 3 devs bonuses for how well the game sold, which he promised them and now they need it more than ever.
He also shadow cancelled a guy's health insurance and laughed when he was asked why (Gearbox was of course taken to court on this).

More like YongNaw

Why do people watch yongsoi

Gearbox hasn't made anything worth playing since Half-Life: Opposing Force.

clowns on resetera and developer trannies. BASED

Lol why are people surprised? Everyone knows he’s an asshole

>keeps cp on his USB he brings around with him at all times
>self inserts in his game
>beats his employees and underpays them
>forces shitty memes and jokes in his garage game
Of course nu-Yas Forums loves him. Fuck tourists

>Randy's autistic behavior damages company image
>Directs shitty fucking games
>Gives himself a $12m bonus and stiffs his employees
The most based thing he's done yet.

Bruh why are his videos 15 minutes when all you need is the title.

are you unaware that Randy has been a stupid attempted-SJW for like the past 10 years? He's still a childlike simpleton who likes tits and toliet humor, but he's been pandering to all the Kotaku-likes for years.

Don't be mad because he's chad

I can hate Randy and the faggot devs at the same time. It’s very easy.

ceo of scumbag? Sorry I wanted to call ceo of racism.

>steals money from Sega to "develop" Aliens Colonial Marines, proceeds to claim he was the one to lose the money
>literally makes shit up straight in the eyes during the interview and the origin of their name ("we just heard from PR and they confirmed that the story is a fabrication")
>genuinely claimed that Valve was scummy because they forced people to buy THEIR own vr headset, when it supported every single SteamVR compatible headset, which is pretty much anything

He did it again. Kek.

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fuck the trannie devs

I mean, you'd do the same thing for the youtube money when he has a legion of drones willing to watch all of his videos start to finish.

only correct opinion in this entire thread

>keeps cp on his USB he brings around with him at all times
thats pretty based
but he killed the duke so fuck him to hell

10m is the minimum for 3 youtube ads, every youtuber whos videos are 10-14 minutes are gigantic faggots and you need to stop watching them


Don't forget pic related.

Attached: randy duke expansion packs.jpg (547x300, 41.99K)

This is what happens when faggot nobodies get money
>Buhu EA is evil
>Doublefine gets money and fucks everyone, publishers, their own employees, customers
>Gearbox gets money, fucks sega, their own employees, customers
>Youtubers get money, convince their friends to kill themselves, groom and molest children, become cuckolds

Reminder he also stole from sega to fund borderlands

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Because he's Randy Bobandy

Game devs should be thankful we let them live

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... is everything alright, man?


Need 10 minutes to be eligible for the full ad revenue of a video, and 15 minutes lets you have a mid-roll ad and increased search placement.

Guy literally has this shit down to a science, he can make 15 second tidbits last 15 minutes.

He can't keep getting away with it

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Why does Yas Forums hate Yong Yea so passionately again? Honest question. He just seems like another dime-a-dozen irrelevant vidya Youtube commentator.

If he can get away with cp, he'll get away with pretty much anything.

Yeah man, I'm good. Whatsup?

>recaps everything that has happened so far before finally moving on to the topic of the actual video
>this happens with every single video of his

He's a gook soi


Are these bonuses contractual, or was it just an idea floated out there? Makes a big difference

He literally made shit up about Survive for the views. Fuck genuine liars. He's no better than Randy.

i hate all ecelebs and virtuatoobers

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Very good user, you quoted the post. And over there is a cow. The cow goes moo. Can you say moo?

Probably contractual. There wouldn't be as much of an outrage if it wasn't.


Please donate to my Patreon!


What did he make up?

A parasite feeding off of the already empty carcass of games journalism.

Wrong. Brothers in Arms games (first two)

borderlands 1 was aight

How's his acting career in LA going, lmao

>Didn't give Borderlands 3 devs bonuses for how well the game sold
What, like 3 million copies?

How many times has gearbox been sued because of him?

Why is everyone reporting on Randy and Gearbox when no one reported on Judd and Dangen?

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>not giving SJW subhumans a handout
Wow this place has gone soft

You have to go back

Are you implying that actual SJWs aren't child-like simpletons?

>Konami forces you to buy microtransactions to see secret ending
He deleted the video because people were calling him out. He also made a misinterpreted for purpose opening cutscene analysis to praise Kojima. He never addressed the webm.
Ever since he's a laughing stock of the Metal Gear community.

Attached: message from dev team.webm (858x190, 2.66M)

Bonuses just invite nepotism and corruption. The idea that they're necessary for people to do a good job is ridiculous.

>Keep working on confirmed pedophile who was already caught on embezzling funds
They had it coming lmao

Robotic voices are in high demand.

>despite on BL3 success
It's not that big a success if he doesn't have the money to give them their bonus...


>Update: Valve has informed us that Randy and Gabe didn't meet until after Valve had shipped Half-Life, making Randy's story seem ... well, unlikely. We're trying to find out what happened right now
>Update 2: Well, we just heard from PR and they confirmed that the story is a fabrication. Pitchford is apparently going to get in contact to explain what happened. We can't wait to find out his excuse for taking advantage of our Pollyanna-esque faith in the inherent goodness of people, and, by extension, telling tall tales to you, the people who are buying his games.

>>Youtubers get money, convince their friends to kill themselves, groom and molest children, become cuckolds
Only correct portion of your post. You forgot trannies at the end

I'm implying randy is worse than most because he's got no integrity, even though as far as his work history goes, he should, especially with regard to shit like Duke that's botched horribly like he never cared at all


wow....88/12 really makes you think

Whats this guys name again?

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Any proof that he's actual racial jew? That would explain everything if true. He doesn't look like jew tho.

He literally took the $12 million bonus for employees from publisher for himself.

>ask a question
>get the answer
>throw a bitch-fit because you don't like the answer
Denial doesn't make facts any less factual, it just makes you retarded.

I fucking despise his shitty low-effort thumbnails.

Literally redd.it the post. Get brain cancer and die

That was in 2016....


>Yas Forums is always hating on Randy for being an absolute scumbag
>nu/v/'s reddit fanbase supports Randy, as seen in this very thread
Truly the dark days for Yas Forums(nel)

devs are lazy talentless interns
good on him

Consider suicide... whoa...

>Ever since he's a laughing stock of the Metal Gear community.
user the entire "Metal Gear community" hates survive whether based on the blatant misinformation spread about it or not, the game never stood a chance.

I just dislike that he does nothing but slowly read reddit posts for his videos. And he only touches on big topics that will get him views and nothing else even if it is just as severe, eg. Dangen.

People actually know who Randy is.

I know you're trolling to impress kids on Yas Forums but if you suggest suicide and the person goes through with it you CAN and more importantly WILL be charged with involuntary manslaughter. Please think before you post next time I get Yas Forums is le edgy and shit but I don't want you to be put in prison when you post that to the wrong person. For now I will report your post to the mods so they can delete it(mods please don't ban me for announcing a report I am not doing it to piss him off only to inform him) and you can have a fresh start.

jesus fucking christ kill yourself

it was dogshit

>Unable to hire anyone

EA is a great employer. I know a guy in middle management at EA sports. It's their subsidiary studios that they buy up that have varying work conditions. EA is a primo job to get.

Yas Forums has always been a right wing site. Learn board culture faggot
He earns a few respect points from since he won't release an ancient shit game. Plus if it makes Yas Forums seethe, I love it
It's the kikes
No one is supporting him because its randy you brainlet. People are just happy to see liberal devs getting fucked
Please blow your tiny brain out all over the wall

He "respects" Jason schreier and those faggots

Shitty pasta B.

imagine wasting your talent in gearbox

holy shit what a sperg

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This is where Epics extra cut goes to, to BADASSES like Pitchford

>People are just happy to see liberal devs getting fucked
We don't know if the developers are liberal you fucking tard. They're mostly faceless to us, people doing a job.
Randy is a fucking liberal though.
Also, you're talking like a Yas Forumsfag meaning you're likely mentally challenged

Why do Gearbox employees keep acting shocked and surprised about getting fucked over?
These people are as foolish as Berniebros lmfao

ok retard

did anyone play the latest dlc yet?i cant even bring myself to reinstall it after that garbage GAYS AND WOMEN STRONK storyline i passed as well as once fucking again they make lilith the center of attention when everyone hates her

Did they really sell 3 million copies or are you a dumb nigger?


Hes not wrong you pitchford apologist.

Even if not contractual, it's still a huge dick thing to do. I can't imagine a team of 20 something programmers and artists know anything about the law. It's obvious they were taken advantage of.

Wrong. Game devs are overwhelmingly liberal fags. If a few neocon fags have to suffer too, I'm fine with it.
Also, guess what Yas Forums is here to see niggerfag

>everyone i dont like is a jew xD
rent free inside your head faggot

>user the entire "Metal Gear community" hates survive
That has nothing to do with it.
>whether based on the blatant misinformation spread about it or not, the game never stood a chance.
So it's alright to actually lie, if it's about a thing people don't like or don't care about?

Because he actually covers video-game journalism topics quite decently and neutrally.

did i miss the latest Yas Forums shitstorm? who got outed as a cuck or is this yet another round of "Yas Forums calls everyone they don't like a cuck"?