With the exception of an occasional "WoW is shit" thread, why doesn't Yas Forums ever talk about MMOs anymore?

With the exception of an occasional "WoW is shit" thread, why doesn't Yas Forums ever talk about MMOs anymore?

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Because MMO's are games that roll out content updates slowly, which means all discussion is run into the ground and any attempt to talk about whatever new update comes out is 3 months of back to back shitposting about the several hours of new boss or new story before you go back to doing the same boring grind.

Look at all the XIV generals that the jannies refuse to clean off of Yas Forums. They have nothing to talk about because content is a million times slower than discussion of it, so their threads are the same identical shitposts over and over again. /vg/ was practically made for games with content updates and you don't need to be on that """board""" long to see what happens with communites like that.

The only people left who play MMO's and still enjoy them are the ones smart enough to only resub once or twice a year, or hypercasuals who don't do content fast enough to be bothered by the slow rate more content comes in. Everyone else just plays actually good singleplayer games or actually good multiplayer games, MMO's are the lukewarm retard child of both.

that dragon seems out of place, like it has been inserted onto the image.
Did Blizzard really? oh no no

MMOs are for trannies and addicted boomers, unironically. Go see any WoW/FFXIV thread and you'll see the utter degenerates that inhabit the genre.

Most normal people moved on to gacha games for their online RPG fix.

The genre is dead. No one wants to pay subscription fees and WoW is a husk of its former self. The communities on these games now are absolute cancer and don't even like video games. They want everything just handed to them.

Until they make an MMO that isn't specifically catered towards extremely autistic people is the day I might care about them again, everything about these fucking things is numbers, watch any blizzard stream from the past few years, numbers, progression, player satisfaction, progression, scaling, spreadsheets, numbers, progression caps, numbers
it's like no one even gives a fuck, it's like they had their souls literally sucked out, how could I possibly care about a genre, where the creatives and the people who make this shit never had fun anywhere on their agenda? I remember when MMO players used to make fun of eve players for that shit.

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There are multiple ffxiv threads surrounding this thread.

Yas Forums is largely underage and has never even played an mmo that isn't just a wow clone.

ffxiv isn't an mmo. It's a singleplayer themepark with some co-op at the end.

We get like daily threads
>what happened to MMORPGs
>what would it take to fix the MMORPG genre
>they look at this *shit* new MMORPG
>what did you like about that old MMORPG
>what kind of MMORPG would you make if you had infinite resources

Personally I don't play MMOs because they all turn out to be street fighter button mash combat with dance dance revolution jumpnrun out of fires. I quit WoW in 2016 when I was staring at the action bar reacting to 5 new procs instead of looking at the graphics and the action going on. I can't fathom people actually like watching the action bar and wanting it even more faster, but it's how it is.
Obviously I'm in the super minority since there has been no MMO with more slow, strategic combat, planning your gear, talents, etc. I can only find that stuff in singleplayer games.

Here's my first time MMO experience in 2007, oh man what a time.

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>ywn round up your Mountaineer / demon-hunter bros and tackle the legendary dragon of Stranglethorn

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They need to make games more player driven.
Imagine if you could properly set up shop somewhere and sell wares as a player as opposed to just dumping shit on the AH, you'd create a whole new ecosystem and give endless hours for people to do.

Because MMOs are shit and haven’t been fun in years

>I quit WoW in 2016 when I was staring at the action bar reacting to 5 new procs instead of looking at the graphics and the action going on
that is also one of the big reasons i quit WoW. it's not even a game anymore. it's just a bunch of daily chores you have to do and in combat you look at UI 90% of the time rather than the actual game

>Until they make an MMO that isn't specifically catered towards extremely autistic people is the day I might care about them again
What fucking MMOs have you been playing? They went to shit once every dev/publisher went after the wow gold and casualized the fuck out of genre. Now every MMORPG is designed so that you can play it even if you have 5 minutes a day to spend on it. They require absolutely no communication and everything is made easy so that you can get your satisfaction instantly.

Tons of really fuckin' bad games feature this option.

I'll take your bait but you realize that was a screenshot that was taken pre 2004? It was in the original boxart for the game's physical copy release.

What's stopping you from doing that now?

>Gacha for RPG fix


>Why is there no blablab
>No not that one
>Not that one
>That one doesn't count either
>My question is actually why aren't there positive WoW threads anymore.


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Don't like the whole muh optimization mentality nowadays either. If I want more atmosphere, more RP, more immersion, more PvE I get called a carebear. I don't want to have to literally, like literally study a class in and out so that I can compete with other Mage DPS degree holders for my group spot. Especially if I know it's not even needed and as long as I follow a guide somewhat, I can do enough DPS to clear the content.

WoW is the only MMO and WoW is shit.

Because WoW is shit AND was successful, which made every game try to emulate it in order to try to be successful, and the end result is that now every MMO is shit.
And also having 10 people in the same place is no longer novel.

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You are a genuine zoomer if you think ffxiv or modern wow is even close to what a real mmo can offer

MMOs went to shit for the most part
>F2P packed to the gills with brazilians, chinese and russians with a pay to win model
>cloned korean grindfests with a pay2win model that became pay2compete because the playerbase just accepts paying $100 a month for cash shop items
>WoWclones that dont have the few things WoW got right so its somehow a shittier WoW
>Games that actually have all the shit people think they want but its so bogged down with features and controls and materials to enable expansive customization and player buildings that nobody is willing to sift through the 1200 page manual to play it

They're all shit.

>It's not a game in x genre because I don't like it
>Again, my question was never the question I asked, it was why don't we talk about classic wow.

>I don't want to study
>I want to roleplay
This doesn't work, yo. You're not getting through the roleplay doors until you've studied and analysed the entirety of the tao te ching and the art of peace.

Not that guy but obviously the auction house. It's more comfortable not talking to anyone and just doing a few clicks with an addon or somehshit you can put in 100s of items in a few seconds instead of haggling for one item with a player.

And here we have the FFXIV tranny in it's natural habitat. Screaming and shitting it's pants when called out. Let's watch some more shall we?

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>Called out

You sure got me. I guess nobody talks about MMO's on Yas Forums then. Now there will still be multiple threads hitting the bump limit while this one dies. Oh well, I'm so gotten time to get.

Sage goes in all fields btw my guy.

>he doesn't like 14
>that MUST MEAN he's a WOW FAG
This is up there as the funniest shit I've seen all week. They're the same bullshit.

Listen buddy. FFXIV is more like a lobby co-op game. Is Path of Exile an mmo now too?

Because the only good one (DDO) was just shut down.

FFXIV isn't an MMO. You will never be a woman.

What are you going on about?

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the MMO fad is over

gacha is the worst genre in existence, even worse than mmos, and only degenerate weebs play them

What are you talking about, DDO's still there. Made me check though.

There's nothing to fucking talk about. No new mmos come out anymore really, unless they're overhyped "games as a service" shit like destiny or the division, or they're kickstarter garbage that dies before it's ever finished (IE star citizen, that game I already forgot the name of that ran with 8m in funding like a week ago).

What do you want them to talk about? Go check out ff14 threads on /vg/, or here on Yas Forums, it's all thinly veiled ERP shit or crying about how their pugs are retarded.

>They're the same bullshit


>why doesn't Yas Forums ever talk about MMOs anymore?

This is the original question that started the thread. You are now saying the game is a MMO...defending my point.


I dont mean RP in the sense of actually playing character with backstory and fire camp and inn stuff. More like if I play a Paladin I want to have skills that actually make me feel like a Paladin, being the best in dealing with Undead or something. A shaman who can talk to too strong animals in an area so my group can pass or shit like that.
But nobody wants that shit. Everyone wants to press 1 for 7658225 damage, press 2 for 3738856 damage over 10 seconds, press 3 and 4 and 5 for 3545477777 damage and repeat. Which is fine if they like it, for me it's too boring.

How dense is your skull
Neither modern wow nor ff14 are mmos
I wouldn't argue if you wanted to call classic wow an mmo, but it's pretty damn unremarkable for one.


This was DDO back in the day. It's gone now.

because Guild Wars 1 is only played by boomers, ESO only played by retards and Guild Wars 2, the patricians choice, is shutdown by a bot whenever a thread is started. There are occasional FFXIV threads though, which is probably top three in terms of population.

Currently, in lockdown, I'm playing through GW Prophecies again with some mates.

I actually played it for like 5 hours before giving up because a lot of the story and some UI elements were untranslated by the fan translation. I liked the gameplay though, the tank class with the wand.

Which brings us back to
>Not that one (ffxiv)
>Not that one (modern wow)
>My question is actually why doesn't Yas Forums talk about and like classic WoW?

There's no obligation to talk about "new new new". As you say, there are almost no new MMOs. Luckily, there are plenty of old ones, with established communities and histories, and those are where you want to be anyway.

the bot is gone a long time ago

Because MMOs are just glorified shitty action games with some multiplayer thrown into it.

They play more like a dark souls game (as in, mainly a single player experience with some optional multiplayer on it rather than actually build a world around the players to interact and control)

The gameplay is one thing, personally i liked to play more strategically but i guess everyone has a hard on for action like reaction-based gameplay with mindless button mashing rather than actually itemize and plan out accordingly.

Also most games dont even bother to make it a multiplayer experience, they just make everything doable as a single person which defeats the whole purpose. Using a random dungeon finder was a huge mistake.

I don't give half a fuck about classic wow.

Right, these are exactly the non-mmos that has a hard-on for. Thankfully, there are a fair few real mmos out there.

>normal people
Oh boy, the coping!

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Those established communities are usually VERY wary of newcomers, and sometimes go so far as to shut them out or ruin their experience outright because new people just aren't in the clique. EVE is a great example of that. Sure, everyone still playing multiboxes, but there hasn't been a legitimate new player on EVE in like a fucking year and a half because they all just get blitzed to fuck and back.

No one WANTS To talk about old fucking games because they've been talked to death, and we know everything there is to know, there's no excitement, or mystery, or intrigue, or reason to discuss. NEW games are still fresh, until everything's fucking ruined by dataminers.

Eve being cutthroat is half the point. Plenty of games aren't Eve. Most older mmos LOVE seeing new players.

The ~mysteries of the game~ aren't the point. They were never the point. The people are what make an mmo engaging, and you can't look those up on a wiki or a data dump.

Right, these are exactly the non-mmos that (You) has a hard-on for.

I don't play MMO's anymore. I'm just not going to generally respond to you retards non arguments that have nothing to do with OP not knowing how to make a thread, in which he said why does nobody talk about MMO's, when on my screen it was above and below FFXIV threads.

FFXIV demonstrates no qualities related to mmos. No discussion of FFXIV relates to discussion of mmos.

>they're not the point
they're the point when you want to discuss it, and they're absolutely the point to newcomers. If there's no intrigue, and the game world has been distilled down to an optimal leveling guide and fasttrack to endgame where all the other fucking players are, they're going to be less interested in playing.

Something isn't not a MMO just because it doesn't have your favorite MMO features. FFXIV is indisputably a MMO.

take the RoRpill, op

>Massively Multiplayer Online game
How often do you ever interact with people outside your guild or the random LFG system?

Well, yeah, you're not wrong. But there are other ways of having a game draw you in besides mechanical obscurity. The regular gameplay loop really takes a second foot to what an MMO can really be.

Just being something isn't designed the way you want it to be doesn't mean it's not part of the genre it's part of. You don't have to like something for it to be in a genre you generally like.

I can't think of a popular game today that is like any of the classic MMORPG's.

Guild Wars 2 is more of an action game with, IMO, interesting world design that encourages exploration. It's fast, and the ability to dodge, avoid damage makes it feel less like an old RPG

Guild Wars 1 comes closer to an RPG, with proper builds designed to deal with certain situations, but it's still very action oriented, and the party based combat and mission structure make it feel more like an action RPG.

Obviously there's no objective definition for "mmo", but c'mon, there are clearly very broad aspects of wider community interaction that good mmos have always heavily emphasized that modern wow and ff14 have completely and utterly left by the wayside. Calling ff14 the same genre as a game built entirely on community interaction just because they both happen to involve playing persistent characters is disingenuous. They're absolutely nothing alike.

Who's dick I would suck for a proper Gw1 Gw2 hybird. Or at least a actual pvp community.

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All those 'real' mmos that come out are dead WITHIN A MONTH

Why would people talk about them?

Like there was hype about Bless because it had furry titties, but every time a game like that comes out there is absolutely nobody talking about it because apparently the game sucks balls, so nobody even tries it because everybody has already heard it sucks balls. Furthermore there's almost no conversation about it in the media because most of the MMOs are from chinese companies, and the video game media is all dominated by shills.

There is literally none, and I've played most likely all of them. WoW, Rift, ESO, Wildstar, SWTOR, GW2 I can remember playing. They have somewhat of a glimpse of old school MMO design until around 2013 where they turned to LoL Street Fighter button mash.

People don't even talk in LFG unless you are a raid tranny actually staying subbed for that dogshit. In that case I laugh at you. FFXIV is a single player RPG with a chatroom (your FC) unless you are one of the obnoxious subhumans in the RP community or Shout chat.

-t. Been playing FFXIV since ARR, Eureka was the only MMO-like content they game had.

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>, there are clearly very broad aspects of wider community interaction that good mmos have always heavily emphasized that modern wow and ff14 have completely and utterly left by the wayside.

But they are still there. And they are still in modern MMO's. They are just, in your opinion, shit.

You even said "good mmos" in your own post. T

Something being shit doesn't mean it's in a different genre. Daikatana is a fucking fps, I don't care how bad it is at it, it's still a fps. FFXIV is also a MMO, I don't care how bad it is at it, it still is. So is nu-WoW. An argument that something like Vindictus isn't a MMO because it's closer to something like Monster Hunter is a valid argument, but now you are just saying you don't like new MMO's and not that they aren't MMO's.