Risky Rain

Risk of Rain thread

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>Risk of R*ddit

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9 crit glasses
harvester scythes
predatory instincts
ukelele, bands, ATG, etc
then just stack bears and hooves, then syringes
the vagrant boss item is amazing if you can get it

This is assuming you're using the laser turrets, of course.

Why 9 instead of 10?

host when

can anyone host a Glass game?
I'm tired of playing with scrubs that die in 3 seconds and close the game
and my internet is too shitty to host

Instincts and Scythe both give 5% for the first one you pick up

>popular thing bad because my corporate overlords said to not like it
>unpopular thing good because my corporate overlords said its good
Every day is exactly the same.

I miss stacking a billion missiles in ror1
:( why cant ror2 missile increase proc

can we stop bitching about the game/discord trannies/other people's complaints and instead bitch about the lack of hosts?

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Bros be honest

What are the chances we get a shitty new character instead of a boomer old one

Chad Boomer RoR1 veteran here. I hate the new characters

im not playing this game until they add all of the content without having me do unfun "challenges" i dont want to have to do fucking work for content with rng and wasted time with it

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Why do you want the same characters in a new game?

We have so many shit characters, they could've shown some creativity and add like 2 or 3 original characters (maybe 4 for a complete OG run) and then the rest new shit. But no, people are against new stuff.

Also Discord is unironically for trannies

I meant as in skills

just edit the xml bro

Why yes, I play on Drizzle and have casual fun, how could you tell?

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This tier list is objectively the truth i will refute anyone who refutes it

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Huh, did not know that.

You felt the urge to tell everyone.

you're not a lucklet are you?

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commando is at least a tier higher

You save pictures of near naked men like a faggot.

you mean lower

>Why do you want the same characters in a new game?
Not the same if the game is now 3d instead of 2d, they play differently but still have the SOUL instead of the jew Gearbox hand in them like the new ones, remember this is still Risk of Rain and we need the old characters, if they wanted to shoehorn new ones they should make a spin off instead of a sequel, besides, I dont remember anyone saying they didnt like how they made the engineer, huntress and commando playable when the game got in steam for buy because it was a sequel, in fact I remember most people saying they didnt like the new ones
>We have so many shit characters, they could've shown some creativity and add like 2 or 3 original characters (maybe 4 for a complete OG run) and then the rest new shit. But no, people are against new stuff.
Well yes, they should bring the old stuff and THEN add new stuff, that is how sequels work, user. You cant just remove old things people like.
>Also Discord is unironically for trannies
Agreed, they are also bot spammers

Is Huntress' alternate primary good?

Commando definitely goes a tier higher if you use the unlockable scattershot alt fire

a commando with optimal items is not as survivable, mobile, or damaging than an engi or rex with optimal items. If anything i would put him together with hanD and move huntress one tier down because she has way more problems

but then i have to cheat and its like what the fucking point

Spider mines are always better and the shield is always better.
Stationary turrets are better than the laser ones unless you're playing with Vengeance on.

Its okay. I feel its worse at the start but it scales much harder into the late game

his damage is still not as good as the others and neither is his mobility.
however with strides of vengeance i would make an argument that he leaves shitter realm and becomes just as good as the top boys

Doesn't it have halved procrate?

I'd say huntress deserves to be higher at this point, the recent buffs to her cooldowns on rainstorm/ballista as well as all 3 alt skills being objective improvements to her default ones puts her above the likes of the other 3

What happened to that guy that said he was going to do a glass monsoon run? Did he bitch out?

strides literally just makes him bad-bandit

arti's better than mando, huntress, and mul-t, gitgud

all Yas Forums is these days is exactly that
all bark no bite

where's your bungus bro

>Stationary turrets are better
Wrong. They're just easier because all you need is to stack bustling fungus for them to be gud. Get goathooves and active healing and walking turrets are just as unkillable but do more damage.

The alt shift isn't necessarily an improvement, it can't move you vertically, the total distance is less, and there's less synergy with afterburner.
The alt m1 isn't necessarily better either.
None of them really changed the problems she has, either.

it shoots 6 shots on crit, with all 6 of them getting crit damage, so your crits essentially do triple damage with what I assume would be doubled proc chance.
so yeah pretty good, assuming you can get enough glasses, which with command is guaranteed.

>I don't want to play the game! I just want everything unlocked!
>Then unlock it?

Where do i even begin with how shit huntress is. Even with like 10 syringes her basic attack is still slower than every other character, so good luck proccing on hit effects. so you say okay her secondary ability is great so ill just stack backup mags. yeah the damage is great but her animation is so fucking slow you're likely to just fucking die while you slowly throw them out. Her blinks are good, no real problems there. And as for her ults, for being such long cooldowns, you really deal hardly any damage, and in the arrow storm's case, hardly any slow.

then what do you even want
you don't want to earn them
you don't want to unlock them with the click of a button
make up your mind snowflake

>Get some Artifacts and play with friends
>They want to turn Spite off
They're like little babies

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nice bait heres a (You)

Yeah but you fire double arrows on a crit to compensate

>Sniper getting majority votes
Why the fuck do people want him instead of literally anything else on the list

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right here my friend. ended up with six and afk'ing through a mastery skin

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Nearly shat myself, stupidly decided to go for chaos when I got to Sky Mead*ws, my turrets already had several ukuleles and the brilliant behemoth when I went there. Scariest few minutes of my run.

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justify your claim. without mobility, she just gets roasted by enemies because her only dodge is also her alternate ult. her auto attack has a fucking cooldown on it to limit your damage output. both her secondaries have such a long charge time that by the time they came out any other character could have dealt the same or more amount of mayhem with a basic attack. Ice wall can be helpful but usually is just a shit gimmick.

Can someone post cheat to unlock everything?

Stationary turrets are objectively better even without bungus. The range is much longer, you can place them in a good spot and have them actually stay there, they won't get lost or wander off god knows where, they won't fall off cliffs, and they can actually take advantage of the shield.

I genuinely like the walking turrets and find them more fun to use, but they're objectively worse, and no bungus is the least of their problems.

swap huntress and acrid and I completely agree
huntress has enough mobility to survive consistently even with the low hp

I know how you feel. They just don't understand.


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excellent work fellow bungoid

it's not even that bad especially when compared to risky one

here's my justification
you're shit at arti, gitgud

You put mercenary way too low

so they can camp in a corner and shoot the boss from far away because they are shit at the game

Not an argument, try again.

when is mando's roll going to get Iframes?

cheers brother

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Guys, I think Command is breaking the game for me just like it did with RoR1. Once you have the ideal build right off the bat all the challenge and fun drains out of the game.

>If I fly around and never die, I'm clearly doing well.
t. arti main on stage 3 20 minutes in

They did buff her default basic attack speed a bit though it is still slow, I'll give you that, but her alt one is considerably better.
The glaive animation improves with attack speed and becomes a non-issue once you have a couple of attack speed items.
Ballista/Rainstorm cooldown got a 5 second reduction and while it's still too much, it's a considerable improvement, also
>ballista deals hardly any damage
What the fuck are you smoking

I dont prefer him but I dont hate him either, I prefer him instead of new character, fuck a new character gib old SOUL ones

also 100k damage in a sec but in 3d sounds fun

You're not supposed to use it just by itself.

You have no argument either, gitgud drizzlet. Arti is stronger than mando, huntress, and mul-t. Learn to rotate your kit, there's your hint you shitter lmao

>*gets sniped by a wisp while they were zooming in*

while acrid's mobility is lacking at the beginning, poison bullshit more than makes up for it. With some energy drinks and maybe a quail or two you can become pretty much uncatchable, and just run in circles spitting into the horde until they die.

huntress, while more mobile, honestly deals piss poor damage.

That's why you enable Spite, Evolution, Swarms and Vengeace
Command always made the game easier, that's why you never ran it alone.

because he has a unique playstyle unlike the other character bloats in the roster

literally the only character that gets serious work out of crowbars, and would be especially in this game where every fucking hard hitting attack has some gay field that pings enemies for like 20% damage.

Post engineer fungus memes

Not an argument, try again.

never, hopoo sucks cock and said never ever
thanks for admitting you're shit, now I don't need to prove it

I was hesitant to try spite, beause I pretty much only play merc, but it is just an improvement to the game even as a melee.
it's pretty much the only thing that keeps me from just standing still and clearing the map late game.

Rex can do that already

Sniper was my favorite character in RoR1 and even though he obviously won't play the same I think he can still work.

Also memeing on melee characters in multiplayer with spite on by instakilling bosses as all the meleefags rush in and die to funballs.

dont forget sacrifice so you have even more limited items. i never run command without sacrifice otherwise you get too many items too fast

anyone who shittalks sniper is a retarded zoomer who hasn't played RoR1. you could not "just camp" with sniper

Why is this garbage game still getting posted that much in Yas Forums? Go make a fucking general on /vg/ or something.

Repeating yourself just means I've won. Please give me more you's drizzlet

as much as I hate to cry about items, aegis needs to be removed or reworked because at a certain point you can just have a shield from it endlessly

Not an argument, try again.

stop feeding the troll

only one I have

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Smash isn't a videogame nintendo drone

Either people don't realize how he'll work in 3D (badly) or they never played RoR1 and want snipey shootman. There's a reason he was scrapped in this game. Hopoo are fucking idiots for including him and Han-D in the poll despite already trying and failing to implement them.

Put on swarm, spite, vengance, evolution, soul, and honor if you really want the challange back.
Chaos is if you want to suffer

this game is unsustainable on /vg/ and it just got an update. fuck off back to your smash thread

>Stop talking about video games on the video games board! You just killed a R3make thread!

I finally got around to play the first game today, even beat a run with merc. the final boss was really intense and fun I'll most likely play more.
I can tell why it's so popular and why some people don't like the second game as much as the first.

i will say i have not used her new auto so if it's better then sweet. but she does not deal as much damage as the top chars nor have mobility to make up for it


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Hey guess what moron, this game is 3D. Have fun trying to "line up" enemies in an open field.

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if i make this list again i would actually put loader below engineer. its damage is great to start but once you get 30 minutes in dealing one big punch every 8 seconds starts not cutting it anymore, even if it is still super mobile. i would argue visions of heresy fixes this a bit since if you go into auto lategame you will melt

not as much as the top characters, no, but she's still way better than MUL-T and Commando.

>Not responding just to spite him
Reddit as fuck you coward.

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>sniper ain't gonna make it
it hurs bros, it hurts so god damn much

>said never ever
Why? iframes aren't too much of an issue in singleplayer, but in multiplayer rolling is incredibly unforgiving and even if you clear an attack you'll still get hit 99% of the time because a hitscan nigger was shooting at you and the host recorded a hit or you were a fraction of a second too late to avoid the giant fist because of ass p2p latency which forces you to roll the nanosecond a red circle appears.

What needs to change to make Artificer a viable survivor?

Cry more, bitch.

didnt stop hopoo from adding piercing shot

artifact of command

I really like this image

I told you, because hopoo sucks cocks

Backup mag now gives a charge for both m2 and m2

There, fixed Artificer and Mul-T's scrap launcher.

didn't think that stacking wisps and gasoline would insta-nuke me in the trial of chaos but here we are

Ice wall needs to be an Ice nova, M1 needs to recharge all 4 per charge, slighty lnoger charge. Flamethrower needs more range.

Your skill, see Yeah, it was and remains shit.

an attack that isn't cooldown shit or anything that mitigates or compensates her inability to make use out of attack speed items.

Meant m1 and m2

this might just be crazy enough to work

>Get a Dio a few stages ago
>Last man standing, doing really well at carrying the team
>Umbra me spawns
>During the boss fight

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What are you trying to defend with this statement? Cause it sounds like you think Hopoo will fuck Sniper up and you're supporting him anyway.

Sacrifice seems seriously broken. I played a few runs yesterday with it and had 1 item after 7 minutes and usually only 2 or 3 items by the end of stage 2 at most.

because sniper was one of the better survivors in 1, I will only accept han-d as a contender

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swap m1 and m2 and make her a charge character
fireballs suck gigantic dick and dont even scale currently, the reason to play her is the big charge bomb, she needs that to be charge-gated instead of cooldown-gated

make m1 limitless, but slightly increase the animation time

For starters, making her lightning jump into an alt utility instead of what it is now.
Giving her a new alt special that has more range than flamethrower so her main source of damage doesn't put her in considerable risk and also adheres more to her long-range playstyle.
Definitely not enough to "fix" her but it'd go a long way I think.

Repeat with me:
As in


Is there a minimum amount of HP you need to have for OSP? did some testing and with art. of glass and 5x shaped glass I got oneshot by a lemurian fireball anyway

Still not an argument. Keep trying.

You need over 90% HP, and the glass artifact disables it entirely

hahahaha so much
she needs mobility so she can dodge and stay alive, the jumping alt is not enough
she needs to be able to attack MORE. her m1 and secondary deal burst in a game that is all about dps. it's asinine.

this will happen and is the reason hotpoo didn't port them in
but those retards are too dumb to realize

ror2 already has a spear girl

Is the dedicated server tool broken? Can't host shit with them. I hosted those in other games when it was needed like Killing Floor and shit worked there. Player made lobbies desync like hell, which didn't happen before the update in case someone wants to know why i bother with that shit in the first place.

>How to fit Sniper into RoR2 in three easy steps
Step 1: Put Sniper in game with abilities working exactly like in RoR1
Step 2: Have both shots deal a tight cone of damage behind the initial target scaling with the initial shots damage. Say it's shrapnel rounds or something
Step 3: Either make the roll cover more distance or shorter cooldown
It's just that easy.

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>the glass artifact disables it entirely
this is what I suspected, thanks

>How to fit Sniper into RoR2 in three easy steps
Step 1: Don't
Step 2: Don't
Step 3: Don't
It's just that easy.

broken as in too good or not good enough? after tele everyone in my 4 man usualyl has 2-4 items when it would normally be like 5 with chests
worth mentioning i also always use it with swarm, because the drop rate IS pretty low it seems. its either take command and get what items you want slower and thus still have a chance to die or just get whatever items you want fast and come online by stage 2