Do you think this game will be able to stack up against CSGO?
Do you think this game will be able to stack up against CSGO?
yes of course. that game that no one has heard of is gonna be the next cs
the other thread JUST fucking died, cunt.
no. It's terrible, and you can only have 1 of each character per team, so whoever has phoenix is gonna immediately make or break the team because they have the only molotov. Viper has the only smoke. It's just shit, and you won't be able to play solo at all, as instead of rewarding good skill, it punishes you for not having 4 friends to coordinate because you aren't given a complete toolset.
Not on Yas Forumsalvecentral. You're talking to people with 10k hours in source games. It would be an emotional tragedy if they realize how terrible they actually are.
>The other thread JUST fucking died, cunt.
Well, EXCUUUSE ME user.
lol no, CSGO and Fortnite are popular because you just get to shoot shit, no bullshit take turns cooldown shit
>game is a mix between Overwatch and CSGO
What kind of shitty marketing is this supposed to be? "This game is a mix between these bad modern competitive shooter".
Could be
riot has a lot of following
it will either do like apex legends, be popular at first then fall into obscurity.
or be very big and be the next big games
fortnite turned into a building sim in season 3-4, shooting comes second now
>same picture md5
don't fucking post another thread when the other died because I explicitly pointed out how shit it is, and how it tries too hard to appeal to both crowds that it'll end up appealing to neither. It's too slow paced and tactical to appeal to overwatch tards, but the removal of utility in favor of "characters" means anyone who likes cs:go is gonna hate it.
Also no asymmetricality in weapon choice means things like ct v t favorings in maps (or rather, the ONE map) are going to be exponentially worse because everyone can buy every gun. Hope you don't end up 15-0 in the first half, cause there's no safeguard of "well at least they have an m4 and have to double tap" anymore.
fuck off csgo is probably the most popular competitive FPS game out right now
It is the most popular, but nowhere close to be the best shooter. It's the worst in it's own franchise, nowhere near as fun as Quake, Tribes, Planetside 2, CoD4 Promod, Insurgency etc.
>cs players: magic in my cs game? fuck off
>ow players: actual weapons in my shooter game? fuck off
>fornite players: no building in my shooter game? fuck off
>Rainbow six players: no thicc waifus in my house renovation game? fuck off
>apex legends players: teamplay in my parkouring game? fuck off
>tarkov players: just no
it's going to destroy csgo in fact. everyone wants to play a character and have a main character. you can't do that in csgo and this game is just csgo with lore and characters
Nah, m8.
They're paying every streamer to play it. literally every single one was playing over the weekend, plus a ton of "pros" from every game. I'm interested to see how many stick it past a week, or if it'll just be through the paid period. #ad
When you have to rely on some braindead russian cunt to firebomb the right angle, but you don't speak the same fucking language and ONLY he has firebombs because characters have utility tied to them, it's immediately a bad game that creates unwinnable scenarios.
that's why I'll only play ranked where people generally are at least trying to win
>can get health back during a round
it's balanced because everyone can build. Still no cooldowns
No one here knows what any of those games are unfortunately
Hey does anyone know if CSGO changed all their map textures? I play on the lowest settings but the maps seem much higher quality now and my pc can't really handle it. I don't see anything about it in the updates and I didn't want to make a thread bitching about it.
If it kills Overwatch fine for me
Why do you care about Overwatch?
Think i saw shroud say that it was actually fun, but then again i can't read his mind.
Not even same game, it 95% csgo 5% ow
A while ago, yeah. Like, a year or so ago they changed all the default textures to 1080p versus the 720 they used to be.
Sounds like a meme but if you open up launch settings and type in -lv it turns on low violence mode, where they don't die, but instead surrender, but it also removes all blood splatter and ragdolling. Significantly helped my FPS when I was on a toaster.
"-high -novid -console -lv -nojoy -noaafonts -threads 4" was my entire launch param.
Well no I mean like recently. It seems like all the maps have more little rectangles and details that I didn't see before.
They're PAID to say that. I'd like to remind you of legends of runeterra, and overwatch, and lawbreakers, siege. Not saying these games are bad (besides lawbreakers maybe) but they're paid to say they're good, regardless of their actual feelings on it. The insurgency devs also paid a shit ton of youtubers/streamers to play over the last weekend while it was free play, and now? Not a single one is still playing despite how "amazing" it was.
then no. Still try those launch params.
Only good game mode is duel
I love that game but nah.
>shroud say that it was actually fun
Shroud played Pubg. What does that kike know about fun.
Alrighty thanks, will do.
>Will this trash game be able to stack up against another trash game?
Gee i dunno.
>changed all the default textures to 1080p versus the 720
oh user
It'll be REALLY jarring when you see the surrender animation when you kill someone for the first time, so try out a casual or a dm before you hop into a comp match.
>Only good game mode is duel
What is Clan Arena?
A bad mode
But it's fun. Duel is for sweaty nerds.
>Planetside 2
Was never good
>CoD4 Promod
Unironically shit
Casual but slightly fun.
Clan Arena is the most boring mode because there are no pickups
Even Freeze Tag is better
how come they made counter strike with magic but not dirty bomb with magic?
in the latter people have more HP, can revive and there is actual movement speed when walking
counter strike is not only slow but you also die instantly which is like the worst combination to have magic
>No Quad
>No weapons to pick up
>no megahealth
>no Red/Yellow
It removes a big part of why I loved quake - Controlling the map by not letting the enemy picking up upgrades. It's basically a worse TDM, for me.
How can someone have such a bad taste in games?
Let me guess, you're the faggot that constnatly cries "y dere no gud games :(" even though he doen't play any, right?
>don't fucking post another thread when the other died because I explicitly pointed out how shit it is
>dont make another thread because I
>because I
who do you think you are?
Im gonna start shilling this game to upset you.
when is this launching on mobile
The biggest thing that ruined multiplayers games are competitive modes.
They force you to play the games not because you enjoy them, but because you want to see that shiny "skill" number grow.
And they removed community stuff
Too soulless to be anything but bottom of the bin F2P trash only SEAniggers and chinks play
Freeze Tag is good, but people play it less.
I remember playing that one cave map in the demo for hours like an autist lmao
It's designed that way explicitly so it'll run on just about anything. Also, I actually like the solid shading, it feels like there'll be less clutter of "is that a tarp on that box or an enemy's balaclava"
I played a fuckload of 1.6 so I'm biased BUT. I never enjoyed Tribes and the only arenashoter I loved was quake. Insurgency suffers from map design and CoD has always been shit.
>you're the faggot that constnatly cries "y dere no gud games :(" even though he doen't play any
I've been having a blast playing Doom, AC and a little bit of Bannerlord. You're projecting at this point because you're a bitter faggot who can't get over the fact that I don't like the games you like. There's a reason why CS has over 1M players while the arenashooters struggle to maintain a healthy playerbase.
I was just thinking how i like the game's graphics and then i read what you two wrote.
It's made to run on low end PCs. That's how league got big.
Honestly i like how it looks, it's very austere. Wish the characters were a bit more sexy but eh, at least we're not getting freaky looking shit like that bleeding edge game.
I think they will succeed if they give a more hardcore competitive experience in a market filled with casual games, simply by virtue of entering a sparse segment. Their only competition is counter-strike, a 20 year old game. R6S is close, but still pretty casual.
>There's a reason why CS has over 1M players while the arenashooters struggle to maintain a healthy playerbase
Yeah, because of skins and competitive mode, without them nobody would play CSGO, it's fucking garbage.
nice cope
hopefully they add skins and comp to your arena shooters
oh wait, they have that?
huh, guess your game is just trash then, sorry
>Riot games
>no custom servers
>can only practice on comp matchmaking
>guns not based on existing models
>superpowers/hacks in fps with low ttk
never gonna make it
Not even the same type of shooter. What people forget is that OW appeals to a weird MOBA/FPS hybrid crowd. If you aren't good at shooters, you can still be good at Overwatch. That's the whole appeal behind the game. Valorant seems like it's going to more directly compete with CSGO.
Quake doesn't have a lootbox mechanic that you have to buy for skins, all the skins in Quake are free
Quake doesn't have a soulless ranking mechanism like divisions or SR that make you addicted to seeing it grow, Quake ibly let's players compete between one another in Duels, without that ranking bullshit