So we can all agree this is the best Jill design?

So we can all agree this is the best Jill design?

Attached: jill.jpg (353x512, 37.93K)

no, too feminine. no real woman looks like that. lips too kissable.

Pronounced bottom lips meaning she's a mouth breather or has some mental disability or both
Nose too wide
Fetal alcohol eyes
Artificial eyebrows, she just shave them then replaces it with a pencil line
Ears looks like they're gonna fall apart any moment
Hairs looks greasy, she must smell bad
And on and on...
Just give up vothfag. True Jill is here to replace that abomination.

Attached: REmake 3 Jill.jpg (860x484, 31.87K)


Attached: Jill Valentine.jpg (640x480, 35.26K)

lol fuck no. Even when REmake came out, it was already worst Jill by default.

Attached: jill-mvc2fixd.jfif.jpg (700x780, 98.74K)

nice revisionism faggot

That's Matt Damon.

underage fag begone.
>RE1 Jill had the memes
>RE3 Jill was a better character
>MvC2 Jill was cute 2D.
>REmake Jill was dull and had an ugly nose
Vothfags are truly the worse

Not quite.

Attached: 197-1975608_sienna-guillory-jill-valentine-hot.jpg (1050x700, 109.51K)

You sounds pretty damn gay to me user, tired and sad looking REmake Jill is super cute and I want to cuddle her so much

Attached: jill2.jpg (3840x2160, 3.49M)

I've seen people throw around the fetal alcohol eyes for quite some time. Is it true?

If we're talking face then it's original Jill from the original RE1.
If we're talking outfit, then yes shoulder pad jill is best jill.


Did they ever find out who she was?

Nope, vothfag amigo, give it up pic related is best Jill not even NuJill (which is also hot) compares to her

Attached: 1584906586011.gif (245x250, 776.16K)

>calling people gay
>When you like the tranny nose

Attached: 1514472868383.jpg (240x240, 12.59K)

You tell me

Attached: yikes.png (1920x1080, 2.69M)

oh no no no no

Attached: file.png (800x800, 1.09M)

she looks disabled

>Look dad, I'm """"acting"""""

Attached: 1585689646655.png (436x536, 143.2K)

>Cute & Sexy
>Feminine yet capable of handling any hard situation
>Confident in her skills but not a show-off

There are women who look more like Jill than voth, why didn't capcom go with one of those?

Attached: tiff.jpg (1201x775, 218.03K)

Nope, she'll forever be an enigma.

That isn't milla, user

Totally fucking based my friend

Attached: BestJill1.jpg (500x375, 20.55K)

>It is you that is the jill sandwich now hahae
What did Daniel mean by this? Was he there down the hall when barry said it?

But that's not RE3 Jill.

Attached: e7859471726520b769ae129e948905f4.jpg (480x960, 32.24K)

I really hope they put this as a dlc costume. I actually want a fuck load of dlc shit but this is peak jill,tip top tier jill.

Attached: jill_valentine_face_swap_by_avacassandra_d7ujbr7-fullview.jpg (668x633, 38.84K)

What? Is that a line in REsistance?

>top tier

Her revelations suit was better, amazing ass

Attached: file_54172_RER_E3_Walkandaim01_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg (800x480, 229.19K)

It is a cute nose, nothing tranny about it

Attached: femcels.png (1200x603, 323.46K)

REmake is cute! CUTE!

I really love her look in Remake. Too bad they made her gradually look worse and worse in each new game she was in.

Attached: 20200330_015930.jpg (1712x1536, 565.14K)

Who cares now she is an old hag.

Like this?

Attached: 1585566685032.jpg (2350x1440, 1.21M)

Nah she looks like a dumb New Yorker. She doesn't even like like the model she was based on.

Yes of course.

I do actually think nuJill is pretty sexy in-game, but she doesn't compare.
REmake/Umbrella Chronicles/Lost in Nightmares Jill is her absolute peak and maximum lovely.

Attached: ucjill.gif (245x273, 982.47K)

I want to go out and have a comfy breakfast with Jill at the local coffee shop with no sexual expectations whatsoever

REmake Jill is great because they fapped Voth up enough to make her cute

Any mods that give back the voth face and the voth hair?



>when a decent Voth face mod comes out
Now you may have my dineros.

Attached: jill-valentine.png (400x320, 134.27K)

come on now, don't tell me that you believe that the one from the pic you posted is Voth, lmao

Attached: 1585165848949.jpg (800x553, 99.51K)

That's not Voth you absolute fucking cretin. That is literally the most disgusting face she's ever had. Even nuJill is leagues above this fucking thing.

2002 best Jill, funny how a mod of her is the most downloaded for RE3

Attached: KylE.gif (500x281, 792.29K)

Who wears this shit?


Attached: 1580325373717.gif (320x240, 1.07M)

Looking at how they ruined this outfit in the REmake, the RE Engine was a mistake.


Attached: 57022b3288854e1b913ece55480f67661c2d5f80v2_hq.jpg (682x1024, 33.81K)

Cute girls apparently

Or the people have better taste than these trash ass developers

This outfit has zero personality. Why did you people like it so much?

She is based on Julia Voth.

Julia Voth today looks better than the new model.

Attached: 2c0i7zL.jpg (860x960, 125.08K)

No. Looks like a man.


because the literal opposite of what you said is true

Unlike you.

Attached: SmKZDQ0.jpg (4016x6016, 2.27M)


Attached: kisspng-resident-evil-operation-raccoon-city-jill-valenti-jill-valentine-5b19dd02153310.7054540215284216340869.jpg (900x520, 97.08K)

It makes sense now. You fuckers have no idea what you're talking about. Not only that, youre from fucking reddit/resetera/whatever hole you decided to crawl out of and are trying to fit in.
This board had a range fit when Revelations revealed Jill had a redesign. Now you're posting Revelations as proof of "superior Voth" Jill. You fucking moron.

Attached: X8LumineAlt.png (340x357, 131.43K)

>the RE Engine was a mistake.
Why the fuck are you blaming the engine for the modeler's incompetence?