>one shot through his shield by a pistol
Shitting on your own lore for dramatic effect in the first half hour, for a character no one cares about. Nice.
If the gun is close enough to the body the shield wont activate lorelet
I want Turian gf
Tatasciore does great work in this game.
I want to be your Turan gf's lunch
You, uh, got something on your arm
Why is his head different?
He got upgraded
I don't recall any law saying that being a cyborg is illegal
Maybe he's rare ethnicity of turian? He's also shorter than other turians.
Only homos and women care about Turians
I was always kind of bummed because Nihlus seemed pretty cool. Would've been a better party member than Ashley, Kaiden, or even Tali, imo.
Saren was clearly out of range. That only applies to things that are incredibly close, like chairs. That's the specific example in the codex.
Shepard gets shot closer that that by a guy in Bring Down The Sky and he just brushes it off because he's got a shield that actually works
It was a really strong pistol
Yeah, maybe having in the party for a while before kicking the bucket would've left a bigger impact. Hell, let Jenkins be more than walking exposition machine.
Party members always die at the start of your adventure in Bioware games
Not him but what about Jenkins then?
>ruining the reveal that Saren has been cybernetically raped by Sovereign by having his "upgrade" model be his default model the whole game through
Ripped right through his shields. Never stood a chance.
>Saren was clearly out of range.
Maybe, maybe not. The scene cuts away before he fires. All he'd have needed to do was take one more step forward and thrust the gun at the back of Nihlus' head. Granted, I think the explanation is that the cut-scene designer was not in contact with the head writer and so forgot or didn't realize that in Mass Effect, to shoot somebody wearing armor and kill them without first depleting their shields you'd need to be firing at near point blank range
The bang was loud
>the explanation is that the cut-scene designer was not in contact with the head writer
Isn't this also why Sovereign seems so overpowered in his Citadel cutscene because the people they outsourced the video to didn't know he wasn't meant to come off THAT powerful?
You'd think after going to the effort of writing two books before the game even released, Drew would've stuck his nose in a little more than he apparently did
He would have been cool but he was also a Spectre. Two together wouldn't really be needed.
>Isn't this also why Sovereign seems so overpowered in his Citadel cutscene because the people they outsourced the video to didn't know he wasn't meant to come off THAT powerful?
No. The issue with the battle scenes is that we were supposed to see lots of Council DREADNAUGHTS being destroyed during the fighting. This was why the Renegade ending was going to make sense; suddenly the Alliance had about as many Dreadnaughts and Carriers as the rest of the Council races combined. Instead, the modeler put in only cruisers.
Speaking of cutscenes. When we got on the tram or whatever, Saren was still giving orders to blow everything up on the grounds. But Sovereign left as soon as we get to the scene with dead Nihlus. When did he get on board?
Man now I kinda wanna play 1 again. Though if I start to play 1, then I know I'll want to replay 2 and 3 too, and unlocking the DLCs for them is kinda pain in the ass.
I restarted 1 this week. Holy shit, the gunplay has NOT aged well. Not that it was any good in the first place, but it's legit shit tier nowadays. Especially as an infiltrator.
Fellow infiltrator here. You shut your whore mouth this instant.
He really does.
The Geth did nothing wrong.
The sniper is unaimable before you pump up the entire tree and get a tier 3 stabilizer, fight me.
Now say something untrue.
When you play it almost religiously yearly you don't need points.
Sure, if you'd rather fight the controls instead of the enemy.
Think of it as mastering your own body
I never played Mass Effect and heard ME3 is absolute trash but I wanked to Tali so many times.
Are the first two games good? Are their stories super connected to the third one? Is Tali in them?
Tali is in the first one but she doesn't really do much besides almost get raped in an alley
>going for Tali
>Going after liara
*hits red sand*
saren had the level ten spectre pistol and nihilus only had level one armor
Why does no one every bring up the weird flanderization of quarians?
ME1: Need to wear a suit in environments with aliens due to a lack of immune system.. Obviously can take the suit off in there cleanships.
ME2/3: Must always wear suit, even around other quarians...for some reason. No one even knows what an unsuited quarians looks like
Just seemed lazy for a pointless "reveal" in 3
>Tali is young, naive and socially awkward
>Liara is young, naive and socially awkward
>Tali is actually young, in the region of 20 years old
>Liara is like 80-100
Tali is 23
Liara is 106-109, roughly the same age in human years
he should have been Sherpard's mentor for the first half of the game then killed off, leaving Shep and crew to figure shit out for themselves
It seemed like their personalities got switched in 2. Tali was alot "rougher" in ME1, whereas liara was the naive one. Should have made tali shadowbroker for extra kino
>in human years
Except like 80 extra years to experiment with varren dicks
Then he really should have been around longer because they make a huge ass deal about how badass spectres are but the first one you see gets bitched with a single pistol shot and the other relies on evil cyborg enhancements and still sucks at life
>ME1 Tali
I don't speak Quarian Codex Entry, so I must have missed it
You know it's true. She's shy around people and loves archaeological digs, while varren are pests that have been spread to lots of worlds. You even encounter a pack on a Prothean digsite.
All this in the middle of what is decades long Asari puberty
waifulet hiplet AIDSlet cope
boobs too blue
*hits red sand*
Is marrying Asari the ultimate cuckoldry?
This one cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than marrying Asari. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, supporting and preparing a girl for all your life solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man the second you die. All the hard work you put into your beautiful wife - getting money, making her go to the gym, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, marrying her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Married the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who wasn’t even born when she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you taught her. Your own daughters, which themselves are the near ultimate cuckoldry and all you’re ever going to get, aren’t even made from your DNA.
As a man who has Married an Asari you are LITERALLY dedicating the rest of of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
>Codex Entry: Quarian Shitposting
Fascinating Tali, tell me more about your people.
>going to function instead of character
Also, threadly reminder that it's Liarafag who was respoinsible for ME3
>save your mentor or save your best bro/LI
Would've been a better choice on Virmire. Even better would've been the ability to romance Nihlus.
le clever writers
>you know he's the bad guy because his name sounds like nihilism