What's that one little mechanic you always enjoy in games?

What's that one little mechanic you always enjoy in games?

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Fuck off

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-Ability to permanently dismiss a character

Later shitbrick!

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Juggles and executions

I love combing enemies mid air in any game and getting rewarded with cool kills.

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female enemies

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>single button thats rarely used and does something specific thats funny
like kicking on a horse in rdr2, or throwing money in yakuza

jiggle physics

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honking in racing games

bunny cunny

Micro transactions

>Webm clearly has no actual jiggle physics
Are coomer standards really this fucking low? Every day you retards disappoint me further.

>block for reduced damage
>dodge for no damage
>parry for more kill

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I always enjoy a little cop if you know what I mean

Critical hits.

Secrets behind waterfalls

double jump

Conquering a settlement or clearing an area, amking it actually safe and prosperous
There's also the feeling of growth, as in city builders and RPGs

just post porn already.

sexual harassment

This desu. It may be really cliché but I love it.

There's not much porn of her though.

jiggly enough or should i post more?

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Dedicated button for sheathing/unsheathing weapon.
Unarmed combat.

>deal with group of enemies with 2-handed
>sheath weapon
>punch the last guy to death just because I can


Just post the webms

Jumping, if you can't jump it's a shit game. Like skyrim.

if i ever design a game, i'm putting a mimic chest behind the first waterfall i can

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Momentum based movement that doesnt have slow acceleration.

>Time slightly stops when doing big damage with a big weapons

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How is it that a slight time slow down makes it more impactful?

double jumps are always the shit
bonus if the character does a somersault or other cool animation

>charged attack with big weapon sends out a shockwave fucking up everyone around you

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>Being able to kick at any time in an fps
>Running and crouching puts you into a slide
>Sliding into enemies ragdolls them

I want to fuck that rabbit.

>camera slightly zooms out right before the hit lands

wall jumps > double jumps

Rocket jumping

Sex mini games, with rabbits

>swings do more damage the further out you hit an enemy with them
>charged attack hits an enemy with just the tip

What a shame

I fucking love when you can start a vehicle like a spaceship, tell it where to go, then stand up and walk around freely while it moves there.

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When the fuck is the next update?

Absolutely D E V I L I S H

When done right, wallrunning

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Groin attacks work on women.

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>Can holster weapon
>It doesn't appear on character, just disappears


Animation cancelling in general

>Powerful attack actively destroys the fucking framerate of the game

360/PS3 era Dragon's dogma was a treasure, using the arc of deliverance would drop your framerate to single digits for a few seconds
And god help you if you used any of the sorcerer's stupid shit.

Weapon jamming

>The mimic is way stronger than you
>Most likely will kill the average player
>Last save point is 20 mins earlier
Bonus points if you made it so coming back later actually has an item, but it's a very short window of time between two story parts where you're an hour away from that location and it's a permanently missable item.

Now it's a Square Enix style secret.

Any game that for some reason has a really good fishing activity on the side, the more expansive and varied the catchable fish, the better.
Fishing is fucking comfy

Weapon/Armour degradation

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not a mechanic but I love enemy encyclopedias
>there's a good mod for this in Morrowind
>but it only works on the nightly builds of openmw
the wait is tough

Are well-done ragdoll physics a game mechanic?

Being able to dismount mechs in mech based games. Makes for a cool perspective and killing pilots is fun

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Weight limits

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I mean, they fixed it with Oblivion, fo3, and Skyrim, but in Fallout 4 and 76 they dropped it again. Your character just runs around unarmed until magically pulling out guns.

Speaks to the quality of those games as a whole.


But you CAN jump in Skyrim.


Manual cycling on bolt action rifles

that game is shit and pay2win

>No fast travel

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G-Nome blew my mind with this way back in 1997

>Death screen doesn't occupy all the screen
>You can see your dead corpse, and how interacts with the enviromanet
Bonus points with

>fallout 4
Really? That's fucking dumb. I can expect that from an mmo or whatever it is like 76 but 4 should have that if they could do it for almost a decade prior.
Does that mean you can't see what sheathed weapons an enemy might have, casue that would be annoying as fuck.

Absolutely. I fucking love games that are built around the physics.

Any time spent casings for guns are really audible and linger around for a long time. I even know the exact timestamp for this video because of how autistically in love I am with them


I remember having an extended firefight in New Begas. There were a bunch of shells lying on the trap door in that area behind the caesers legion main camp. When I opened it like 100 spent casings rolled off the trap door and spilled down the stairs and I popped a boner.

By extension anything that shows the effects of your battles. Persistent spent mags, bodies, blood decals, gore or destruction all has such a good feeling, Keeping track of mags and shells really isn't even that resource intensive. At least in gamebryo it works fine, they're even physics enabled so an explosion can send them all flying with no hitches.

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enemies just hold their weapon out all the time

I loved the ragdolls in dying light

Kicking a zombie / human off a roof and you can see how in mid air that orient based on their weight

My favorite mechanic in Daemon x machina.

In what games there's groin attack that don't work on women? That makes no sense.