Mosaic Thread : Dark Cloud 2

>How does this work?
Claim a tile, edit it, submit it, wait for final result. Tiles that are too low effort will be rejected

>Tile size?

Attached: DC2.jpg (3000x2500, 1.44M)


B1 claimed

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.43M)



Claiming B2.

B1 done

Attached: b1.png (380x431, 131.94K)

B2 claimed

you're in

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.42M)


Attached: Coomin.jpg (3366x2100, 3.31M)

Bump again

Can someone post the completed rabbids go home one

Attached: Reddibs.png (800x1254, 1.69M)

one of the best



you should probably try at a different time if this doesn't get going OP

I'll still bump for now

Friendly bump

Give me E3.

E3 claimed

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.41M)


I'll bump one last time after this one if necessary. If after that there's still no new tiles claimed then we'll finish at a later date.

Last bump from me if no new tiles are claimed.

Make sure you post your tiles in this thread.

claiming E1.

E1 claimed

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.4M)

I'm colouring E3.



E1 done. don't you die on me, thread

Attached: DarkCloud2E1.png (380x431, 31.68K)

you're in

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.4M)

I'm sorry it took so long.

Attached: ee3.png (380x431, 21.95K)


post ideas for future mosiacs

Attached: 181-652.jpg (800x811, 143.41K)

you're in

B3 claimed

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.38M)

don't think We've done the JP boxart for X1 yet

Attached: Rockman X boxart.jpg (640x1163, 177.8K)



Here it is in better quality

Attached: RockmanX.jpg (3366x2100, 3.35M)


>everyone is inside their house doing absolutely nothing due to quarentine
>mosaic thread is slower than ever

Attached: Result.jpg (1520x2156, 1.09M)

It's all normalfags on their phones

I know it was claimed 5 hours ago, but can I try B2?

who updated the booru and why didn't he add psychonauts or sectret of monkey island?

Well, given it's been 5 hours and we didn't get a single update from B2 user I guess you can, though it would probably be better to pick a tile that hasn't been picked yet but again if you have an idea especially for B2 then yeah.
Tl;dr Yes.

I don't have many ideas for the other tiles, sadly.

Attached: darkcloudB2.png (380x431, 268.22K)

Ill take A1

A1 claimed

ok you're in

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.38M)

you're in

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.38M)

A2 is mine

A2 claimed

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.37M)

Now I'm sad we'll never get Dark Cloud 3 and the closest equivalent is Rogue Galaxy which is objectively shit

C3 claimed

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.36M)

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.36M)


Attached: a2.png (380x431, 105.23K)

you're in

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.36M)

I usually make 3 or 4 squares myself but this is just a shitty box with not a whole lot of freedom to make edits that would look half assed coherent




I want d3 please

Attached: Untitled46_20200402163937.png (400x800, 396.89K)

D3 claimed

Attached: DC2update.jpg (3000x2500, 1.35M)
