Just got this on GOG. Is it good? Any unoffical patches I need before I should start playing?

Just got this on GOG. Is it good? Any unoffical patches I need before I should start playing?

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Campaign is lame, Mask of the Betrayer is superb.

Campaign is superb, Mask of the Betrayer is lame.

I plan to play through all of it at least once. Just want to know if the game is buggy/glitchey and needs any unofficial fixes or patches.

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This one is good but the first one is unironically a thousand times better, both from a videogame standpoint than from a D&D standpoint.

Everyone says the campaign is shit but I enjoyed it

I got it mainly because.
1) I liked KOTOR 1 and 2 and wanted another 'classical' CRPG to play.
2) I'm a retard + a graphics whore and BG1 and 2 are too old for me both graphically and mechanically. (RNG in HP gains are 2hardcore4me)
3) It was made by old Obsidian who I constantly hear about are these amazing writers and making of the best CRPGs.

Mainly plan t play single player. NWN1 has been remade by Beandog who I hear constantly fucks up everything they touch.

Online presence is pretty much dead anyway, except for erp

This is false NWN2 is a much better game than NWN1

>Everyone says
On Yas Forums this means that once upon a time some guy made a compelling argument that came off as intelligent and articulate, so now a swarm of insecure retards parrot that opinion ad nauseam in order to appear patrician.

Imo, in order:
NWN2: MotB
NWN1: custom campaigns (Aielsung, Darkness over Daggerford, Witches' Wake, etc)
NWN1: SotU/HoU
Dying of Corona

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This is actually accurate.

Though NWN1 mod campaigns vary wildly, so while the best ones do stand in that slot they can also fall down all the way below OC.

True. I was referring to the cream of the crop, more or less. There's probably like 10 really outstanding campaigns but a lot of them I played years ago so the names escape me. Aielsung and Daggerford and both amazing, though.

I think you mean Aielund.

Well-said, user.

NWN2 if you actually give a shit about the official campaigns and DLC
NWN1 if you prefer custom content or making your own content

Correct, although personally i'd rank NWN2 OC under the NWN1 expacs
NWN2 meanders a lot, there's a lot of obvious cut content, and it just isn't an interesting story.
NWN1 expacs are fairly short and have some more interesting things going on, like chapter 3 of HotU and finding the name(s)

The best thing about NWN2 is the mod campaigns
Download Conan Chronicles, you will not regret.

Damn I fucking loved that campaign.

I've never fucked with NWN2 mods
How comparative are they to NWN1 mods? Because I fucked around with a lot of them

Not him, but there are definitely less 10/10 campaigns that rival the best ones in NWN1 or the OC/expansion. Conan Chronicles was definitely up there though.

Alright, I'll give it a look
Now, where's the mod that makes the game not run like shit?

So what are some good NWN1/2 modules?

NWN2 Original Campaign is good. It is flawed and rushed in certain areas, but I enjoyed the story, the characters and the bittersweet ending.

Never understood the hatred for it to be honest.

Aielund saga-Stupid long, will get you close to the level cap starting from level 1, fun characters and a fun story, generally when people are talking about how good the custom campaigns of NWN are they're talking about this and a dance with rogues but that's a rabbit hole i'm not even going to bother going into
Tales of arterra-just a decent adventure with good characters
Shadow over heliopolis-intended for epic adventurers i.e. your character after HotU, also good if you want to make some stupid abomination munchkin build like a Pal/sorc/RDD
Swordflight-Still getting new chapters, surprisingly, good roleplay (skillchecks in dialogue and that), hard as nails and long as hell. INCREDIBLY text heavy
Prophet-2deep4u philosophy wank in the same vein as planet escape: Tournament, but still a fun ride.

The story was alright, if nothing special. "Ancient evil awakens, gather a party of misfits and go fuck 'em up." Solid, but won't gain any awards for novelty. The companions were stereotypical, but it was played for laughs and also occasionally to deconstruct the stereotype (just look at Khelgar's quests). And it did have some really fucking sweet moments.

The ending sucks though. Literally "Rocks fall, everyone dies". If it wasn't for MotB it would have run for one of the most lame endings I've ever seen. Thankfully it turned out to just be setup for a new adventure.



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Kind of sick of NWN1, got anything good for NWN2?

The ending to the OC is literally perfect.

I've played NWN1 to death, but i've barely touched NWN2.
Though I am open to the idea if someone else wants to recommend some.

I haven't played many, but The Maimed God's Saga is really, really good. I wouldn't put it up there with the absolute best of what NWN can offer but it's definitely the level immediately below that.

If you check the archive you might be able to find recommendations from other threads.

honestly skip the 1st games campaign its beyond shit. it makes nwn1 first campaign look like a masterpiece.

What said. Also Path of Evil. And I had a lot of fun with Maimed God's Saga. Probably the only time I've actually had fun playing a cleric. I kinda roleplayed a Warhammer warrior priest and it fit fairly well.

NWN1 OC is unironically the worst thing Bioware has ever made, even fucking DA2 is more enjoyable than that shit.

the NW2 OC is borderline a parody of D&D campaigns

DA2 is underrated. The friendship/rivalry mechanic is a fantastic idea and it's a shame more games don't use something similar.

That bad, huh?
I only played it once as a kid, what specifically is wrong with it or is it just a long, meandering, boring mess

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No it's a fucking awful rushed consolized reused assets piece of garbage trying to be Mass Effect fantasy edition

Holy fuck why does NWN2 run like hot garbage?

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At times, yeah. It's generally just a deconstruction (without the false connotation that 'deconstruction' means 'you didn't like the subject'). It's just what happened when WotC got Obsidian of that era to make a "straightforward" d&d game.

It's just the worst implementation of the Bioware Formula (tm) they ever did. Repetitive structure, the narrative is stupid, and it suffers from a whole host of design problems on top of that - like being limited to one companion and no party control in a ruleset where class selection and party composition is a huge deal.

It's been over a decade since I played it, but yes, it was long, boring, and most importantly - it had no fucking party. In a single-player dnd campaign. No, henchmen don't count, you can only have one and can't even control them.

You can edit the .ini config file to uncap and make it run at 144+ fps.

>Adventurer newbies tell you about how they rescued a cat from a tree for an old lady.
>Shandra: "If it had been the knight captain doing that, the tree would have burned down, the cat would be lost and the old lady would have joined our party."

Do you actually play the games you post about, or just endlessly regurgitate the garbage you saw some other retard post? Because no matter what you think of it - read my post again, I did not say DAII was good - it is not trying to be Mass Effect, and beyond the most banal similarities like the dialogue wheel (which functions completely differently) only an absolute fucking idiot would think so.

It was a very odd time for game development at the technical level. Multithreading in particular wasn't well understood or implemented; you can set the game to run using certain core affinities and the performance will improve drastically.

I can't remember the specifics but there are a few threads on the GOG forum that detail it.

Deekin was my love throughout the whole thing.
Fuck I love lizards.

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Basically this

You said DA2 was underrated, it isn't: it sucks and critics were too soft on it if anything

The dialogue is easily the saving grace of NWN2 OC
>That conversation with a demon where Neeshka basically admits she's sneaked a peek at your manhood, and it's impressive
>The Chaotic evil Ranger who calls out everyone on their holier than thou shit

Shandra was great. So were Daerred and his band of lunatics.
The campaign had a bunch of great moments, though. Befriending Kistrel, freeing the imps and having them show up at your trial, you even get to one-up Jimi Hendrix himself. And Ammon Jerro's whole arc.

Okay, so hypothetically if I was a complete fucking retard, how would I do this?

DA2 is actually the best in the series.

Deekin was so pure, the highest tier of bro in vidya


It demonstrably is, though. The prevailing sentiment almost everywhere is that it's a pile of garbage with no redeeming features or good ideas whatsoever which even with all its many, many flaws is demonstrably untrue.
Who gives a shit? You didn't really think when I said "underrated" I meant the opinion of game journalists, did you?

Regardless, it doesn't excuse you from making the stupid suggestion that it's "trying to be ME: fantasy edition".

Go into your Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\ folder, open nwn2.ini and set RefreshRate= to 144 or whatever is your monitor's refresh rate.

Bless the little guy.

>The prevailing sentiment almost everywhere is that it's a pile of garbage
That's because it is lmao

He's right. It has the best lore, the best setting and the best character dynamics, and that's the best part of any DA game.

>Befriending Kistrel
God, I wish more games gave me a spider bro like that.
Thinking about it, I wish in Pathfinder Kingmaker you had gotten to keep the Stag Lord's owlbear around. I remember when I got to that part I actually remembered Kistrel and hoped really, really hard it would be a repeat.

Prove me wrong. The friendship/rivalry mechanic allowed for the most companion depth in the entire series. Improved on Origins gameplay from the first without it becoming a flat out action game like Inquisition was. Best set of characters in the series (Morrigan is really the only great character from Origins) and none of the Inquisition characters are interesting at all except for past characters that return.

>let me just cherrypick because I'm a retarded zoomer incapable of articulating an actual argument or response
Really great post, user.

Are you actually seething this much because your favorite game is shit?

Weak ass reply.

>literally no response beyond buzzwords
Better luck next time, retard!

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I bought NWN1 thinking it would be like baldur's gate, now a have a baldur's gate sized hole in my heart that needs to be filled.

Yeah, I agree, it's a shame more games don't include little moments like that. I was hoping you could keep that owlbear too ;-;
That said, wasn't it Kingmaker that had a spider like Kistrel you could run into? It's been a while.

Also on that note, I couldn't fucking believe the first Pillars included a callback to the "I'm keeping the baby for myself!" from the first NWN. Instantly made me enjoy the game more.

SotU+HotU > MotB

Have you played Pillars of Eternity yet. True successor to Baldur's Gate

>SotU+HotU > MotB
Bad, contrarian opinion. Shoo.

There was a spider you could help in a very minor random encounter in the wild, who then promised to come help you if you ever needed it. Wierdly enough, it never actually does, wierd specially because there's a very similar encounter with one of those teleporting panthers who also promises the same and actually does come help you in the final fight.

Eh, I liked it. It's fine for a one time playthrough. I really didn't think they would kill the daughter of warlock