Sony messed up bad this gen

Sony messed up bad this gen

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Holy shit a random faggot on YouTube left a comment on a video. I better change my plans in life.

I know people from certain Polish studios(Infinity Ward Poland and Techland to be precise) and both told me almost exactly the same including that developing is more "tricky" than it is for XSX which means that again only Sonys first-party studios are going to be able to do shit properly especially with "that SSD". I dont think they lie since everything they told me before turned out to be true especially stuff about new CoD lol.

>Look Mom I posted this fanfic again

You dont have to believe me faggot thats just what Ive been told and as I said everything these people told me before turned out to be true. I dont give a shit about No Games Amerimutt Box vs Gaystation wars im going to buy the one that will have good games or even both.

No need to be so angry at the truth

>Sony loses in PS3 vs Xbox 360 due to FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DOLLARS
>tries hard, Microsoft slacks
>Microsoft loses due to USED GAMES
>tries hard, Sony slacks

You know where this is going.

>source: bro trust me

>youtube comment thread
this is even worse than twitter screenshot threads. shocking that such a low-quality thread comes from a nintendo fanboy who namefags as the company's president (which is easily the most pathetic corporate cocksucking ever witnessed on Yas Forums).

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They really did.

Hardware aside, PS5 is going to be shit just because all games on it will be censored.

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my uncle works at nintendo

i have spoken to several devs

they all say it's going to suck

believe it

if u play games like this your are a sad individual anyway.

The power of the Ce- i mean SSD

Rent free

snoys about to commit suicide

neh my opinion has nothing to do w/ playstation in general. games like this are bad most of the time anyway.

I genuinely believe mark corny will be tired or reassigned somewhere else because of the bullshit streams he did with the PS4 Pro and PS5.

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god I love tranny cock in my ass

I haven't being keeping up with their shit since the censorship. Do they still do it? If yes then I don't even need to know about their hardware because it's irrelevant to me.

Yas Forums is always wrong
So this much tortanic posting ensures PS5's success

Sorry, but I don't like kids' games anymore. You'll understand one day.

How dumb can sony be? Microsoft already released a console stronger than their shitty ps4 pro years ago, did they really think microsoft wouldn't just do it again?

>Do they still do it?

They sure do, in increasingly petty ways.
The most recent one I remember was that in some RPG that I don't remember, they removed the physics from one female character's skirt so that her panties would not show. In ONLY the PS4 version of the game. It's absurd how feminist they've gotten.

Nice try attempting to get people on the Series X, but as long as Microsoft lacks exclusives the power of their system is irrelevant.

I miss the old days when companies were expected to come up with interesting architectures and devs worked and grew with them. Now it's a bunch of lazy cunts who want to plug in assets to pump out 'Insert Video Game' Clone 2020.

And what does sony offer? Oh wait, they don't have exclusives anymore either.

The whole fucking industry has turned into City Interactive.

That's funny, because I only ever played games like that when I was a kid.

And such action will kill the PlayStation 5 as well.

>hourly sony doom thread

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>they do not want to show off captures from dev systems that do not match what a production console would produce
Yeah, devs would never lie about such a thing

Isn't that always the case?
>Game company does well one generation
>Gets lazy and cocky
>Fucks up the next generation

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>using a youtube comment as source

Me too! So glad I grew up and now I just jack off to cartoons all day

we'll still win, like always baby.

>he played visual novels when he was 10
And i was slaying pussy in kindergarten.

Xchads stay winning

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nintendo winning?

Why are Nintendo fans so constantly assmad?

Snoy cope is amazing

Who buys an Xbox? They don’t have exclusives so you’re just stuck with a mid-tier PC you can’t upgrade. At least snoy and ninteniggers can argue about their exclusives.

honestly less offensive than a tweet

Did you seriously make a thread over a fucking YouTube comment?

Anyone who buys a console on day is retarded anyway. We'll see has the good game a few years out. Sony's exclusives might be movies, but at least they fucking had exclusives. If they can maintain that they'll win in the long run.

>talk to the devs working on games, I know several

anyone who read past this point should have been aborted at birth

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>muh PC

Kill yourself neckbeard virgin

>ps1: 102.49 million sold
>ps2: 155 million sold

>Switch version not being covered with imaginary clothing because skin is BUAD

Nice try

>being 10 and still in kindergarden
The only thing you've slain was your parents' pride in their son

>Cerny genuinely thought Boost Clocking could help them with the Numbers game while already having a high clocked NvME drive in there
This is Xbone ESRAM levels of retarded design

>Who buys an Xbox?


blame port-beggars. thanks to them, everything has to be multiplat now. hardware has become largely standardized to make multiplat game development as simple as possible.

I know several high ups at sony owned studios that have said similar things.

PS4 Pro is shit and if the same team is working on it that means the PS5 will be shit as well.
Whereas the Xbox One X is great so the Series X should be good too.

With Californian faggots running things, it's no surprise sony playstation is gonna go down the shitter. The dev who revealed how most developers at Sony have left their first party studios due to crunch will also lower their first party quality by a shitload.

>People desperately denying this

I mean, I understand if you don't believe random comments on the internet, but unless you're particularly young, this shouldn't really sound very unrealistic.

Remember when you tards said sony is too bankrupt to even make the PS4?

good times, good times

Just like you all changed with ps5 13tflop comments on Yas Forums lol

You fume lil guy? Lmao

This faggot is all up his own asshole. PS4 Pro was such a travesty. That alone should've sent Sony HQ all the red flags they needed.

I really want sony to get destroyed by MS Ive been waiting since they killed sega
Its going to be sweet

Well if ms doesnt have any games again sony will pobably beat them.

>since they killed sega
SEGA killed SEGA.

>actual fucking YOUTUBE SCREENCAPS ON Yas Forums
welcome to rotting corpse era Yas Forums
enjoy your stay

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I knew this reply was coming and I almost included in my post
yes sega fucked up several times but theyd still be around even in a bad state if PS had never come out and more importantly they wouldnt be owned by the gambling JP mafia

>literal who on youtube comments says something
well it must be true then

my dad is mr sony and he said his company is LITERALLY finished oh onononono what will we do now sonybros etc. upvotes to the left pls

Yep. PS1 and 2 were amazing consoles with unique design ideas. And the result is stunning despite having crappy specs on paper. After Cell disaster with PS3, they completely abandoned the idea of R&D with consoles and went full-pc hardware with specialized chipset etc.

Gaming would arguably be way worse without PSX and PS2. They are the reason most people play console games today.

>Youtube comments


You really can't into reading comprehension can you?

You described a better world
Fuck all those casuals
Though in reality it wouldnt be much different sega genesis was the fifa machine of its time

Are we really just discussing youtube comments with no sources now?

>no sources
Jeff Rickel, it says right there fag

An actual fucking youtube comment screen shot

So we screen capping youtube comments now, huh

>gaaaah not a youtube comment!

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