Jesus Christ almighty this game is bad

Jesus Christ almighty this game is bad.

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What a shitty bait carlos, go play fifa instead


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>after 2 straight remake blunders the 3rd try might be good right?
>take out co-op
Thanks square

No OP, it has scantily clad girls so you have to pretend it's the best game ever and there's nothing wrong with it.

is it actually? I didn't bother since they removed features from the original game including local multiplayer and I was disappointed

The combat is dreadful and the translation is garbage. There's no reason to play it over the fan translation of the original.

Played the demo and I have no idea why there's a single shred of hype for this game. It's so generic. If it didn't have the name of a well known series, nobody would give a shit

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nah it just feels low budget, kind of like a GC or PS2 era game
i thought the demo was pretty fun

Breed strong Altenish children with Angela.

>and the translation is garbage

How so? I know Nip and it was mostly fine. My biggest issues were one line in random NPC dialogue in being cut for some reason about flowers wilting in Angela's place (there was an implication there that wasn't in English), and Charlotte's dialogue was overdone.

biggest issue is the voice acting and mixing. fuck me it's bad

why would you play jap games dubbed

>bait thread

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It's fun. Try the demo yourself. People are overeacting about how easy the combat is because mushbooms and rabites don't put up a fight, which if you've ever played a Mana game before, know that they typically get one shot anyway because you're in the literal tutorial area.

Redpill me on this game
Im autistic and cant have demos on my steam game list

Right there with you, OP. The animations are atrocious. I legitimately don't understand how people can be hyped for this.

what exactly is the motivation behind trying to turn this into another tortanic considering it's already doomed to fail by releasing the same month as ff7

Make a Steam account for demos.

There are people who only come to Yas Forums in hopes of seeing anything and everything become another tortanic.

The jap isn't that much better tho, the cast is good but feels rushed asf.


Charwette's English voice actress is better than her Japanese voice actress.

the sub is just as bad

It's a low budget cash grab made using re-purposed DQXI assets.

The gameplay is fucking dogshit.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing when I played it, that the Japanese VA sounds pretty corny as well.

>re-purposed DQXI assets.

Do you people just say whatever comes to mind?

where and how did you play the game?

Australians got it early :^)

I played the demo through five times so far, for each of the characters. I played the original game dozens of times througb and like it a lot, and this remake feels pretty faithful to it. It is very easy, the English dub is likely unbearable (Japanese is corny too but its ok), the gameplay is generic but works, it looks and feels like a very last gen lightweight kinda game but it doesn't look *bad*. It's just very old fashioned and more for the SD3 nostalgia freaks than for new players. Personally glad it exists, I like it despite its shortcomings, can't wait to play the full game.

You're going to have to specify if you're talking about the original or the remake, because they're pretty different.

>I have no idea why there's a single shred of hype for this game.
There isn't any hype at all retard. Do you see ten threads about the game on the catalog 24/7?

>Japanese is corny too but it's ok because GLORIOUS NIPPON

So I played the demo and apparently the thrown weapons are AOE now? Rogue hawk is gonna be fun as fuck.

Fairly sure we are talking about the 3D remake.

I haven't played the original (I'm playing Secret of Mana at the moment, I want to play at least a bit of the SNES version of ToM before I playe the remake), but there were times in the demo that it just gave me that SNES RPG feeling, and I really liked that.

Explosives like Bumpkins are AoE.

There isn't a single thing in the demo that isn't a joke to fight.

I don't understand it so it doesn't break the fourth wall for me as badly as the western dub. Personally I would have preferred Zelda-style grunts and exclamations but we can't have everything.

I'm looking forward to spamming rocket launcher and then getting my MP back with AOE pumpkin bombs

It's not like the original is particularly difficult.

So just like the original game?

>It was bad then so it should be bad now
That doesn't make it good, it just makes them both bad.

I am concerned about this. I hope it gets tougher later on. I also concerned about the static enemy locations; the SNES game had something like four enemy layouts per loading area, two for day and two for night. Haven't noticed any variation in 2020 Trials yet, would be a huge oversight.

I like the original, but I don't think its appeal is having difficult combat encounters.

Play the superior SNES game

It has Pink Typhoon unlike this censored shit

how do you learn japanese?

The original also wasn't an action RPG. For an action RPG there needs to be elements to make it actually enjoyable to play, like having interesting combat mechanics or challenging enemy encounters, and this has neither. They changed the genre of the game and made it play even worse in the process.
>But you could walk around and stuff in the original
The combat was still locked to a timer and positioning rarely ever mattered, it's incomparable to the new systemt.

Most JRPGs don't really have particularly difficulty combat though and they don't try to advertise them as a challenging experience either.



It's better than the original game, but it's the Mana curse to be almost good and fall just flat of it. Pretty much every game in the series is like that.

Well if we're going by stuff that makes your dick twitch, I'll go with the remake for 3D Angela.

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By reading books and lots of practice.

>this mad about the exclusion of an animation
>Still get the lewd kiss and a fuckhuge heart explosion
>Calling it censored when its not even implemented or animated.

Why is anyone acting like multiplayer was a desirable feature in the SNES mana games? Do you guys love endless spell pause and your partners taking control away from you constantly?

How can you tell that from the demo? Besides some longer wait times during story scenes, it's just as clunky. I feel like a lot of people are playing these remakes with some serious rose goggles.
Like this, besides a few bugs the SoM remake was great.

I think they're just people who are used to having the option, but didn't play the game before. No one really used multi-player in any if the Mana games, cuz it always sucked.

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Nostalgia. Many people probably remember playing Secret of Mana as a multiplayer game. Most of the SD3 fags I know played the game singleplayer on emulator so its a non issue for most of the people that are truly interested.

I mean, I put up with like 30 playthroughs of SNES and the spell pause was grating all the way through. It wasn't good, but it was fun enough to play with people. Angela and Carlie were objectively the worst classes in the game for that reason and using either of them added like 20 hours of animations each to the game.

>For an action RPG there needs to be elements to make it actually enjoyable to play, like having interesting combat mechanics or challenging enemy encounters, and this has neither
No, user. Action doesn't mean fun, it just means things happening. For ARPGs the minimum had always just been running around and slashing at things, which this game definitely has. Even in its demo.

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Manas are way better single player than multiplayer games. Omitting multiplayer is just not an issue. Besides, weebs don't have friends.

>It wasn't good, but it was fun enough to play with people
That's funny I've never heard the Mana games referred to in such a way. That's like the opposite of what I'd describe it as, kek.

Fool me once Shame on you.
Fool me- you can't get fooled again!

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Well I mean, anything multiplayer is fun enough with friends, even if it sucks.

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There is no comfier game than this, lads

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This another Barry imposter?

God I remember trying to play this game with a friend 5 years ago because we were on a nostalgia kick. The gameplay was fun enough at the beginning when all we were doing was mindlessly smashing people but it slowed down and became a desync fest whenever we tried using spells. I think we made it to the mana holyland and never continued afterwards

Nothing to lose by playing the demo or pirating the full game. It seems like they actually tried this time.

What's up with those final sets of costumes? They haven't arbitrarily shoehorned in a third set of class changes, right?

Yeah, at least you can avoid attacks this time around. I always hated that you couldn't do diddly dick to avoid attacks in the SNES mana games. It was particularly bad in Secret of Mana, partially due to bad hitboxes, and partially that it doesn't care if something actually hit you, you're still getting hurt.


Apparantly postgame only apparantly. And apparantly they added a postgame. Apparantly.

those are new tier 4 classes from the post game scenario - not much info on them or the scenario at this point but it seems like the main antagonist of the new part will be Anise from dawn of mana.


Yes, which makes it a shit game. Even Crystar is a more competent ARPG than this.

I don't like using the term but being stunlocked to death by rng spell casting timers was artificial difficulty. Give me some way to counterattack that shit.

>Quotes 4 different posts all from new IPs while calling samefag
You're not very good at this.