Part 1 = Midgar

>Part 1 = Midgar
>Part 2 = Kalm (w/ Nibelhiem flashback) to the Junon Cave
>Part 3 = Junon and the Ship
>Part 4 = Costa-del-Sol and the Coral Mountains
>Part 5 = The Gold Saucer and Coral Village
>Part 6 = Cosmo Canyon
>Part 7 = Nibelhiem and the Nibelhiem Mountains
>Part 8 = Rocket Town (and other optional areas; e.g. Wutai) return to Gold Saucer
>Part 9 = Temple of the Ancients
>Part 10 = City of the Ancients and Icicle Inn
>Part 11 = Snowfield and Gaea Cliffs
>Part 13 = Return to Junon

Just how many fucking parts is this game going to be?

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one for every Final Fantasy

The original had 3 disks

SE showing their incompetence at project management yet again

Why would each part be one town, when most of those towns literally constituted one screen in the original and maybe ten minutes of gameplay?

I swear you people either have autism or never actually played the original game.

They aren't going to remake the entire game. They're sick of 7 and want to work on new projects.

Kalm can be glossed over - Cloud's story about Nibelhiem will be turned into a 5 minute cut scene at the beginning of the disc / tutorial section to introduce new players to combat mechanics.

Midgar Zolom will be cut. They'll just arrive at Junon. Crossing the ocean won't be drawn out. Costa del Sol will be short too.

They'll dwell on Mt. Correll and Golden Saucer.

Game 2 will end with the conclusion of cosmo canyon.




You're right, this is Yas Forums, instead of making wild assumptions based on empirical evidence, we should be making wild assumptions based on asspulls and baseless speculation

Honest question; Do you guys think they're gonna let us play as Sephiroth fully, or are they gonna bs us because "he's Sephiroth dude".
The flashback is definitely gonna be more expanded upon in the remake.

>original argument was that the game was too big to remake in a single release
>break it up into massive individual parts
>still cutting anything
That would be criminal.
not bad

post Jessie's death

A little fast paced for my tastes. Curious, why is it called shinra creed and not mark of the traitor? there might be another real mark of the traitor out there

The empirical evidence is that Midgar had content to be expanded on, as said on the weekly videos the devs have been putting out. Meanwhile Kalm has jack shit

I kind of get the feeling that this remake will actually end at the first boss fight against Jenova. That's a really good breaking point to stop, with the sequel starting up at Costa Del Sol. This also makes Condor Mountain a pretty good post-game spot that would be exclusive to this first game, and completing it or not affects future games, particularly in whether or not you get the Huge Materia.

The next game can be hyped up as featuring Dyne, Vincent, and Cid, and end at Temple of the Ancients. After the temple gets destroyed, the party fights with Sephiroth (which wasn't in the original) and after winning, Sephiroth controls Cloud and the game ends shortly after.

The third game opens with Cloud waking up in that village I forget the name of. From here on out, Aeirth is out of the party, just like from the original. This game includes Aeirth's death, Cloud falling into the lifestream, and his eventual recovery. The final boss will be Cloud's memory versus Sephiroth's memory in the lifestream, and the game ends with Cloud's motivational speech on the Highwind.

The fourth will be the final game, including Diamond Weapon, Proud Clod, Hojo, maybe some other shit I'm missing, and the general game's final dungeon and ending, as well as the rest of the Huge Materia quest. Ultima Weapon as an optional super boss, but they probably won't include Ruby and Emerald. Also, while there will certainly be an underwater mako reactor dungeon, I get the feeling that the submarine won't be a vehicle; it'll just be for cutscenes, basically.

I want the Wutai sidequest to be in the game, although I'm not entirely sure how they'll implement it. I think it would be best to make it mandatory and give the story a reason to have to go there, which would also mean making Yuffie mandatory at some point too. Not entirely sure how I feel about that, but it's not too bad. This is what, I feel, would be pretty ideal for it being episodic, but I doubt we'll get this.

>I kind of get the feeling that this remake will actually end at the first boss fight against Jenova
Is that the one on the ship after Junon? That's a really odd place to end the game and I don't think Part 1 will go that far anyway.

Nonono, it's just going to be one game, but you pay a monthly sub, and parts are going to be added as patches on a schedule.

Midgar in original = 5 hours
Midgar in Remake = 50 hours

Town in original = 10 minutes
Towin in remake = 10 hours

That you bought all at once for $50 instead of not even getting everything from disk 1 for $60.

didn't they confirm it was a trilogy? or am I having Mandela effect?

Aerith Dying
Rest of the game.

I'm 13 hours in and at the Wall Market part of the game, doubt there's another 37 hours of content.

thats in 97 dollars, so it was liek $80

They never confirmed how many parts it will be. 3 parts has been the pretty popular speculation though

You aren't having a Mandela, you were just stupid enough to believe all the posts on Yas Forums.

I think it works out because it features Jenova as the game's final boss, while still teasing Sephiroth for a later sequel. It also leads to the next game opening at Costa Del Sol, maybe having a fight against Shinra troops at the docks as a tutorial. The fields outside will be low leveled enemies, the nearby mountain path will be the first real dungeon of that entry, and a new, bigass monster (maybe at the mako reactor on that mountain?) will be the first boss fight. That leads to Gold Saucer, the desert prison as a dungeon, and Dyne as the next boss, and so on. I think it works well as a breaking point, both story wise and gameplay wise.

However, I agree that I don't think that's what we'll actually get. I'm sure the entire first game will end at Midgar with Motorball as the final boss. Then the next game opens with the walk to Kalm, which would be an okay tutorial, and Cloud's flashback as an extended tutorial for other mechanics. That's fine, but then what? Is Jenova going to be in the middle of the game? That seems awkward. Will the second game end with her? That would be extremely short. Of course, no one knows either way so, we'll see.

The other 2 games will take less time to develop since they already have most assets and planning done retards, they don't have to spend shitloads of time in that and thus can cram more content.

3/4 of disc 2 was random battles in the overworld, and seeing how far you can really get in just the car/boat/submarine

most assets for what? midgar? lmao shut the fuck up

Dont expect people to understand even the most basic things about videogame development. Creating the next parts is about as complicated as creating an expansion pack for any other game

Character assets and animations already being done is a huge help, sure, but environments and enemies is also a major part of the game. The asset reuse can only go so far, although I expect Shinra troops to show up more often throughout all the remake entries.

the game could have come out as a remake of the entire FF franchise, bundled onto a single disk, running at 4k/4000fps on a potato battery with free nightly blowjobs from Marlene and people would still cry about it

who care

are you gonna buy them?

>free nightly blowjobs from Marlene
I would cry too, with joy.

They haven't even demonstrated they have a plan for part 2 yet. Assuming they don't just give up, we're in this for the long haul.

>but environments and enemies is also a major part of the game.

I dont think anyone is downplaying the workload but its still infinitely faster and easier to create new areas, enemies, encounters, items etc etc for a finished game than it is to throw everything off the table and start making FF16. Since they obviously started working on the next part long before FF7R even went gold its not that unrealistic that part 2 might even be coming out on launch for the PS5

>Yas Forums in charge of game design
Part 2 ends right after nibelhiem.
everything else is literally retarded

This whole remake is a scam anyways. Wouldn't surprise me

Part 2 will take a decent amount of time since they'll need to fully realize Red XIII as a playable character as well as develop Cid, Yuffie and Vincent. Part 3 is almost certainly going to be the shortest one dev time wise since the most of the assets will be finished and they can just dump Disks 2 and 3 together into one game.

Is part 1 the only timed exclusive?

It'll be 7 parts cause they think it'll be poetic that way.

I wonder if square realize what they've done here. FFVII remake is basically the biggs, wedge and jessie game now. They're deeper characters than the main cast at this point, new players will have spent more time with them than with any of the main cast now.
Cloud spends more time with jessie than with aerith and tifa.

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>as well as develop Cid
Assuming part 2 will make it all the way to Rocket Town is rather optimistic.

Actually I've put some thought into this. I think they will either split the game into three or four parts.

Part 2 would ideally start with the Nibelheim flashback in Kalm to serve as a tutorial for new players (and to show what things have changed between games for returning players, as they said they'll use feedback from Part 1 to determine gameplay for the second game) and progress smoothless from then on. You'd have to get the Chocobo to get to Mythril Mines like in the original in what can serve as an introduction to however overworld exploring works now, but now trekking the swamp can be more daunting with the Midgar Zolom being a big monster chasing after you this time in something much more cinematic than avoiding an outline on the map. Like usual, you'd meet the Turks in the Mythril Mines and trek your way to Junon, the "upper" portion of which (with the military parade) can now be significantly expanded. You'd go through the parade stuff, sneak your way onto the ship (this part will fucking rule in HD), go to Costa Del Sol and so on. At this point, I see two good jumping off points for Part 2. If they're going for four parts, the most balance place to jump off here would be the return to Nibelheim, to serve as a bookend with the beginning of the game's Nibelheim flashback. If they're going for three parts, they'd probably wrap up this part with the Temple of the Ancients instead, seeing as it is definitely a huge moment in the story, is a big dungeon, and ends with you meeting Sephiroth in the original, which they can turn into a "first round" in the remake.

They'll probably rush the shit out of the rest of the locations. Sorta like FFXV did, where the first third of the game was oddly expansive but light on story and the rest was just railroading you through a slog of story and drama on linear rails.

Damn it I hope he uploads "Air Buster theme" before his stuff gets taken down...

There's barely any good stopping points left for the rest of Disk 1.

inb4 they cancel half the episodes like they did with ff15

Part 2 will be in development hell for 5+ years and Square will rush to release it and the entire rest of the game will be condensed into a 50 hour long linear hallway simulator experience because SE is incompetent.

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And? Then it's $80 for the full game vs $180 for the full game assuming it's in three parts as they previously claimed it would be.

This. Love the remake so far but you gotta be retarded to count on square actually finishing something they started.

In b4 nomura gets a new gay host at his favourite gay host club and decided to topple part 2 and start development from scratch because his 18 year old gay crush had a great idea on how to improve the constant flashbacks that will continue throughout part two as well.

Assuming the return to Nibelhelm is the jumping off point from part 2, the other two parts can be handled in a relatively balanced way. The third game can begin on a solemn note after the mindfuck at the beginning of part 2, with a trek through the unforgiving, harsh Mt Nibel. From here on, things can continue as usual, with this part being a bit more open world and less linear than the other two. This would be the ideal part in which they'd put in the Yuffie and Vincent recruitments. Part 3 can conclude in a huge dramatic way with the whole big sequence at Gaia's Cliff where the Ultimate Weapon is unleashed and a bunch of other stuff happens. In addition to this being a story climax (which also has another meetup with Sephiroth here, giving another opportunity for them to force in a Sephiroth showdown or conclude things with the JENOVA fight instead) this allows the game to end on a cliffhanger, encouraging newcoming players to want part 4 more.

Part 4, of course, begins with the sequence where you escape execution, and largely focuses on the Huge Materia and snapping Cloud out of his poor mental state. Cloud's recovery might take less time than in the original game, because having too large a portion of the climactic game in the remake project lacking the project's main character may prove problematic. Now you have the airship and the world will be fully open, this will probably be the one with the most emphasis on sidequests and exploration. In fact, the "main story" stuff will be kind of thin compared to the rest of the project at this point, so they'd pretty much have to incorporate more exploration of the world at this stage.

If they don't structure it this way, the parts will probably be pretty unbalanced.

id actually like to see some bara as fuck guy go to a man host club.

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Expanding one part doesn't mean they expanded each part of the game exactly proportionate.

We won't know until people are playing it, and seeing how they treated the single most iconic FF opening arc.

FFVII original was dense because of side quests, hidden content, and a slow pace that was meant to give a better sense of journeying. They had the ability to make it take that long, because they could spend more time on generating content rather than assets. They had to choose between assets or content, and considering the visual quality, it's pretty obvious what they went with.

My own opinion is that it's impossible - this is a revision and not a remake. The scale is just too insane, you will see everything but the bare minimum cut, and the majority of events will be either simplistic FFXV fare or scripted QTE sequencing.

Just about the only thing that could justify this long-term is if they're also planning to make the entire overworld in FFXV style. That would make getting the chocobos, car, and eventually airship such a bigger deal than they already were.

I think a guy like roland is more up nomura's alley.

why are episodes okay when valve does them?

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thats not bad, that was then entire point of midgar, more of avalanche as a group since midgar in the OG was about it, but it was rushed as fuck and killed way too early
this whole resistance group theme wasnt in the original after midgar and gets dropped immediately

The big question for me still is, will later parts still include the entire rest of the world within them?
If the game is "too big" for one release, does that mean I won't be able to take the ship back from Costa Del Sol to check on Fort Condor again? Does that mean I won't be able to fly back to all the previous towns when I get my airship?

Cloud loves Aeris

>scripted QTE
there is pretty much none of that in the game from what I have seen in streams so far. Infact I don't even remember any QTE whatsoever up until Chapter 6 or so (which is up to where I watched). The only case of "Quick Time Event" if you can even call it that, is the recreation of the "simultanous button press" remake which seems now to be a set of levers instead. There are certainly points to complain about, but QTE is certainly not one of them.

I honestly doubt it, just because it seems like a waste of resources to make a full moveset for him just for a 30 minute gimmick sequence. I hope they do let us play as him though