You do own a CRT for playing older games, right Yas Forums?

You do own a CRT for playing older games, right Yas Forums?

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Yes of course I do

I'm pretty jealous of that perfect geometry. I spent hours getting this TV into this shape.

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>not black
get out

For what purpose other than being a faggot?

OP pic is clearly meant to show off 100% completion, so why no double defense?

yea well it's not like there's many other uses than old games and vhs tapes

How does one fix the border issue like in this picture?I have a similar issue except my edges get distorted.

Go back to Akihabara, Mr.Braun

I've had my PVM before they got stupid expensive. Have that bitch hooked up to a matrix switcher and some nice bookshelf stereo speakers. Gonna get a sub woofer once I get my Trumpbux.

I don't play old games, but if I did yah I'd get a CRT. Looking at old games in HD is horrible. Looks 10x worse in exchange for being a sharper image. Especially PS1 era shit with the background that is a picture and you can tell because of HD.

Yea, I bought 4 trinitron monitors from my local news studios about 4 years back. Theyre pretty dope.

>CRT TV/screen

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The boarders are just part of how the display works, the only real noticeable imperfection on that TV now is that slight black bar on the top left. Fixing it causes problems elsewhere though. You can fix distortions by going into service mode with a remote.

I don't really care about the "faithful recreation of the original experience"
I played all those games on CRTs back in the 90's and early 2000's, and I don't see what's the appeal. The game doesn't change, and I don't really give a shit about the graphics.

Sony D32E1WU BVM


>not using a consumer TV, aka the CRT literally everyone remembers and games were made for

How do you go about buying like that? I've been thinking of doing it, but it sounds weird just cold calling. Did you know somebody there?

I have a cheap 15" CRT from a literal who brand for my SNES. It's still plugged in composite because I can't be assed getting a scart cable
I think a large, high quality CRT would break my ikea shelf

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I do, unfortunately it's a bottom of the barrel duraband with composite only. And it's impossible to get a new crt now due to current events.

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It's almost like people who want CRTs aren't short term nostalgia junkies and just want the best quality they can get for old school games.

Composite god race here.

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How do you hook that Wii up to that PVM? RGB or nah?

You know you can get the best of both worlds right?

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Component through BNC adaptors plugs

I'd rather not look at a hideous filter.

I wish I had a nice CRT, all I've got are cheap TVs with subpar image quality. One day I will own a PVM.

Yes. Not that I ever do these days because the sound fucking sucks.

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You dont have to use scanline shaders, but you can blur dithering patterns perfectly fine without having to rely on composite artifacts these days

If you just like the look of composite then that's fine, but if you're just doing it for the dithering then theres better ways to do it

Jesus fucking christ user, I'm not against lights, but why the fuck do you have them draping right over everywhere you'd need to put your hands to get to stuff?

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I bought a PVM for $50 but there was discoloration and geometry issues at a few spots as well as a colored line that would run from the top to the bottom of the display after you left it on for a couple of minutes. Piece of junk. Anyways, what are those extra screens on the left for? Are they all functioning?

Yeah, all of them work. The 14" PVM's I got for free from a local broadcasting studio.

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Well if you don't have problems with your actual setup then you're fine and that's good.
I like it.

I almost never have to get anything off that shelf and it serves as a source of ambient light at night. 90% of the time my back is to that part of the room because my PC is on the opposite end. It works for me and that's all that matters.

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I tried my luck going to a couple local hospitals and asking if they had any extra PVMs in storage, since I heard on /vr/ that was a good option to find some. In retrospect, going to a broadcasting studio may have been a better idea. Mind telling me the about how you got the free 14'?

no, I grew up on CRT so I know they suck and I don't play old games because they suck too.

You don't actually...replay games multiple times do you? You know more intelligent people seek novelty, right?

most flats are horrible for retro games, especially 2d. it's barely noticeable with 3d. there's only so much service menu tweaking to do. you realistically need an older curved set. it'll always look like a funhouse mirror with newer crts

which gen is the cutoff point?

Nope, now back to with you

>dable in arcade machines
>interested in local ebay listing for a 29" nanao monitor
>guy ends up being a complete fucking psycho, but I end up meeting another guy through him that works at a broadcasting studio. We hit it off and exchange numbers
>One day sends me a text asking me if I'm still interested in monitors
>send me a pic of two 14MU pvms in his studio warehouse
>tells me I can take them if I drive down there

That was a good day

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Absolutely not. Emulation is orders of magnitude more pleasant than playing physical games on a CRT. You're out of your mind if you think there's any advantage to this beside impressing a small minority of people on the internet.

And the best quality for old school games is ironically the standard quality of the day. Since you’re playing them the way they were intended to be played.

7th gen but some stuff still looks good on crts even then

6th gen, technically 7th if you want to count the Wii.

Yeah but it's also kind of a disorganized looking blight on an otherwise fairly organized room.

comfy setup, user

get a wireless kb/mouse

>I tried my luck going to a couple local hospitals and asking if they had any extra PVMs in storage
I wish I had balls this huge, I would feel way too embarressed to do this.

Get a bigger TV

>I also happen to play all my old school 16 bit games on a CRT because it looks great!
Don't bring up input lag on modern TVs because they all have a setting just for video games to reduce input lag altogether even for old consoles.

I like playing sixth gen on a crt personally. Stuff like ps2 is nice since I can just use it for ps1 as well.

Consoles are CRT agnostic. There's as much argument that developers making them on pro monitors was the "way it was meant to be". You're doing mental gymnastics to justify lower quality. There's arguments for composite or s video on certain games where blending was taken advantage of, but the TV? You're either coping with the price of pro monitors or a short term nostalgia chaser and not really into old school vidya.

Modern TVs having a mode that reduces lag doesn't make a difference for sub 480p content as that will be scaled to at least 480p which introduces lag. It'll introduce some nice combing artifacts too if the signal was 480i.

Just emulate lol

why is your thumb like that?


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Actually no, since the creators tested and made their games on high end TVs

I did but my trinitron died, such a shame. I need to get another one, smaller this time. The trinitron that died was 29" and wheighs more than xbox hueg.

>there are people that still believe this in the year 2020

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why would you want to deal with batteries?

I wish.
Someday I will, once I have the money and the room for it.

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It's not worth it anyways, those hospitals sold their stock to refurbished medical supply companies long ago.

I got lucky and scored a 20" PVM from an old hospital that was getting cleaned out. I really like it for my old consoles.

Based SteinsFag

CRTs cause cancer you brainlets

What's the best portables to emulate on that has CRT-like graphics and low input lag?

Bro I can smell you through this picture. Imagine inviting people over and seeing their faces when they walk into your manchild room. The TV is bad enough but you got all your shit set up on display like it's something to be proud of. A few tasteful video game references is fine but I'm honestly embarrassed for you.

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I got a 36" crt a few months back. it feels like 300lbs

What are those VCR boxes? Is that how they sold the games in Europe?

I bet that looks nice.

Vita and 3ds are great. Vita has a nicer screen and ps1 support while 3ds has ds support.

Would you not recommend the OLED Vita?

>Imagine inviting people over
Kill yourself normalfag.

>cringing while using a Vietnamese loli picture site

Bigger ones actually cost money and I don't trust this shelf's sturdiness at all. When I actually have a stable source of income I might consider trying to find a slightly larger CRT that can do component

Not anymore. Had to get rid of my old CRT during the last move few years ago.

Damn, I forgot there was 100 in the original. There was only like 50 on the 3DS version. I thought something was weird how easily I was finding them.

They're replacement cases.

OLED has a nicer screen but inferior battery life and weighs more, comes down to your preference.