They won again

Prepare for more minority characters

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looks like shit

>Sakura Wars Tifa

Okay, I guess.

>muh minorities muh white genocide

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I don't think the Japanese are a minority in Japan.

Well im not surprised she looks bad in that one, every character has a good/medium/bad costume
And that one is clearly the slutty geisha out of taste one.

Mature = sporty >>>> exotic

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the fuck u on about you delusional sperg

>japanese game has japanese characters

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>"nu-Tifa is flat" fags lost the titty debate
>now have to cry about the nationality of a fictional person in a fictional world

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>what is sjw
>what is forced diversity

Good questions, do you even know anymore?

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>Honey Select is the most SJW game in existence
At last I truly see now user. See how you're fucking retarded and should helium exit ASAP, that is.

dear god what the fuck did they do to her face? Looks like Barret broke her jaw with his cock.

>Asian game developers put an asian looking character in their game.
>Forced diversity

Don't drink the Yas Forumsaid.

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Tifa is cute wtf is wrong with you faggots

She isn't as big as before tho

>soijak (164)
Fucking hell.

nice false flagging.

they are endocrinating children to perceive women as ugly

and are being succesful at it

How do we stop forced diversity from ever taking the videogame industry?

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literally can't
normie purchasing power is always bigger

Wtf I love diversity now.

>japanese game has japanese characters
>this is a problem somehow

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Tifa fucks Red XIII and Barret.

>Japanese game puts in Japanese characters

You're posting in a false flag thread.

Is this some weird geometry stretch hack?

That looks like shit.

Which dress is which? I keep reading contradicting reports. I just don't wanna get the ugly geisha one. Ideally the chun-li dress.

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Graphics look blurry af but tits look good

Tifa kicks ass in that Chinese dress, although I wish she had a high braided ponytail with it instead of the chun-li hair.


This. Fuck white people.

That's because the user who posted the webm doesn't understand what bit-rate means.

>asians are a minority

In civilized countries, yes.

>What is pretending to be a Yas Forumsack in a pathetic attempt to make them look stupid?
Will you start dumping pizza next?

>baited by obvious false flag
try to be less retarded

Why would anyone pretend to be a Yas Forumstard to make them look dumb when real Yas Forumstards are much more retarded than parodies of themselves?

Sorry that you are so fucking gay that you fear women and ethnicity.

How do I get a refund on PSN?

Isn't everyone in Final Fantasy Japanese

where is the "tifa without the shitty skirt/spats/stockings" outfit?

aka OG tifa?

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>why does a japanese game have japanese characters
stop shilling for japanese genocide you sjw

You can’t, get fucked

tfw we won

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japanese arent a minority in japan tho, the only civilized country in the world

you dont think the brownish "white" tranny hordes in the west are civilized do you?

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you cant honestly think the west is civilized its desended into chaos with constant terrorist attacks, rapes and trannys running around trying to censor everything while the natives quickly become a minority in their own countries

europe and america are shitholes

>constant terrorist attacks

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>that is what pass as an athletic woman in Japan

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Who is this?


>europe and america are shitholes

Literal schizo-tier post.
Tifa is looking great!

I never said tifa doesnt look great
I was defending her looking japanese in a japanese game

Why do they have her dressing up like a Wutai chingchong? They should have her in some Jessica Rabbit shit.

please a name