Do it you fucking losers
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Wish there was a bigger mask/helmet variety.
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Bump cuz these threads are a little slow
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gave creating yuugi a try
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This entire website must be purged.
Sure. Love this shit
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She wants a hug Yas Forums
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10 hours of posework
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Pretty happy with how this came out actually.
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Dook Nookem
Psycho Mantis
Dante the Demon Killer (got a nice ring to it)
Solid Snake
That german loli game.
Random PC from Bannerlord
I did my best
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Norman Redius sans Funky Fetus?
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Pretty easy.
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Yep. The bag was what gave it away, right?
Correct, another one.
No idea, the girl from Remember me?
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Thought it was TF2 medic at first
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Didn't mean to quote.
I'd have to show her ass if it was Remember Who.
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the NOLF lady whose name escapes me
Man, he was such a let down.
Nope, getting warmer though.
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Along the right lines.
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Is that the Colonel's niece? Might have to push the SELECT button to know for sure.
No, but that pose wasn't great now that I look at it again.
Oops, forgot to mirror this.
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Perfect Dark lady? That was my second guess.
I wish elephant races got more play in fantasy settings.
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Looks like Ruiner protag but it's probably Doomguy.
the gladiator from Doom eternal
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A нy чики бpики и в дaмкe!