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Please tell me you can take the girls on datea in Midgar, and then take them back home and have sex

What happened now?

She ded

Yes, Hot Coffee is in the game

Sony censorstation wouldn't allow that

Did they fix Tifa's outfit at least?

Maybe if Cloud weren't such a fag who rejected a blatant offer from Jessie. I can't self-insert into this loser virgin.

so glad this ugly bitch dies. is jessieposting ironic, surely nobody actually like her when superior choices like tifa and yuffie exist

>Sex BAD violence GOOD


Yuffie is the ultimate meme choice.

So I'm going to get a used PS4 just to play FFVII Remake.

Is the 500 GB model enough, or will I want the 1TB eventually?

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What did she mean by this? Asking unironically.

This is my problem with most japshit. The protag is almost always a borderline asexual unassertive wimp that is too socially incompetent to make a move on any girl.

she's the top girl in ff7 and it isn't even close

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Obnoxious thief with no redeeming qualities. I'd take thirsty slut Jessie over her any day.

And they wonder why they have a sex problem in Japan when they keep making protags like this

1tb eventually, really. Games are too big in size rn. Modern Warfare (don't know if that's a bad example but whatever) is like 180gb total.

Wow, Sony are fucking racist. Only Italians can make a mean pizza and she most definitely isn't Italian. As a full-blooded Italian, I'm actually shaking right now. My nonnina is crying while she prepares fresh pasta for tonight's meal, and my father and brothers are already cleaning their hunting shotguns in preparation to make these disgusting bigots sleep with the fishes.

Racism is NOT okay. How dare they shit all over my beautiful cultural heritage by saying that just 'anyone' can make a pizza? It's factually incorrect. It's literally the worst sin. ONLY Italians can make good pizza.

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Any news on the PC front?

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breastplate too pointy

>this is what nostalgia fags are hyping up
Jesus christ. At least take your goggles off and criticize its shit writing

Why? WHY?

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At least Jessie's face is normal and not bloated unlike Tifa's

An entire game in midgar is embarrassing
this remake is so fucked

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There aren't even going to be rumors of a pc version for six months, even though everyone knows it'll be out in a year.

AAA games are starting to go >100gb. For example, RDR2 required that I delete some other games to fit. I don't know what I'll do to get FF7R and TLoU2 on there.

wow, she is actually very cute

>it'll be out in a year.
I guess I can wait. Can only play this shit with mods

500GB is fine unless you want to play unoptimised AAA trash, you can always get a cheap external memory storage device anyway

Good thing too, because that's your only choice if you want to play on pc.

Literal perfection

As to your question depends how often you wanna delete games

Why you absolute faggot. It will be on PS5 too. This gen of consoles is actually worth buying on release since they're more powerful than PCs

I'm assuming there's a level cap, right?
Otherwise everyone are going to be lv 100 by the time the next games comes.

I own 50+ games so I'm constantly deleting anyway

Damn, asian women look like that!?

I don't get it.

Am I missing something?

>Jessie snuggles into Cloud's neck intimately and whispers in his ear that tomorrow night her roomates will be gone and she wants you to come over
>she asks if you'll promise to stay come tomorrow night
>your options are "No promises." (Maybe) or "Not interested." (No)
>She dies at the Sector 7 pillar before this night comes to pass

They upped Jessiesuffer levels to > 9000

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Because she gets flatted by the plate. Like a pizza.


Why is Jessie such a Cloud cock hungry slut in this game?

This remake has all of the subtlety of a brick to the face. Do we really need Cloud to have a headache or a flashback of Sephiroth in every other scene? At this point, the remake is hammering home the idea that something is wrong with him, while the original doesn't even let on to that fact too strongly until, what, the Temple of the Ancients?

Sure, he had some weird flashes here and there, but they were one-off things, not literally every other cutscene.

She gets killed by a falling slice of Midgar's "pizza". It's dumb foreshadowing.

Barret literally calls the part of Midgar that falls on them a pizza.

All the interactions between cloud and avalanche gave me breaking bad vibes.

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>looks right at the camera and says she wants that spikey pubed dick
>Reno kills her with a metal pizza right after
Being a Jessiechad is tough, bros

People are dumber and have the memories of goldfish these days. Back then someone could get a reveal and look back and remember all the hints, but the modern zoomer will complain it came out of left field if it isn't foreshadowed to hell and back.

What we need is Sephiroth to show up at the end of Midgar and turn into Jenova so we can have our Jenova boss battle to replace Motorball

How are they gonna redeem the turks after that? I know nomura has a huge boner for them and makes them reappear in all kinds of compilation material. But after getting to know biggs, wedge and jessie this much, making them more likeable than the main cast, it seems like the turks are irredeemably evil

To be fair, people still don't get why Tifa held her tongue during Cloud's Nibelheim recap in Kalm. People were stupid back then too.

>nomura has a huge boner for them
Nomura was barely involved in the compilation stuff, at most he directed AC (And AC itself wasn't the story he wanted to tell, his pitch for the story was a bunch of kids passing letters from one to another to get it to Cloud) and had creative producer role over Crisis Core.

Sephiroth Porn pls

Were the Turks really redeemed in the original? Most of the humanizing came from Rude having a crush on Tifa, Elena being a klutz and I guess Tseng being stabbed trying to stop Sephiroth at the Temple. I don't remember Reno getting a moment to show he's just an on the clock killer

>says the Yas Forumsirgins

Yeah, haha, the guy you found gibbering in the gutter is suddenly perfectly recalling events that you convinced yourself 100% he wasn't there for. But you barely remember them too, because you got sliced up by a psychopath. This is definitely the time to doubt his memories when you don't know if you're the one who might be crazy.

Reno gets a moment when he disobeys orders in Wutai and tells the party to get going, and deliberately refusing to fight Cloud's group multiple times because they haven't been ordered too. The original is very much "This is just a Job" with the Turks

Tabata did an amazing job with Crisis Core and type 0. Everything Nomura touches, it turns into shit.

They never really were redeemed, in the original they just let you off a couple times for helping them out

1. Shut up, Barry.
2. That's literally irrelevant to what I said. I was responding to the claim that Nomura "Has a huge boner for the Turks and makes them appear in all sorts of compilation stuff"

They were turned into loveable comedic relief characters in advent children.
This will be way harder to swallow now that you see them killing the absolute fan favourites of the remake in cold blood.

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I'm italian and I'll let you know that egyptians are damn good at making pizza

But why would I want to play a game as a Yas Forumsirgin though?

Get the fuck out of here, Nomura.

>ghosts and gay sephiroth

man fuck nomura.

She's actually italian and based on the wife of the character designer (Roberto Ferrari)

>I don't remember Reno getting a moment to show he's just an on the clock killer

Literally the entirety of Wutai.
