Bannerlord? More like Bummerlord lmao.
Bannerlord? More like Bummerlord lmao
thanks for beta-testing
>b-but it's not finished yet
>it's just early access
>just wait for the rest of the content
>mods will fix it
>8 years to get a jankier and buggier game than Warband
How did they do it?
>g-go gack to Yas Forums
The Mount and Blade defense force will just tell you that you don't know anything about game development.
Try that on mounted/spear/archer opponents. Fuck, try it on anyone who isn't a looter.
looks fun
You can do this to any infantry melee unit. It just takes longer if they're armored.
It's a single player game you mong. No one is forcing you to use exploits. You have nothing to gain from it. Exploits only exist if you want them to exist.
>cheesing a game means its bad
sucks you're so jaded bro, just pirate it if you're so bothered by it
>you can cheese a group of looters by yourself with high athletics
But what does this matter? This doest affect battles where you're controlling an army because your troops don't do this so the game is unaffected unless you plan to never recruit anyone and just fight looters by yourself all game.
in warband the looters would start lauching rocks and he would be dead in a minute
I dont understand the multiplayer combat in this
>parry cancel at last second
>parry cancel at last second
>parry cancel at last second
>do the same
>get kills
Im not even trying or have any skills I just have to cancel an attack twice and then commit to the third and it has given consistent kills because you can cancel at any time in the swing and fuck up an opponents timing, made easier if your team is next to you. This is why games like this have stamina systems, to punish stupid shit like this. At least the singleplayer is decent because of its scale, albeit unfinished.
they do in bannerlord too if you're not on very east
Hes playing on very easy, look at the damage theyre hitting him for.
>very east
fucking chinks at it again
Built a new engine in-house with Syrian refugees coders
sigh, shit so broken...
This is enemy army not moving an inch, and my whole line of archers not seeing them apparently.
you could size the map up another 100x it would still be empty as shit with copy paste towns and the same 4 radial quests
>If I cheese the game its not fun
Just play it right you fagtards
how are you not supposed to cheese things when everything is broke and gonna fuck you over?
Why's everybody playing as edgy horse archers? Where are my Rhodok chads at?
Great duel. Really fun. Would be even better if there was a chance to actually get ready for it.
8 years for what amounts to basically an alpha for the same shit as the first game. i am beyond disappointed
it truly is deserving of the name blunderlord
Issue attack commands you pleb
Haha shit game. All those years of hype wasted.
there are several guides out there for warband, the combat system in mb is quite complex
if you want a stamina system, you should play games with a stamina system, mb is good because it's unique in its combat
>had shield up
>couldn't press the right button with a 0.5s lead
Something isn't good just because it's unique. The Mount and Blade games would be vastly better if they had the Mordhau combat system.
Its the opposite of complex, im winning by playing at near random.
reaction time of a grandpa
outted yourself as a dumb underage
Its a better combat system hands down user, and I love MnB.
Mods can't fix a game that can't run smoothly on anything but a CIA grade supercomputer due to AWFUL optimization. Streamers with $5000 setups and multiple 1080 TIs still can't play on high settings without constantly stuttering.
honestly: what did people expect from a TURKISH dev team. after a DECADE of development this is what you get.
extra-ordinarily LMAO
1080ti's are obsolete already.
just lower your battle size pretty
>old good! new bad! Im not a fanboy!
They're still not far off from 2080 TIs or Titan Xs.
I run it fine on a GAMING LAPTOP.
nah, I have 1.5k hours on warband and love how organic it feels compared to the sluggish feeling in pretty much every other medieval game
there is a huge skill ceiling involved since cancelling parries and attacks is nearly instantenous
as ive said, if you dont like the combat system stick to another game, this is merely a question of taste and not every game has to be the same
stop playing against shitters? if youre playing bannerlord thats probably because the game is new there are new players to the franchise everywhere
F4 twice makes my archers start shooting if they ever stop
Horse archers are OP, pls NERF!!
Mordhau is a bait clone game for underage dumbasses like you who were still in your diapers when Chivalry and War of the Roses came out
I keep seeing retards saying this, but 30 second load times on an SSD and constant stuttering on anything but low settings is not """fine""".
>brings a ranged unit
uh oh
Why would you duel him? Every time I said that I don't duel, he still rushed forward as I walk backwards only for him to be massacred by the troops standing behind me.
>these are the people complaining about bannerlord
try doing that against bandits, lmao
>enemy AI with shields and spears just breaks ranks and runs after horses individually
hopefully they fix this trash (they won't)
lmao I love warband but mordhaus combat is objectively better
>It took 8 years for this
>I'm disappointed
>I regret buying
>I refunded
>I pirated
>I regret pirating
>The graphics suck! Literally PS2 game
>It's just warband with a new coat of paint
>I want mods
>Early access
>How is this okay
>Look at this bug
>I'm getting crashes
>My save corrupted
>Woodcoins are broken, this game is broken
>They patched out woodcoins what the fuck how am I supposed to make money now
>It won't run on my toaster
>Leveling is slow
>Wheres my autoblock
>Why isn't this a smash bros thread
>You can't like this game because I'm telling you it's shit
There now that I ran through the script, we can now talk about the game.
>Yas Forums being contrarian just because Bannerlord got a sticky
Christ, this place is a shithole
Why can't we do this IRL?
You're laying m8 or you've got a NASA laptop because this game is unplayable on mid tier laptops
Oh I forgot
>The snowballing faction AI
Any swadian niggers ITT? I'm bored, I wanna bash your head in
I don't give a shit about that stuff, I am here for the enhanced sieges and although I have not been able to play it yet it seems like they are indeed greatly improved
stfu goat fucker
>don't duel him he said
>he'll just get massacred he said
lol who cares about streamers?
Lets talk about this whole new PC bandit/gangleader feature. Not even the gang system is implemented despite it being one of the things they were beating their egos about last year, roguery is a useless skill right now and has purpose only for raiding and hiring looterfags, stolen goods are bugged and will often not convert to tradeable resources so you are stuck trading them off for 1 gold piece so doing jobs for gang leaders is a fucking crap shoot that leads to negative relations instead of what it's supposed to be (high payoff, negative outlook), taking over turf by battling gangs is not even implemented yet and simply fucking ends abruptly that does nothing, gangs you fight and have their turf taken never lose their influence over the city. Another thing, the entire game is just filled with this permeation of incoherence, retarded inclusions of features but are useless when other options in the game diminishes their purpose, for example what the fuck is the point of Inn Keepers who literally have NO purpose whatsoever who can't give you job offerings, and their purpose to ask around the town for quests is point-pull when people of importance can already be seen in the town menu with their "job offering" icon. Only games in their concept stage should be this way.
>stand still like a training dummy
>get hit
Well what the fuck did you expect would happen?
Then don't play on high? Runs fine on my machine :)
Do you actually have the game or are you just repeating things you heard in shitposts?
the game didnt take 8 years to be made, nor is it finished yet lol
What the fuck were they doing for the last eight years? Where is the fucking game here that they wanted us to see? Just to look at things that we've already seen in Warband with a graphical polish? It seems like the shills are only stroking this game's dick because they are simply happy that the game has finally released, and worse off they defend the fucking state the game is in with their usual shill replies of how they're okay with just "Warband 40 more dollars" or "it's just EA" which was something I KNEW they were going to latch on. A game that has been this long in development shouldn't be in the state that it's in right now and it's bugging me. I'm not asking for ridiculousness, they should have at least released a game in a state that at least SHOWS that we're in a new ball game with new options to the sandbox. Not even the fucking smithing is done. If it took this long as it did, I fear that this game will never be complete and will get the Project Zomboid treatment, a scam and a never endless EA state. I'm not impressed at all, if it wasn't for the fact that I went over the 3 hour refund limit, I would have returned this piece of shit. No excuse.
the majority of gamers and paying costumers nowadays.
maybe climb out from under the rock boomer
>imagine making this sheet
Why the hell does he have so many guys behind him? When I fought him he only had 4, and I'm normal on everything.
People really out here acting like Bannerlord isn't everything it should be.