I really love dragons. Post dragons from the vidya.
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The one and only
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Don't tell him about Au Ra, guys.
Attached: Spyro Chunky Mod.webm (1314x720, 2.83M)
Hahah looks like those "monsters" from early Star Trek series
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Still the best game with Dragons
Fuck you Capcom, port over the MMO shit and paint it as Dragons Dogma 2
Attached: Dragons_Dogma_Plot.gif (350x328, 6.17K)
For me it's Kaiser
Attached: BoFIV_KaiserArtwork.png (724x479, 412.61K)
She cute, too bad the in-game model sucks.
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Quartz Dragon!
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Drakan was a cool game.
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That one draglia lost manga where the guy has to fuck all the dragons.
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Attached: Driven Out Dragon.gif (522x322, 2.31M)
What game and is he a good guy?
Which one? Tell me right now or I'll make Iwata look like a motherfucking joke.
>posting ds2 instead of the superior ds3 midir
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dont mind if I do
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>drops giant soul
I think he was an "artificial" dragon made from a giant or something like that but I think it's just a theory
>I think he was an "artificial" dragon made from a giant or something like that but I think
Fair enoug-
>it's just a theory
Kill yourself
What is he looking at so confused or afraid or?
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There should be a game made for the "His Majesty's Dragon" series of books. Look at this good boy!
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How do you feel about baby dragons? Look at these cute little buggers.
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Aren't horns suppose to be natural weapons? What is with all this artwork with backwards curving horns, rendering them useless?
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Godzilla and friends gave me a boner
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>loves dragons
>posts an ugly brown dragon from a shit game
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what dragons
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Hello loyal grubber tokage is p cool but FFX will forever have the best Bahamut
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Maybe, but I like the Rebirth and Destruction/Skyfall/Cosmic Collision stuff
Attached: Rebirth and Destruction.gif (320x400, 841.73K)
>Monster Hunter Dragon has a cool design
>Super fun to fight
>Popularity mainly comes from barafags
Take a guess at who's behind this picture
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