
Are we going to ignore all the degeneracy from yesterday?

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Hopefully, yes.

>When some people went outright slutty for infections

Who's got the screencap

It brought out all the redditfags and discord trannies, shittiest april fools yet

You mean the tranny discord group bumping their own threads and erping?

>Are we going to ignore all the degeneracy from yesterday?

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I just avoided those threads, and many others. I was more interested in seeing if anyone on Yas Forums was watching the Rivals Direct.

I didn't know this many Yas Forumsirgins were in the closet.
What a society we live in.

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Shitty gay fetish event is over so yeah

the only way we can kill degeneracy is with better degeneracy, let's unban loli and pony and this board's quality would shoot up instantly

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The best thing about yesterday, is that jannies for one day decided to chill and let fun threads exist.

yes. every year since the fucking easter fools event people take any fucking excuse they can to be ERPing cancerous cysts. which is a shame, since easter fools was my favorite because of all the OC that Yas Forums made for once

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It was like a mutant orgy

Fuck I didn't saved it.

Who else here became a cured chad by the end of the day?

First April Fools, huh?

>getting excited by fun Yas Forums april fools jokes
>actually giving a fuck and not just posting and trying to ignore that stupid shit

this is how I know Yas Forums is full of 17 year olds.

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I found both fascinating and worrying the fact that Yas Forums has a yearly ''let's be gay for the day''' event.

Someone made a screencap

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If you mean HARMONY, then we stopped doing those. I don't hate HARMONY, mind you, but I wish we have something DIFFERENT EVERY YEAR like Yas Forums used to tackle on Boatocross, Cookie Clicker and QWOP before the last one became a Tuberb8 meem game

Posted my dick couple of times, many gays replies.

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>Fun threads
>Immunechads get in here!
>Post here to get the cure
>Would you get infected? slut.png
And all those threads were filled with a bunch of screaming underages and erping faggots, it was fucking garbage.
Only Yas Forums was like that either , in other boards lots of people were still talking about their interests, but here is just too filled with teenagers.

It was like that one time the peanut butter team members talked about how it feels good to be bottom of the list and started being sissy about it

Buck of faggots, I tell you that

You're not the donut tummy guy, aren't you?


I'll always remember how gay this board was.

What happened yesterday? I was busy playing video games

eh Yas Forums and Yas Forums were also pretty fucked, I also briefly checked Yas Forums and Yas Forums and they were doing fine but not enough people go there to have any ERP faggotry anyway

someone ate their own cum on livestream

I just ended up staying in the hunger games threads on Yas Forums. surprisingly chill.
/m/ was nice with a getter thread based off of it, and Yas Forums was not gay when dumping /e/ shit unlike Yas Forums

It was funny in 2018 because of how absurd it was, but if you gays are going to do it every year, I feel like the appeal goes away.

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Fags are subhumans and this board needs to be nuked.

nothing to see here.

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>That Mememe user
>Those Hex Maniac threads

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Those hex threads were legit trannyism

Fags need to be put down.

This. Fucking hell it was repulsive. Especially the fucking hex threads which were always on the front page.

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Remember when everyone hated gays and it was cool to make fun of them?

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yea any other day the autistic mods would ban your ass but since they said its okay to shitpost and pretend to be a faggot yesterday its just fine! what a load of reddit bullshit

They weren't pretending

Yas Forums is just discord at this point. God I hate fags.

Yas Forums is just reddit in disguise, underage retards will take any opportunity to shit up the place

>pretend to be a faggot

>he thinks "Yas Forums is the most closeted board" is just a meme

mods & jannies are also gay.

/lgbt/ report option: "This post is hateful or disrespectful"

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>go check Yas Forums early in the morning
>infected outrage, was funny at first not gonna lie
>check again on evening
>apparently there were like 7 consecutive Hex Maniac ERP threads that all made to bump limit in one fucking day

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You literally got to be a discord user to moderator this website.

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>all these newfriend tourists complaining about april fools faggotry
it's literally been like this for years. go back.

Nuke em all

It is the perfect reddit mindset. Come here to shitpost and reddit is for discussion. Fucking hate all these newfag fucking redditors shitting up this board,

We still do harmony. Every year on feburary 27.

one of these days there'll be a gimmick where the real april fools is luring out all the erprs to clean the board up

Last years wasn't like this stfu.

Two years

We are all straight again
until next year

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So what even happened? Was it literally just green posts and that's it?

Must've missed that, or maybe I don't but ignore it since it's not a forced event like last time where they keep playing Erasure-Always

That said, we do get Pooh's Home Run every once in a while

the worst part is that a lot of these coomers are trannies in the making.

right now some faggots from /vg/ uncovered a web of discords servers that bait incels like in pic related to take hormone and become sissies.

Half of the board were this threads

You're still a faggot. You can't ungay yourself.

The cunny threads were great.

>whhaaaaaaa why are you having fun on April Fools day!? Just continue to be miserable about video games
You people are the reason why this board is shit every other day of the year.

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This is what happens when you tolerate the gays. We tried to warn you, but you kept going on about "none of my business" "why should I care?" "What consenting adults do is between them!" It's only going to get worse when you tolerate this stuff. Shame without end.

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This was at least better than the last year's april fools which is just fucking upvotes

you massive newfag, yesterday was fucking extremely tame compared to the degeneracy we got with 2017's april fools

Yes it was.

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Yeah, and COOFing was the meme of the day

lol sissy faggot

Yes I can.
Yesterday I was raping trap anons and now here I am straight as a fucking arrow

Yas Forums? More like, Yas Forumssexual!

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fuck off anime nigger. you probably had 100+ posts yesterday lusting for cock, fucking faggot


There are porn boards and /lgbt/ faggot. Go there and stay there you repulsive sodomite.

go ERP on Yas Forums all fucking day then you faggot cocksucker, you shitpost about video games here or you fuck off. I hope you get raped

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>all these stormfag newfriends in this thread who didn't know Yas Forums is actually full of fags
lmaoing at you thinking you're in a good company

I used to get annoyed by pepespam but now, seeing pepes makes me smile. Fuck tranny janny kikes.
Wojakniggers are still low effort cancer though regardless of which side posts them

It was a literal tranny raid

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>when he shows you his cock.webm

God I love when electionfags seethe at how fucking gay this board is.

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>le newfag XD
None of this shit existed in 2007. You faggots came here in HORDES in the 10's when being a faggot was the new hip and trendy way to get attention.

Can’t you fucks just dump your porn collections without acting like faggots?
Not like it’s just limited to April fool, it’s just less restrained

name 1(ONE) hobby that’s more cucked and compromised by trannies than video games, JUST one.

>Yas Forums was fucked
Just the moeshitter threads. The DragonballSCHOLARS were still having their intellectual discussions as always.

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I remember back in 2012 when people would spam entire trap doujins in threads and everyone would be busy jerking off

CHADgonball will forever be unaffected by whatever faggotry is pushed on Yas Forums

>lewd girl posts in Yas Forums
>T H I C C
>Andrew, Son of Dob
Count: 12 (including repeated thread

>lewd boy posts on Yas Forums
>Which is your favourite male vidya character?
Count: 1
I'm bi, but ironically, you're kidding yourself if you think you're in good company if what you're thinking is Yas Forums full on homo

Yesterday confirmed to me that all of Yas Forums's homophobia and transphobia are just a cover for who they really are: closet gays and gender dysphoric trans girls. They just couldn't help themselves when given the opportunity.

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A shitpost thread is not board culture, tranny

That was the olden method of self-moderation. Just dump ero-manga in shit threads.

>None of this shit existed in 2007.
Lying faggot pretending to be an oldfag. I was posting in husbando threads as far back as 2006.
>all that Snake, Big Boss, Dante, and Chris worship

99% of you are porn addicts. Porn makes you a gay trans pedo, so you need to stop watching it.

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Easter was the worst because of the faggot shit don’t kid yourself. The only non faggot OC was from peeps and peanut butter but only after it was over

>If you have a gender bender fetish it means you're a tranny!
Fuck off and dilate you scum

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Yes I was very turned on by the pics you guys posted

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you fags meme about this but the amount of straight threads always eclipse the faggot ones

Just because I was begging infected anons to poz my slutty boipucci until I'm glowing green while posting cropped hentai i'm still straight because that was just a joke

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Yas Forums has no board culture aside from shitposting, there's a reason every other board laughs at how shit this one is

That and dubs. Man I miss dubs.

What about mini

>>>>fag means only homo
spot the newfriend

>Trap dumps a-are just shitposting n-nobody actually jerked off to them

This is what actual cope is

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Outside of like Alabama it hasn't been since at least the 60's, it wasn't quite social suicide but it's always been considered childish and cruel to mock and demonize gay people

Seriously, stop lusting and you will be cured of any homo/bi feelings that you have. Don't listen to predatory gays who make you think that you were born this way. They are delusional agenda pushers.

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>one thread with 3 faggots samefagging about man ass
>board culture
you can fight right off, gay ass