Is he right?
Is he right?
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Yeah. Mostly about how RE6 needs a remake way more than RE4 does. I'd be fine with RE4 getting one, even if I don't think it's a big deal either way. The hyper low-poly PS1 games were updated and that's what I cared about, so I already got what I wanted.
It's perfectly playable unless you're a turbozoomer + there's no right way to do R4make. It's an unremakable game.
They would nerf Ashleys tits..
so yes best not to remake it
How about they make a new game instead of remakes of games I already played (some multiple times) years ago?
thats retarded logic since re1 and re2 were remade and were better games than re4
re4 is not a masterpiece
I can understand the first Resident Evil games, they are so outdated and archaic that a remake really was in order. But 4 doesn't need that treatment.
remake Code Veronica and MAYBE 0 and 1 with this new style and then just make new video games with the old gang
4 is outdated. its still using tank controls and the graphics look like ass
>guys they should remake da bad games into good games! im a freakin genius
I am glad these people do not work for any studios.
REmake 1 and RE4 are the games that don't need remakes.
Based on what we know of the other recent remakes, RE4make will have substantial cuts to content and will likely miss out on all of the awesome tone of the original. Remaking 2 and 3 at least made sense, and the original idea to release them together would've stopped all these remake discussions from happening.
They're definitely going to do it, though. Remake half of a PS1 game with realistic graphics and it gets GOTY. Capcom are absolutely going to milk these until they're dry, and we only have ourselves to blame.
re4 really doesnt need a remake
but if they make it, ill play it
>Tank controls
I can understand that For RE 1/2/3 but 4 is just lacking strafing, which is perfectly fine after a few minute.
Only if it has the same corny voice acting and jokes between Leon and Saddler
Yeah, there's no need to remake a perfect game already. RE2 and RE3 practically required them considered how flawed they are compared to RE4.
how is that better than remaking games that dont need it
I see good reasons to remake it, and good reasons not to remake it. I don't really have an opinion on it.
>waah 6 bad
It's still the best TPS to date and will be for years to come.
sorry old fags but I want my RE4 remake with a consistent RE2 remake Leon design. IT will happen. Fucking dilate and get used to it
It's not tank controls when it's over-the-shoulder cam you dumb fuck.
It would be better if this was how it worked. The shitty ones are in more of a need for a touch-up.
dude, this game would be literal shit without tank controls
All you need is the HD patch
it's still tank controls from a different camera perspective
Disagree with REmake1.
They have so much potenetial that they can do, REmake was just an (almost) 1:1 recreation.
Imagine the entire forest intro being gameplay. Larger garden and underground areas. Aslo, having a canon plot might help too.
Yes it is dummie :3
>hurr I need to move and shoot at the same time
The controls in re4 are fine and the game is designed around them.
Remake1 and RE4 are both superb masterpieces.
Demake2-3 are just embarrassing garbage.
REmake can't be even compared, it's an entirely different genre. REmake 2 with its 3 hour experience and poor level design surely can't compare.
Actually, it's more like there's no need to remake flawed games. Resident Evil 4 is not only the best Resident Evil, but one of the best games of all time. That's why RE4 can just be released over and over again with little changes because it's an enjoyable experience no matter how much you play while RE2 and RE3 needed to be entirely reworked into something more like RE4 to be even remotely good.
>thinking they would add stuff
You know it'll just be cut content galore.
lol exactly. Guys listen to this user. The game is trash without the tank controls, because it's designed around that control scheme. The tension is all gone if you give the player more mobility.
Yeah. Don't remake it because it's a POS that should be forgotten forever.
remaking re4 would be a sacrilege, it's a very important game
>re4 is a masterpiece
Silence, slut.
If they streamline the castle and completely remake the island then the game could be improved. But let's be honest, RE4 has way too much content for them to remake it and do it justice. They will cut half the content, use the tone of the remakes and it will literally be nothing like RE4. RE4 was a pure action game with a horror setting, it was very video gamey and nothing like the remakes try to be.
RE2 style remake of the first game would be pretty great honestly, REmake already is the perfect version of RE so I would be fine with them changing things to make things fresh, there's a lot of potential here but sadly I don't think they'll do it
yes. RE0 is a bad game unlike 4.
>reaction image of the worst RE game
you really want nu capcom to turn the spencer mansion into a movie full of fucks and shits?
I do, like I said REmake already exists so I don't care if they would fuck it up and there's a good chance it would be another masterpiece like RE2 remake if they put some effort into it
Nah, RE4 is literal perfection. They will ruin him with that faggot of 2.
why not mod re4 then?
What a delusional, retarded autist just like all the other RE4 bing bing yaa hoo drones. Even when not compared to any other games RE4 is a fucking 8/10 game at the very most with some extreme dips in quality the further you go, abysmal bulletsponge bosses, a terrible story and atmosphere if you can even call it that and a combat system that gets extremely repetitive 30 minutes into the game so the only thing that props it up is the encounter design itself. You could do a billion things to revamp the core into something better although you might as well just make a new game at that point because why not
The only really bulletsponge boss was the Verdugo if you didn't freeze him, what are you even talking about user?
>abysmal bulletsponge bosses
Opinion discarded. There is literally only one bulletsponge boss in the game and he is completely optional and can also be instantly killed. Imagine being so at a game.
Also story is fucking garbage in every Resident Evil game and the village has some of the best atmosphere you will ever find in a RE game.
Funny how anyone who likes RE4 is a zoomer faggot
Yes. RE2make and RE3make aren't what people wanted when they asked for remakes. They're lazy and unambitious. People wanted the old CG look translated into gameplay, not a shitty real life photoscan look.
Master piece of shit, maybe.
RE2make is a pretty good game, what's the issue with it?
Let's be honest, with a remake they'll have the chance of fixing the game post castle which was always the worst part BUT they may cut and ruin the first areas which is the BEST part idk I say fuck it do it.
literally every one of the bosses is a shitty bulletsponge riddled with QTEs, there is zero skill involved in "fighting" el gigante, salazar or saddler beyond dumping anything you have into them and then dumping anything you have into their weakpoint when its exposed. the sole exception to the bulletsponges are the even shittier gimmick bosses aka del lago and krauser. verdugo is so retarded that I always just save the free rocket launcher, freeze him once and use it there
>the complete overhaul and addition of content in a beloved classic is lazy and unambitious
>they should have made it exactly the same but with updated graphics
>anyone with a different opinion from me is a retard
Chief Mendez, for whatever reason, always clears out all of my grenades and two thirds of my ammo. Also, U3 is a piece of shit that takes like 30 magnum shots to kill.
>Is RE4 a masterpiece
>Should it be remade
No matter what they did with RE2 remake they would never satisfy jaded fucks like you anyway
I cant imagine this ever happening.
Ever since RE5, and especially in RE7 onwards, resident evil games take themselves fairly seriously
RE4 has
>a midget dressed like napoleon
>tons of cheesy one liners
>a giant statue that chases after you
It's so ridiculous, and I think would clash with the tone set by the recent RE games
nah I want them to ruin you favourite one too
full speed on the re4 remake
>Addition of content
>Both nuremakes literally has cut locales and cut enemies
You don't get bonus points for overhoaling something if the end result is the same generic over the should shooter.
Hot take: Remake 4 in the style of the first games
imagine if they remade quake with doom eternal's wet fart music and sound design with Champions visuals, how would you feel?
Yes the HD PROJECT is all we need honestly.
I dont want them changing anything else.
maybe they should have actually improved everything in the original when they were already working with a premade cheat sheet unlike 99.99% of the industry instead of gutting 40% of the features?
you are also a retarded game design illiterate troglodyte if youre unironically stupid enough to think that REmake 2 isnt the exact same style of escape room survival horror game as the original 3, just with a combat system that actually involves skill and further decisionmaking and risks than simply the choice to fight or not in the first place
The RE timeline has always been fucking bonkers, and now its finally getting to the point where it gets really silly.
If Capcom remakes RE4 and it tries to be more serious i will be so pissed
>the game is designed around them.
thats what we said about 2 and 3 but you cried and moaned about how tank controls are outdated
enjoy your shitty remake of 4 while I laugh at you in revenge
>maybe they should have actually improved everything in the original when they were already working with a premade cheat sheet unlike 99.99% of the industry instead of gutting 40% of the features?
Not that user but what exactly did they cut in the remakes? I'm a pleb who haven't played the original RE2
Remember anime final fantasy opera leech man also
Why the hell not? Worst case scenario RE4 still exists in its current, incredibly easily accesible form, best case scenario something finally manages to accomplish the impossible herculean effort of topping the greatest TPS of all time. There really isn't a losing scenario. Hell if a remake were bad enough you could all just point and laugh at it for some good fun.
>You don't get bonus points for overhoaling something if the end result is the same generic over the should shooter.
Damn, RE Classicfags are somehow even more obnoxiously pathetic than Doom Purists.
It's the age of total magmatic asshurt.
>RE4 somehow remade into a classic RE with camera-angles.
I would laugh.
I have strong faith in the RE engine, it runs good and looks great most of the time.
Champion's graphics are bad because i assume they were trying to get an easy 60 fps on consoles.
As for the sound design, Eternal's is fine.
As for the music, im indifferent because i set the in-game music to 0 so i could listen to my own while playing
>8-9 hours long
>free new multiplayer game comes with it that is fun as fuck
>super hard difficulty that changes enemy placements
>Nemesis still drops cases, a love letter to fans of the originals
>even kept Jills classic costumes and Carlos' classic hair
>even scarier than RE2 while also being more action focused
>new things to keep you on your toes
>areas that were terrible in the originals were expanded and improved
>cut shit filler like the inside clock tower that was only there for the nemesis boss fight
>clock tower is still there anyway to flex on whiners and demake fags
>more endgame unlocks than the originals
>free mercenaries DLC coming soon
If RE3 is this good, how could I NOT want an RE4 REmake? But I don't just want a REmake, I want a complete overhaul of the story that leads into a new timeline
>Make it so Umbrella doesn't die offscreen in the first fucking cutscene of the game
>remove all the matrix bullshit and QTEs
>plagas deleted from existence
>BALLISTICS are in but 10 times cuter
Feels good to be a REmake Chad, bros
After looking at REmake 3's campaign, which channels ALOT of action resident evil, I'd put those worries to rest.
Well seeing as how you interact with the entire game is completely changed from the perspective change alone, yes the Remakes of 2 and 3 are not like the classics you moron.
>the game with boulder punching and EXTREME MAKEOVAHS
>zombie dinosaurs and jumping through buildings
That shit started with 7
Remake 1 satisfied us
if they had done that again the real resident evil fans would be happy
Always said FF7 should never be remade because they would just destroy it. Turned out to be truer than anyone could have predicted. It's not even FF7. It's a new game based on some of the story of FF7.
>>Make it so Umbrella doesn't die offscreen in the first fucking cutscene of the game
>>remove all the matrix bullshit and QTEs
>>plagas deleted from existence
>>BALLISTICS are in but 10 times cuter
>Not that user but what exactly did they cut in the remakes?
removed the spider enemy type
removed the crow and moth setpieces instead of keeping them let alone expanding them
removed the marshalling yard location instead of expanding it
removed the G embryo bossfight and replaced it with the absolutely abhorrent reimagining G adult minions in the sewers
removed the zapping system which interlocked with the original A/B system by forcing you to make a choice on which item do you pick up for which character since leon/ claire or claire/leon were just one side of one story
the A/ B scenarios themselves were more meaningful since the original story was cleaved in half and then both sides of that story could be experienced with both characters and since the B scenario was different from A in many ways and the characters themselves had differences, it ended up being more unique and fun than one full playthrough, one second long playthrough but with another character and then the completely halfassed and taped together 2nd scenarios that barely even remix the progression, give you these ugly ass secondary pistols to pretend like something relevant changed and put mr.X to chase you out of the box
Code Veronica is the only entry that even needed a remake besides 1.
>not being so at a game
how that do you have to?
an enemy that appeared in one slide (literally one slide of the fucking game) and a bullet sponge that you didn't even need to shoot
That's it
What do you mean get rid of plagas?
>the real resident evil fans
what an ass
That goes for every remake, user
Capcom should do two things
>commission one final DEFINITIVE port of re4, with all bugs and glitches ACTUALLY fixed
>remake re4 from the ground up, with actual survival horror gameplay, horror themed, no more campy action, a completely new canon that will lead to new versions of re5 and 6 in the same way
What is the entire Baker family?
What is Joe punching monsters to death with his literal bare hands?
>he's an RE6 TARD
laughing at your life
don't put them in the game in the first place, they suck ass even worse than RE7s molded
>Well seeing as how you interact with the entire game is completely changed from the perspective change alone
you dont have literally any clue on the subject retarded autist. its still an elaborate escape room "metroidvania" puzzle map that you have to solve while weighing the risks of routing, backtracking and item management. Youre one of the retarded autists who doesnt even actually understand the difference between the classics and 4
Sort of. Its no masterpiece though.
Nah everygame until RE:Remake looked like ass and needs a remake
Remaking RE4 means removing the tank controls, which means overhauling how enemies work. The enemies and their aggression depends entirely on your lack of mobility. Being able to run backwards and shoot chainsaw guys bumps them from a 10/10 stressful enemy down to maybe a bit of a nuisance.
So they'd either have to keep the tank controls, which would make the game seem outdated and silly compared to RE2make and 3, or they'd have to make every enemy three times as fast, much smarter, and much more deadly. What do you guys think?
RE4 PC with the HD Project mod is the definitive way to play the game. It's more or less perfect, the dev is an autist who went and took actual photos of the textures' source.
The most based opinion ever
Although they could probably skip the port, since there are so many for it already
>I'm a pleb who haven't played the original RE2
Play it then
if you dont then your opinion holds no weight
they cut spiders, the moth, changed the cool plant monster into a shitty zombie with an instakill attack, fucked up the crocodile fight, removed the adult G boss, destroyed the zapping system making A and B no longer different from each other
in the original version whoever was on A would fight birkin as their boss
in B they would fight Mr X
Dude Remake 2 and 3 are completely different form the originals,its not difficult they just would make a new game based on RE4 story thats it
>dude remake 2 and 3 are completely different from the originals
Yes, they are, and you cannot go a minute without seeing how dissatisfied people are by that. Clearly they fucked up in that regard.
The remake of 2 is incredibly different from the OG RE2.
In terms of level design they only share about half of the RPD, everything else is completely changed from top to bottom.
In terms of basic enemies they only share zombies and lickers
The 2 routes (1st/2nd, A/B), are much worse in the remake cutting many changes and cut any attempt of trying to link the routes together. For example if Claire takes the tram first, Leon has to go through vents etc.
In all honesty the games are so different listing all the changes/cuts would be tedious.
None of those things matter or were important
>marshalling yard
One hundred times better in the remake, they were shit and useless in the original AND AGAIN IN ONE FUCKING SLIDE
The only legitimate complaint is the A/B scenario thing, that's it
Anything else is just a shitpost used by tortanic fags that don't play video games
Can you elaborate on the poor level design? I've just played RE2make for the first time, finished it yesterday, and loved the levels design. I'm up to the labs on my Claire B run, I get the criticism that it's short but not that the levels are poorly designed.
Is that so?
>hasnt played any of the old games
>but im a fan I swear
you're a fake fan, a fucking poser