Now that the dust has settled, what is Yas Forums's thoughts on april fools 2020?

Now that the dust has settled, what is Yas Forums's thoughts on april fools 2020?

Attached: 1-12220_biohazard-transparent-quarantine-biohazard-symbol.jpg (920x845, 127.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lame shit for kids.

ok boomer

cool shit for adults

Boring as fuck. All it did was divert discussion, but not in an entertaining way.

pretty lazy.
>hey coronavirus is happening
>lets just copy that for the april fools joke this year

The Princess Contest
And Board merges were the only good ones

A second board merge would've been nice. Would hope v and ck merge just so I can get a neopets thread going.

absolute garbage until the end of the night
the evac threads were sorta funny

/vint/ exposing the eternal leaf as root of all cancer on this board will never be topped.


Attached: april fool's 2016.png (2496x8224, 3.67M)

teams>merge>virus>>names>>>>>>>>>> likes

Attached: nurse peep vs minivirus.png (3000x2000, 1.1M)

my cock is sore

I was on Yas Forums back then but not every day, what happened.


Good idea. But the response was awful.

Newfags don't remember PUDDI, the best April Fools or maybe it was just Moot feeling frisky one day, I don't remember. THAT was based.

likes and icons
easter teams
board merge
MS paperclip parody
gag captcha

Rank the years.
I don't know 2012 or earlier if there were any.

this was my personal favorite, they even added a mobile tier button to reply

I miss /fitlit/

Can i ask something? Why can't i post in some other board. It said here my Ip range is blocked because of abuse yet i didn't do anything? How long will the block last?

17>18>13>16>14>15>19>LITERAL SHIT>20

begone phoneposter

Fail and gay, didn’t bother browsing after half the posts were “coof” faggotry

>Being this new
Fuck off, faggot. Lurk moar.

Nowhere near as good as Halloween 2019.

better than the upboat system but still pretty shit overall

I got blocked a couple of times before but only for a day or two, not a whole week.

It looked retarded so I abstained from Yas Forums for a day

I was too busy playing through Risk of Rain 2 new content to participate.

I came so much my head actually got fuzzy beyond the roleplay.

it was shit

Yas Forums is always retarded and not worth going on. How do I abstain, I've been here for 12 fucking years

It was pretty funny. Nothing too crazy but the threads were entertaining

it was pretty shit

you'd be better off doing versus, or even board merges again

Among those it's obviously 18.
Teams were fun even if the game was rigged.

Oh fuck, puddi was hilarious. That and the board merge were good times

>the pumpkin hill sticky
Good times.

As a joke, ineffectual. Everyone figured out how it worked at 1am and just didn't engage.
As a social experiment, there is some interesting things going on.
Overall a waste and we all expected something more. For all we know they could have come up with the idea the night before. It felt lazy to the nth degree.

The most notable thing about it was it highlighted just how much of the userbase wants to ruin everything with no care. The infected were BEGGING for yous like simps, making up new lies about how infection spread, getting angry when people knew how to avoid them etc etc.
It "solved" it within an hour and that was the best part of the whole day. Anons the site over were working together to solve the functionality of a riddle. We solved it in an hour. Then loser bad actors spent the rest of the 23 hours of the day being alms beggars.

it's a shame that the only one I've missed was the merge one

>we all expected something more
lol no, everyone in the pre-april 1st threads were in general agreement it was going to be some infection-based garbage

People overstate how good it actually was. It wasn't a travesty like this year's was but it wasn't the height of funposting that people claim it was.

I never claimed anyone expected more.
I expected nothing, I was still disappointed.

It didn't live up to previous ones.

Attached: 1522599155354.png (800x843, 1.45M)

this year was awful, all it dod was make the site unusable for a day.
At least board merging and skellies were kinda fun.

>we all expected something more
>I never claimed anyone expected more.
I don't even know how to respond to a lie this bold, what's wrong with you?

So have I, I just distracted myself by actually playing video games instead. Can never leave for good though

Yas Forums was just even more retarded than usual
Yas Forums was actually entertaining, especially /cvg/

Attached: cvg.webm (626x340, 1.18M)


>next year is ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWA

Why do you keep inserting
>we all expected something more
into his post? Why do you keep doing it when he said that wasn't what he meant at all?


an excuse for the jannies to show their real colours and for them to larp on the board

Attached: 1585815426598.jpg (845x9520, 3.52M)

i miss /can/. i'm still looking for the pic of serval in a can

Attached: GUNDAM.png (626x950, 450.14K)

/tg/ was pretty decent too. Warham threads were all about Nurgle. MtG threads were all about Infect/NuPhyrexians

2019 wasn't the first time we had a Pumpkin Hill sticky you fucking newfags.

Anonymous was replaced by a random set of firstname lastname that led to funny combinations
also all thumbnails were round as if they were profile pics

Same thing happened with the Easter event, Yas Forumsaggots will always ERP

ip range blocked means someone in your area is a major asshole. it happens sometimes

>Olivia from Bolivia was actually intentionally seeded into the shitposting game
It was the best part

mildly amusing for a little while

Absolute kino, this is why April Fools is the best

>Why do you keep inserting
>>we all expected something more
>into his post?

>As a joke, ineffectual. Everyone figured out how it worked at 1am and just didn't engage.
>As a social experiment, there is some interesting things going on.
>Overall a waste and we all expected something more. For all we know they could have come up with the idea the night before. It felt lazy to the nth degree.

>>Overall a waste and we all expected something more. For all we know they could have come up with the idea the night before. It felt lazy to the nth degree.
>Overall a waste and we all expected something more.
>we all expected something more.

Maybe because that's what he said?
>Why do you keep doing it when he said that wasn't what he meant at all?
no, he/you said the exact thing i quoted from the earlier post was a strawman and that he/you never said it, even though its right there in the fucking post
if that's not what he/you meant then why deny ever saying it in the first place? seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I say I'm Anthony Burch!

Attached: 029a_-_Survival_of_the_Idiots_349.jpg (512x384, 39.36K)

This was the best part of it. I had a lot of fun.

someone was posting content they shouldn't have and ban evading to keep doing it when they got caught. They did this enough the entire IP range had to get nuked.
The block will last forever, they tried making it years long hoping the offender would go away, but they always come back the very day it expires and continues their bullshit, like they had it marked on a calendar.

As somebody who had corona at the moment.

it was pretty low effort

people claim to be females because they lopped off their dick in their post all the time. It doesn't mean they meant it.
You don't understand Yas Forums.

>The block will last forever
Really? I got rangebanned due to repeated abuse 4 days ago and I just started posting again today

>Yas Forums hates gays and trannies
>but this happens

Tripfags and namefags got BTFO for a day which is more important to me than Yas Forums being displeased with their means of ERPing. Board merge and teams were overrated.

It practically only happens on Yas Forums too, even Yas Forums had barely any ERP going on

your specific range hasn't been "problematic" enough. If the mods have to ban the same range again it will be permanent. Browse /qa/ every once and a while and you will learn a little about how the site operates on the back end beyond "mods are fags."

I feel bad for you if you aren't responsible but are dealing with the consequences, but most times its you that was doing it and acting innocent. I am not accusing you, I'm just saying how it tends to work out in the past.