Why do japs like this glorified butter knife so much?, it always is the strongest weapon in every jap game

Why do japs like this glorified butter knife so much?, it always is the strongest weapon in every jap game.

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Because it's been a big part of their culture for about a thousand years.
>inb4 historicalfag autism about when the katana specifically was invented
all Nip swords are pretty much the same and you will never prove otherwise

Anyway it's just the same as western devs cumming buckets over late medieval longswords.

name 5 (five) games where it's the strongest weapon

strongest weapon is typically some nonsense thing or European-inspired like Excalibur yet-again

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The Katana to Japanese is the same as guns to Amerifats.

Because it's the strongest handheld weapon in the world. Would cut through any other pussy weapons

It's funny because in western media katanas are also jerked off. I think it's because the katana has a very distinct way of fighting, short sword fighting looks boring. I can't picture a guy going on a killing spree with a straight sword the same way i can with a katana

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For me it's the gladius

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they look cool

>tfw watching news the other day
>tfw some shart mutt bitch was buying a 9mm handgun to protect the kids in her daycare against corona patients
I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at this absolute retardation.

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Because games aren't real so you get to indulge in fantasy.

Katana fighting is actually pretty identical to western longsword fighting. What you're referring to is the style of fighting used in 50s samurai movies, which were attempting to emulate the instantaneous shootouts/duels in westerns (and the samurai fight was itself copied by spaghetti westerns later, lol).
But autism aside I do know what you mean. It's hard for me to picture the same animation used in samurai champloo but with a rapier or a longsword.

Curved swords are better in Dark Souls. Curved. Swords.

Yeah it's not for "corona patients" it's for niggers when the looting starts retard.

why are gaijins so scared of the samurai?

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This too. The only swords which look like katanas are the Chinese knock-off katanas which are basically just the same sword but made cheaper.
There's a reason the Dutch collected them.

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Monster Hunter
Dark Souls
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Nier: Automata

>imagine living in a 3rd world shithole where you have to arm yourself against rabid niggers
I'd almost feel sorry for you if you weren't cutfag jew enablers.

>wrong claims
>games where it's the only weapon usable and nothing to really compare with

the absolute bullshit of this webmyoutube.com/watch?v=qzTwBQniLSc

If their steel was so good they wouldn't have to fucking fold it.

it's a japanese gameshow, user

sabers look nice, too, there's just something about the curves
leaf blades and those retarded, confused axe-sword thingamajigs (falcata, kopis, kukri) are also gorgeous
they don't have the one-piece look, or the wavy pattern, but with a nice intricate guard and the right curves I'd honestly hand it to sabers overall

then why even post it ? it literally holds no value and can only serve to misguide peoples

Its a joke lmao, chill bro.

Stop being an autistic faggot. Why don't you complain about how it's women in the armour as well you pathetic incel?

Yes that's true

They're women

Like said, there is a frail tiny Japanese boy they had to stuff in there. I'm surprised they can move at all.

No user, you're wrong.

Meh. You should that edge onto your wrist.

I don't know about rapier.
They can be used for some fancy epic Zorro shit.

For me, it's the rapier.

>Dork souls
>Katata is the strongest
*Laughs in zweihander

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>Anyway it's just the same as western devs cumming buckets over late medieval longswords.
its not

t. westerner that cums over late medieval longswords

You don't realise how much we cum over late medieval longswords because it's so ingrained in you to just accept it as "a normal sword".

you scared white boy?

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I love greatswords. They make my dick diamond.

Because they are proud of their culture, a forgotten concept in the West.

Same reason Americans worship guns.
You think DOOM is any different in its gun love?

A greatsword is just a big longsword.

Thats not how it works, even if it is absolutely heavy, it physically cannot restrict your movement like that, it just makes you slow and clumsy, even for tv show its poorly acter


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They look badass

user, does that look like a remotely accurate reproduction of medieval plate?


They are only ever portrayed as normal swords, they're not portrayed epic cut through everything.
Only maybe if the sword itself is Excalibur, but that's one specific sword and not a type of swords a whole.

why are latinas so horny all the time?

this is my wife. say something nice about her

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The fact that swords are the "default" strong weapon is in itself inaccurate. Swords are sidearms, they're nice because they're easy to carry but they're good as your primary weapon, polearms are much better.

>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
The strongest weapon is Gray Fox's blade though, and that's not a katana, it's a ninjato.

Katana is the weapon of edgelords.

what anime is that? i need to see unironic grorious nippon steel folded over one mirrion time with audio

those are adult males. the webm is little girls. samurai armor is light enough for little girls to run in. japan wins again.

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*blocks your path*

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That's it. I'm sick of all this "masterwork 360 controller" bullshit that's going on in the controller tiers right now. Katana controllers deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana controller in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid noobs with my katana controller.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana controller and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest controller known to mankind.

Katana controllers are thrice as precise as American controllers and thrice as responsive for that matter too. Anything an American controller can own, a katana controller can own better. I'm pretty sure a katana controller could easily bisect a noob wearing full geek squad protection with a simple button press.

Ever wonder why America never bothered conquering Japan and just left? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined NEETs and their katana controllers of destruction. Even in the 7th console generation, American players targeted the men with the katana controllers first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katana controllers are simply the best controller that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better placement in the controller tiers. Here is the tiers I propose for Katana controllers:

God Tier
- Katana controller (counts as masterwork)
Good Tier
- Dualshock 3
- USB Samurai controller
Meh Tier
- Wiimote
- Xbox 360 Controller
Shit Tier
- Everything else

Now that seems a lot more representative of the noobs cutting power of Katana controllers, don't you think?

tl;dr = Katana controllers need more recognition in controller tiers, see my new tier list.

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This. You pretty much almost never used swords in battle situations. There's too many portrayal of sword wielding while in horseback

Zweihanders are the most based weapons and you can't prove otherwise.

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Use your image search you fucking dumbass.

that's fucking great

to is just japanese for dao isn't it
fucking nips

Swords only really became the default melee weapon once primary melee weapons were replaced by guns. And they were still sidearms, it's just that instead of a melee primary you had a ranged one.

Sacred Blacksmith, only the 1-2 first eps or so had this silly stuff, after that it's just generic boring anime.

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>make the same sword for 1000 years with absolutely no variation to its design
Are japs autistic or something? Other sword from around the world suffered massive changes throughout history in order to adapt to changes in the battlefield, why did the japs not do the same?

is that a fucking beam katana

>Katana fighting is actually pretty identical to western longsword fighting.

You can't even really say western longsword fighting is similar to itself, because it changed a lot over time to keep up with armor technology. Because of that western longswords gravitated towards being more and more aggressively tapered to hit weak spots in enemy armor, and the techniques used reflect that. The katana has a shape that favors cutting and drawing, and it would probably struggle a lot against late European plate armor.

There are also some things you can't do with a single-edged blade, and the differences in the guards also matter.

>they're not portrayed epic cut through everything
What about all those western swords portrayed with magical powers?

How the fuck do you use thie

That looks pretty fucking gay, desu.

The Sacred Blacksmith.
It's a stupid fanservice show, so if you're also a degenerate then go for it.

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>see that discussion might turn into a quality thread
>want to contribute by correcting an objectively wrong representation of something
>reeeeee why you take so seriously reeee
ok enjoy you shit thread

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because latin people have almost no need for personal space and are very used to dancing and touching and kissing each other in everyday interactions, live in generally hot / humid locations, so everybody wears less clothes
its basically due to the context and customs that latin people are hornier

Fuck katanas

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Honestly the default melee weapon was a musket with a bayonet.

Look at these fancy fucks with their shiny sharp stick. A real man uses a good stick to hit good.

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But can you claw it?

This is a serious, unironic, non-insulting question:
do you have mild autism?

>only the 1-2 first eps or so had this silly stuff, after that it's just generic boring anime.
awww come on
>compared to swords that are produced via mold
this sub better be wrong or i'm going to sperg out

No need to. Japanese armor was made of plastic so you didn't need it to be actually good sword.

learn to tell a joke, sped

>honor, discipline, authority etc etc etc

The thing that I don't get is that katanas often portrayed as a "lighter quicker" sword (a.k.a dex sword if you will) but it's substantially heavier than say, a 2 handed longsword

Bayonets started being standard surprisingly late for something so simple. But once they took off they ended the pike and shot era since pikemen became irrelevant.

>disciplined NEETs

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I almost cut off a finger with a butter knife and now have to spend 4 months in rehab without the use of my hand whilst the tendons heal.

Don't fuck with butter knives kids.


>ahah gladivs go stab

Because there were no changes to the battlefield.
They were technologically stuck for a long ass time.

it's the revolver of the east but someone with a brain like yours is too queer to understand.

Masahiro Inoue is the best


It's about the same weight(1-1.5 kilos), though they're usually much shorter. It would be heavier if it was the same length as a longsword.

What pisses me off is when bows requiere Dex instead of Str.

they're the same weight as other two-handed weapons, just extremely stubby and shorter than one-handed weapons from centuries before

The strongest weapon in any metal gear game is a metal gear you fucking moron.

user, I addressed that in the second part.
The sword type is never portrayed as magical and mystical in of itself like katanas usually are.
It always has to have something special about that specific sword making it magical.

>anorexic elf
>using 100 pound bow

yes that's what onyomi is you fucking retarded chinkoid

bows don't weigh that much, retard, it's just a stick with a string

And obvs during the pike and shot era the default melee weapon was the, uh, pike

That really varies a lot, and it depends just as much on the point of balance as on weight. But you're right, katana aren't singly dexterity based and European swords aren't singly strength based, both are a mix of each.

nice bait user

It's literally 100% due to how FILMS portrayed each weapon during the era when these memes entrenched themselves in pop culture. Like I said samurai movies portrayed katana fights as short, instant deathmatches, while western depictions of knight fights depicted it as sluggish, brutal bludgeonfests because they were fucking idiots still stuck on Victorian anti-medieval snooty propaganda.

For pikemen, yes. For the arquebusiers and musketeers it was the sword.

Because katana were a secondary weapon. The primary weapons were spears and bows, and eventually muskets.

That's like saying the default melee weapon in the medieval period was the sword because it was the default melee weapon for archers (which it was).

japan was never invaded and samurai only ever fought malnourished farmers with sticks or other samurai with tinfoil strength armor

achievement unlocked: The Smaller They Are...

1 katana is not my level. I'm going to use 2(TWO) katanas at the same time. Stop me... if you can.

It varied in design as much as western swords did when they weren't introduced to outside influence (i.e. mongols, arguably g*rmans)

Not gonna touch on historical accuracy but this looks fucking gorgeous.

Are halberds the most badass weapon?

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>Why does a society glorify a weapon they themselves created?
Beats me.

I hope you look like this.

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Badassery depends on its user. But yes halberd is indeed a very versatile weapon

It's a very sexy weapon.
You can literally not deny that it looks aesthetic.

The Chinese Dadao is sueperior to the Japanese Katana.

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Ehh, kinda? Though during pike and shot pikemen were the minority while during most previous eras ranged weapons were the minority.
I guess this is where you can bring up Parthians or Mongols who did have ranged units as the majority.

So I guess at no point was the sword ever the default melee weapon with Imperial Rome being the only notable exception(During the Republic era the spear was still used by Hastati and Triarii). And even then they used the pillum as both a throwing javelin and for melee combat in some circumstances.

at least better than using a tool intended to chop wood as a weapon

it's like using a tool intended to type text to play video games

>Though during pike and shot pikemen were the minority
Eh, tercio was 1/3 pike 1/3 rodelero/halberd/greatsword 1/3 musket