Would you play Sonic Adventure 3 if it was written by IDW?
Would you play Sonic Adventure 3 if it was written by IDW?
I don't play Sonic games for the story or writing because I'm not retarded, so sure, why not?
Considering how poorly the current zombot arc is as well as the lackluster and predictable arcs that came before.. yes because its still significantly better than the stories for Forces, Lost World, Colors and pretty much every game Sonic Team has made since 06.
I would play SA3 if it was a game where you actually controlled Sonic and it had an ambitious and deep story, so maybe if I stretch the imagination enough. In reality, Maekawa should be the one to write it, since he's the one who has an actual fucking vision for this franchise's story, reboot everything after SA2 if it means reverting corporate meddling done by SEGA.
At this point, writing is the least of its worries to Sonic
You just wanted a Whisper thread, didn't you?
Do I want more of repetitive, bland mediocrity? Why?
And an Archie Sonic game should be made before that.
IDW is a publishing company, not a person, and none of their employees are writers, their comics are written by freelancers.
I'll play any official Sonic game. Paying for it, on the other hand... well, I don't want to contribute to the production of more mediocre products, but I still like to get my hands on them first before bitching about it.
First of all why is Sonic's story so fucking important to you autists? Why do the games NEED to have a deeper and more serious story?
>cringe dialogue bro
I don't like it either but the alternative isn't much better as seen in Forces. Which brings me to my second and more important question: Why can't the comic be enough for you faggots? It's been demonstrated time and time again that if you go anywhere beyond what Unleashed did in terms of storytelling, it becomes a complete shitshow. Doing another SA2 type of story would be a total step backwards. Iizuka is actually right for not wanting to make SA3, even if it's not for the right reasons.
Adventure 3 was '06.
Sonic Adventure 3 would probably be terrible like the other two were, so no.
The only people who could write a good Sonic Adventure 3 would be Tyson Heese and Bendilin Spurr.
Yes, it would better than anything than Sonic Team would come up with.
Please tell me that was from a Yas Forums Sonic thread
It explains so much
>First of all why is Sonic's story so fucking important to you autists?
>if you go anywhere beyond what Unleashed did in terms of storytelling, it becomes a complete shitshow.
>Iizuka is actually right for not wanting to make SA3, even if it's not for the right reasons.
It sounds like Sonic's story is important to you too, if you're going to make these kinds of judgments. Especially that part about SA3, that's assuming that a lot of people who want SA3 only want it for the tone and story rather than also or only the gameplay, and no, a survey with 35 people doesn't indicate anything. Unless you want to get autistic about the title, but it's not like it has to be called SA3 either (SA2 only barely feels like a sequel anyway).
It would suck ass anyways knowing nu-Sonic Team so no thanks
Hell yeah. Ian Flynn is one of the most talented writers on the planet while Sonic Team's people are without question the worst.
I hope you're just bamboozling.
>Ian Flynn is one of the most talented writers on the planet
Now that you've said that, this thread is about to become way more autistic than it already is, I guarantee it
No, I could care less about the writing, can they make a good GAME?
>Ian Flynn is one of the most talented writers on the planet
Get your ass back to /sthg/, scum
This. I’d rather the story just be something quick like in Mania or S3&K. Have the game be the main focus.
Fuck no. IDW went off like a lead balloon
It's clear Ian is past his prime, he just kept the job because of tenure.
Fucking gross
/sthg/ shits on Flynn constantly.
>worshipping flynn
Maybe a long time ago, but now they are fucking sick of him.
It's from /sthg/
Not that 35 people is a significant sample size anyways
>I would play SA3 if it was a game where you actually controlled Sonic and it had an ambitious and deep story,
/sthg/ overlaps in these threads enough anyways now
I want to fuck Whisper so bad bros
You say that like Sonic Adventure games are well written.
Damn, /sthg/ is actually based for once.
You should leave and go there instead
I voted for characters and story cause the gameplay over the last decade hasn't interested me in the least. If that was what kept me in the fandom, I would've left already.
>It's been demonstrated time and time again that if you go anywhere beyond what Unleashed did in terms of storytelling, it becomes a complete shitshow.
It becomes a shitshow because of bad writing, not because of premise or tone.
no because i dont play shit video games from shit franchises. no matter how ironically fun they are to laugh at in their disgrace
You do know one doesn't affect the other right?
IDK wrote Adventure 1 and 2 but please bring him back.
So basically make it a children’s game. Nice
Is Sonic Adventure 3 Heroes or 06?
>I don't play Sonic games for the story or writing because I'm not retarded
absolutely based
fuck adventuretards
fuck jap purists
I have no interest in any Sonic Adventure game. SA 1 and 2 fucking suck so why would 3 be any better? In fact, pretty much every 3D sonic game sucks ass so unless the game was all 2D I have no interest in it from the get go.
Ian Flynn is a hack writer who can't write for shit, so no. I would probably shitpost on it harder than I do with the actual bad games in the franchise just to fuck with all of you retarded Flynntards.
Yeah. Sonic Team writers are shit.
That was such a legendary thread. Never in my life have I seen an entire group of people literally purged from an entire general like that.
I really, really, really, REALLY wish the fucking Yas Forums mods would actually enforce the "no general thread" rules these days. You fucking /sthg/ faggots need to be IP range banned from this fucking board, you provide no content, do nothing but bitch about how autistic you are and then proceed to post porn after the first 100 posts and samefag your own responses and replies until either the thread hits bump limit or a Janitor takes pity on you fools and prunes the thread.
So you'll play a shit game so long as the story is good. You may as well watch a playthrough on YouTube.
He is desperately trying to push Drogune now hoping it will be his parachute from the comic industry.
Link to the thread + context?
I don't really get the second post
>Advance 4
Do people actually care about the plot or characters (beyond aesthetics and mechanics) in Sonic games? I dont understand
The point is that Flynn's portfolio is pretty pathetic.
And I wish twitter screencap threads were deleted on sight but we can't all get what we want now can we?
It doesn't exist.
That Metal Sonic arc was full of hype moments. Zombot arc would never work in a Sonic game though so I wouldn't worry about that.
Makes sense. Thanks
>full of hype moments.
Also a lot of filler and a disappointing ending.
Long story short: After literal fucking months of Flynn cocksucking was going on in /sthg/ someone dared ask the very rational and obvious question of "If Flynn is so good then why hasn't he ever written another comic or have his own IP" which resulted in an entire thread devolving into a flamewar where one side was trying to have an actual discussion about how good he was as a writer using past stories he's made and the other side attempted to massive false flag both their's and their opponents argument which ended up having a lot of those posts removed and several of them temporarily banned because they were basically spamming the threads with literal tard speech.
Then someone started pointing out that throughout his entire run with Archie there was collectively only 2-3 arcs that were actually considered good and almost all of his overarching story elements and plots was universally considered shit for multiple reasons, most of which involved having literally every character be a complete and utter dumbass for it to work.
Then you got pic related happening where some retarded Flynnfag pulled a hail Mary and tried to salvage his reputation on the general by posting his own reference materials he has on his own site and everyone immediately started fucking lmaoing at the fact that 90% of the dude's portfolio is literally one-off advertisement comics with the Mario one specifically being a case of him literally copypastaing a fansite on the internet for information.
It was a massive dumpster fire admittedly but holy shit was it hilarious watching 20 or more people get btfo'd like that.
>You can't have both, it's either one or the other
Stop being obtuse
user, gameplay matters. If your game is shit from a gameplay perspective, it's not worth playing. If you think story is the most important part of a game, you need to get the fuck out of this hobby.
human Amy's are cute