
Attached: re3.jpg (625x549, 35.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sorry

Oh shit, I'm sorry

Okay but where's the big tiddy Jill mod?

>Claire's white woman ass compared to Jill's


>i want to become a skinny petite girl like jill

Sorry for what? Our Daddy taught us not to ashamed of our Jill, especially since she's such a hot babe and all.

so is the game good?

No. Like re2, they removed content.


No, its not. Shitty lewd mods can't save it. They enhanced the RE2 remake, but they just kick around in the trash that is RE3 remake

How to spot reddit in a single word

Yeah, and they even put in a bonus singleplayer game with it just to make it even better.

Yes it is

Didn't this start from Yas Forums, though? Or was it discord, they're practically 2 sides of a shitty coin.

all of it started from discord spam, and it is continued by discord spammers

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How to spot the coomer

No. Demake is real.

disgusting banana tits

Romanian chicks have tight bodies and pussy but once they open their mouth I go flaccid

Yeah, I see that. Daddy gave you good advice.

Looks like my girlfriend's ass desu.

post her feet and I'll consider it

And it keeps getting stronger because you retards react like this to it.

Nude Jill mods are literally the only thing saving this fucking trash

t. freak masturbation addict

Omfg I’m sorry idk what I did but I’m sorry now please sit on my face mommy I promise I will love and caress your beautiful holes with my mouth and tongue and nose and entire face dear god please I’m so lonely mommy and I love you with all my heart

Yes, but not a good remake, especially when you’re comparing it with the other two.
Changes may bother you to various degrees.
They hated him because he told them the truth

>/n/ complaining about slide threads

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To the modders, yes.
To the devs... fuck no

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>Clenching your buttcheeks so hard it holds the skirt in place.

I don't know whether this is TECHNOLOGY or not.

REmake was a perfect 10/10 masterpiece.

Developers saw there was money to be made and each iteration has been worse and worse, we're back to unmotivated money grabbing at this point.

if there ever was a torrent, it's this game.

>buying for the garbage multiplayer


Yes, if you think otherwise you just hate women

Lewd mods made RE6 top tier for me.

>game same but now me see a ASS and titman skins!
>game AMAZERING! Apologize to GAME

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Where the fuck is the leaked game? Streamers are already playing it


pretty confident it´s gonna be cracked the first 3 days but i can even imagine a day0 crack. feels good to be a pirate arrr

>Listening to carci try and damage control this blunder
fucking lmao

What are we apologising for?

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fuckin simp

to be fair he's shitting on the lack of options and general linearity of the game

Come again nigger?

Conceptualize the odor.

so they added multiplayer to mask how short it is?

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Its actually longer

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Yeah, there's not been a bad mainline game (remakes included) outside of Resident Evil 6, and that actually has a pretty large cult following.

that's still short

Torrent when?

>Play REmake on PC after spending £10 on it
>Finish it in like 2 hours
Oh shit this game is short af now that I know what I'm doing.
>REmake 3 is just a straight up action game, so you already know what you're doing.
>Finish it in like 8 hours
Oh shit this game is short af now that I know what I'm doing.

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Almost 9 hours on normal difficulty? I`ll bet that you will need at least 12 hours on hardcore.

its basically the same length as 1 run of the previous game with 0 new things to discover in subsequent runs but there's very little new content, most of the assets is copy pasted from remake 2
and they're asking me to pay full price ?
i have sub 0 interest in the coop mode, its a lootbox factory, nothing more
i will pirate the sp tho

>i will pirate the sp tho

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So like the original?

6 days user

yes exactly like the original, read my post again brainlet

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-02 17-10-17.png (477x246, 124.78K)

>They enhanced the RE2 remake
>running around as Leon completely nude with a sexy toned body
Just as good as playing with nude Chris and Piers in RE6.

>6 days user
That was an older version of Denuvo, and that was when CODEX still worked on Denuvo games. If you're gonna be a good pirate, you need to keep up with the literature, user.

RE2make was okay, but not good enough to drop $60 on. I'll wait for this game to go on sale before I buy it, especially considering how lackluster the demo was.

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nuJill is sexier than nuClair. Not having a golbina incelbait face does wonders.

the classic line : "they totally upgraded denuvo and this time, that's it no more piracy, its over pack it up"
even if it takes double that time i have a ton of games to go through
where do you draw the line, are you just going to support capcom like a good goy even if they revert to their old ways ?

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-31 18-45-17.png (384x212, 42.16K)

>new denuvo is uncrackable
it´s always the same shit with you buyfags.
i´m certain this game will be cracked under a week, hope you don´t get too angry when this happens m8.
inb4 muh rdr2
it´s not denuvo, it´s the always online shit and rockstars online club. see for max payne 3.
denuvo is shit and you know it.

coomers aren't people

>Look at me, I'm based I refunded a game hehehehehehehehehehheheheheheh I'm badass

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Buyfag... you need to know the only uncrackable games are online based ones.

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Yes, it's like RE2 except faster paced.

oh no you posted the wojak picture, i lost

I'll never understand why people like you get so angry at people with normal sex drives that you need to incessantly spam this retarded meme nonstop.

>a bit more than 4 hours game, first normal play-through

Claire is hotter.

I prefer this version

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Epic wojack post you got him good

New Denuvo.
CODEX are out.
I'm not even a buyfag, you're just being retarded. Please educate yourself. I know it's Yas Forums where you'll just say whatever you feel even if you've got absolutely no knowledge to base it on just to get a reaction out of people-- Good point, why am I even trying to educate you retards?


Is anyone buying this day 1?

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>yes exactly like the original
I meant Resident evil 3 you moron. You pirated it too in 1999?


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