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Other urls found in this thread:


>Japan makes a scam game
>Nobody says anything
>Korea makes a scam game
>Nobody says anything
>Israel makes a scam game

their jewing is next level

Not really. Jews are bad but Koreans are 3 times worse, only ignorant Yas Forumsniggers with zero real life experience think otherwise.

What is a jew?

no one said anything about jews

except anyone with half a brain realizes pachinko/mobile waifu collector bullshit is an awful scam
anything made by ncsoft is also an awful scam
I don't care how many fate grand order threads are on this site it's a bullshit non-game meant to steal weebbucks

Name on time a japanese gacha game was so brutally advertised as Raid

Dude I play gacha. Even Nexon is better than Plarium. At least they don't publicise themselves as saviors of gaming and overselling their shit game like these guys. Their YouTube sponsorship is like nothing I've ever seen.

Look in the mirror

Azure Lane, but it's Chinese(?)

No, I'm serious. I'm pretty unintelligent. What is a jew?

A miserable little pile of ashes!

A miserable little pile of deceit!


A race superior to whites that makes pol niggers seethe basically.

They have more money, higher IQ and rule the media so that makes them "evil" to copers

>nobody says anything

Bull fucking shit. Gacha is called a scam all the fucking time.

Semitic people are white.


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They're only white when it's time to play the "us whites needs to take in more refugees" or something akin to that

>>game has the most absurd monetization model in any mobile game
>>not Jewish

Absolutely seething and coping you've been once again outplayed by JewChads

Fuck off kike. You rats are only white when it suits your purpose.

I'm not a kike you retard. Semitics have europeoid skulls

back to pol

>Fuck off kike. You rats are only white when it suits your purpose.
>their jewing is next level
>A miserable little pile of ashes!
>They're only white when it's time to play the "us whites needs to take in more refugees" or something akin to that

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Jews always have something sinister behind their plans. I don't trust them.

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>This whole thread

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To be fair, the ones who hate anime are the twitch kiddies taking their anti-anime culture from twitch to Yas Forums

He's not wrong, but I can see whoever replaces jinping to be worse

Shouldn't you be somewhere debating if certain people are actually white?

This site is filled with 15-20 yos

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what are some games about your greatest ally constantly being unjustly being accused of secretly working against you?

ever wondered why china is prospering while the west seems to decline ... mmh I wonder if a certain group of people has little to know influence in china while being extremely over represented in positions of power and influence in the west

because chinese are useful idiots who still allow slavery and child labor, so we exploit it for cheaper ware

Imagine falling for the old-ass jewish conspiracy meme in 2020. You guys think you're being cutting edge with your supposed unhinged freethinking, but in reality you're just as dumb and manipulated as a street sweeper of the 1930s or a literal filthy peasant.

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kek, never change

I do wonder why JIDF still tries after 16 years on Yas Forums


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>nobody says anything

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How can you actually tell if someone is a jew?

Ask your handlers on Yas Forums and they'll tell you exactly who is what and how you should "think" about them.

>I value that people have a opinion of their own
>As long as it's not that of my political opposition

>japan makes a scam game
>Korea makes a scam game
If only it was just one...

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Everyone gets to have their little opinion, but not all opinions are of equal value. Yours in particular seems very lacking.

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And that's your opinion, unlike you, I value all opinions to weigh the same

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they are really good at it.

There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish.

You mean the acting like one or being born one, there's a big difference

If nazis aren't IDIOTS then why does everyone who uses forums and consumes media that bans all forms of argumentation or competition against their position disagree with them?


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I don't have a problem with jews, but I genuinely don't understand why there isn't such a thing as "jewish privilege". Overall they are far richer, control entire industries (Hollywood), somehow get diversity points when most are white, get a free overseas vacation, are funnier, etc. I would unironically love to be jewish for all the free perks, if all it meant was dudes shitposted about me online and I had a bigger nose.


>pol pol pol
>i litterally cannot stop talking about pol
>rreeeeeeee pol
rent fucking free

I want raid to sponsor my funeral.

>dead memes

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i bet they had the plan to sell it for a higher price

It's actually incredible how delusional these peoppe can become.

They find one of the only places in the world and all technology where people can express those kinds of opinions and they want it removed despite being a tiny fraction of this boards content (you can search through thr archives to find deleted posts and you'll see like even a 10:1 ratio of solely homosexual threads to "Yas Forums" threads).

These people are driven by cognitive dissonance and probably can't even comprehend what they're doing wrong. I don't think they literally have the mental introspection to understand. But that's how liberalism spreads.

>make Yas Forums thread
>wtf why are people talking about Yas Forums we didn't do nothing?!!+1

>still affected the "dindu nuffin" meme in 2020

At least nips and gooks didn't forced up their ads into our asses like the jews did

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Reminder that chinks are Asian Jews

I read that as Platinum Games at first

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we have NEVER been triggered by any of that lefitist crap, we merely call it out for what it is vile globalist propaganda that seeks to push """""progressive""""" values that promote innate white genocide, the disruption of Christian values and anti-conservative sentiments, not that you would care you idiot leftist parasite gaslighter
>muh pol boogyman

Is a parasite who leeches off resources more intelligent than its host?

t. yid about to receive the skids

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God I hate those slimy fucking disgusting jews. Hope they all get the rope in my lifetime.

You're a horny loser

>Browsing gaming forums in the mid 2000s
>Every other banner is an ad to some shitty korean MMO

What language is that, Hebrew or Yiddish?

so... in essence what you're saying is, you get triggered by leftist shit.

Got it.

It's funny because I only know about this game because of all the complainig about it being "everywhere".
I had all ads disabled everywhere, so I never see any ads. I also don't watch shit-tier youtubers who shill this game every other video. If you know about this game through any other means, you need to reevaluate your life.