How will the normies react when they find out this is an episodic game?
How will the normies react when they find out this is an episodic game?
So until which part does this remake last? Is it really midgar only?
I'm Normie enough to give an answer. Depending on the difficulty, artificial walls can send a majority packing before they even attempt to finish the game. That was the reaction I had to the Resident Evil 3 demo. It saved me money.
It's not episodic
user.. They've been extremely open about the fact it's episodic since the very first reveal.
Although its nowhere in the marketing or the box. All the normies on twitter have no idea. They are in for a surprise for sure
They will never even realize.
It's not episodic. Telltale games are episodic. It's just going to be several games.
The better question is: how would YOU react when "normies" who buy the game already know what they're buying?
My reaction to the normies would be
>If this was EA or Activision who did this you'd be spewing your outrage. Faggot
Naming it just remake is strange, through. They should've gave it a subtitle.
It's actually written on the box. It says on the box that this game covers up until the escape from Midgar in the original FF7. Look it up.
Most people who have bought a copy of VII have never finished it. They wont give a fuck.
It's not episodic if they never make the other episodes
Do people actually not know it has several parts?
most people who buy AAA games don't get past the tutorial if you look at cheevo rates so I don't honestly think it's an issue. A lot of basedboys and numales will buy it with their coronabux, play for a day or 2, drop it without finishing it and never touch it again.
Episodic? They just split the source material in half.
That's like saying The Hobbit movies are episodic, or Harry Potter 7+8 are episodic
It literally says on the box and on every online store that it's a first part in the remake project. If someone buys it thinking it's the full game, then they're 100% retard.
The misuse of the term episodic is exactly why it doesn't say part 1 on the box.
>this shit lasting longer than a day
>insetting your Yas Forumsroach autism into videogame discussions
Anyone who doesn't already know that it's just Midgar won't care.
They will be excited that theres even more crazy shit coming. What the fuck stupid question is this
Calling it now. Yas Forums is going to be filled with "souless" threads and how ff7 was better on psx
just reached the church after fighting air buster and I'm 15 hours in
some guy in a thread earlier who said he rushed the game, but didn't skip cutscenes clocked 48 hours.
Do we know how long a normal playthrough of FF7R takes?
How will OP cope when he can't COOOM today?
Exactly. They fucked up using the word episodic in that first interview. Now i don't know who is the "they" that fucked up, SE or the interviewer/translator
imagine arguing semantics
it’s well understood that this is not the full game but instead split and will be released (lol) in multiple installments
while not explicitly labeled as “episodes”, calling it episodic isn’t exactly wrong either
That's true though. Even without the whole soulless meme.
Can someone explain how the fuck are they gonna make the midgar section alone worth 60$? I've recently finished replaying FFVII and the midgar section isn't even 25% of the game.
Fedex quests.
Do you have even a single brain cell?
Have you played a square enix game from the last 5 years? What on earth makes you think they give a shit whether it's worth the price tag or not?
By a hundred fetch quests and cutscenes with Tifa and Aeris
The story will suffer greatly from pacing issues as everything will drag out for sooo long
some of it is literally soulless like the environment design vs the characters. They look like they travelled through a portal into our world or something
>implying the majority of players will play it long enough to notice
>look at achievements for [game]
>finish lvl1 90% completion
>finish lvl2 70%
>finish lvl3 40%
>mfw Underneath The Rotting Pizza starts playing
I am playing the game right now. After about 16 hours of playtime i am now going from aerith's house through sector 6 on my way to sector 7. They insert a bunch of new content, new sidequests for you to do, and also make sequences that used to be little more than moving from point a to point b on a prerendered backdrop into a fully designed level with puzzles and mutliple levels of verticality to navigate.
They basically just made the small parts bigger and put new stuff between them. There's a whole new chapter between both reactors where you go to Jessie's house to grab her dad's ID so you can break into a warehouse and secure a blasting agent for the bomb you use on the second reactor. There's so much shit in this game
13* hours
Fuck it then.. Another possibly good idea ruined.
Ah yes, calling people retarded for no reason. I sure do love me some 4chinz.
I wonder how big the drop off will be between part 1 and part 2. Especially considering how part 2 again will end on a cliffhanger instead of resolving the story.
Sounds unnecessary
yes i too hate it when i get more content
you sound like a faggot
Why didn't they put "part 1" on the cover? Are the other parts going to be download only?
>>The story of this first, standalone game in the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE project covers up to the party's escape from Midgar and goes deeper into th events occurring in the city than the original FINAL FANTASY VII.
Is this actually the real back cover?
I guess if the extra content is actually good and makes the world and lore richer, sure. However this kind of game design just seems to like like it's bound to fail plot-wise for FF7.
Go back
Midgar is expanded and incorporates part of the back story from the original which is set afterwards, it ends as they set out presumably for Kalm.
It seems like Aeries death will bookmark the second part and the third will have the rest of the game.
what's the problem
Would rather they just adapt more of the story instead of taking a small chunk and padding it out to full game length.
proof? im pretty sure this is the full game mate
nobody cares what a retard wants
>refuses to use the word part
>avoids using the word series
>insists on calling it a standalone game
Game series tend to have the first game just have a title, and only subsequent games to add numbers/subtitles.
I guess they view this as the first part of a series, so they'll only add numbers/subtitles to the other parts.
>Its real
Oh- nonono....
Actually, it literally is necessary in order to make it worth the 60$ price tag, lmao.
Wow so the same fetch quests from ffxv that everyone loved! Great! I also like the side quest to kill rats. Really takes me back to my everquest days. Thanks Square!
Kill yourself.
I'm starting to thinking capitalism was a mistake. Splitting a JRPG like this is just a sin.
Final fantasy as a franchise has gotten too big. They essentially know it will sell no matter what happens.
I took the Y'sPill and never looked back. New FF games are not worth buying/playing anymore.