How am I supposed to immerse myself in this Cyberpunk world with a voiced protagonist?

How am I supposed to immerse myself in this Cyberpunk world with a voiced protagonist?
I have understood CDPR said immersion is very important in this game.

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this is your average shitposter
anyone posting here should be ashamed, i know i am

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immerse yourself as a tranny

He's asking a valid question though you fucking clown.
Every dev on the planet understands that if you're going for immersion you don't use a voiced protagonist, because it's not fucking you anymore. So why would they use a voiced protagonist in CP2077 if they want immersion?

>it's not fucking you anymore
Was it ever?

it didn't stop people in fag effect

You're the one making the decisions aren't you? You're the one choosing what to say aren't you?
How is it not a proxy you?

Same way you immerse yourself as JC Denton, or Commander Shepard. CP77's problems are far bigger than "voiced protagonist".

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disco elysium

i would like to reiterate that being in this tread is CRINGE AF and you should stop right this second

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Stop being an autistic faggot.

>Same way you immerse yourself as JC Denton, or Commander Shepard
Ah, so you don't.
And they have completely abandoned the pursuit of immersion then is what you're saying.
So they cut out third person entirely for nothing.

Were you JC Denton?

>disco elysium
The dogshit sjw commie game? LOL

your soul is already lost in the Yas Forumsoid

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What in the fuck are you doing here, faggot?

>Ah, so you don't.
But I did. Same as I was immersed as Adam Jensen. You being a retard that can't immerse himself in a world unless the main character is always TES-tier are the autist.

Irrelevant to the MC being voiced. Try thinking outside Yas Forums for a second.

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>Same as I was immersed as Adam Jensen
You can't immerse yourself as someone else you fucking moron.
Irrelevant game, try thinking outside of /gaylord/ for a second. (Also completely meaningless, your mention of the game isn't arguing anything)

Why don't you try getting a job?

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mass effect
deus ex
you're telling me you were never immersed in witcher 3? i don't need to create my character to be immersed. immersion comes from the world design.

= 0

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>You can't immerse yourself as someone else you fucking moron.
then you literally can't be immersed in any video game

>You can't immerse yourself as someone else you fucking moron.
haha what a fag

>oh no, my characther doesnt mental talking to other people
>first person? yikes, i preffer my 3rd person inmersive PS4 games

Jensen is his own person you fucking brainlet, he has his own personality, he isn't you.
What you're saying is the equivalent of "i'm going to immerse myself as Ironman while i watch the avengers"

>You can't immerse yourself as someone else

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"i'm going to immerse myself as Ironman while i watch the avengers"

Op destroyed and confirmed unimaginative cunt.

Truly a 10/10 bait, really.
People will actually think you're this retarded.

no, it's not the same. you're not playing as the character in the movie. you have no control over what they do.

I'm not even OP you stupid faggot, pluis the fact i'm blowing the fuck out of every brainlet in this thread.

So all PS4 cinematic games are unimersive.

>You can't immerse yourself as someone else you fucking moron.
That's factually wrong.
>Irrelevant game
It's an RPG

i fucking warned you

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What won't you retards complain about, jesus christ, just wait for the game to come out and then bitch, I'm tired of this game and no one's even played it yet.

Nor do you imagine Jensen is yourself, stay in school kiddo, you really fucking need it.

>blocking the truth

Sure thing, Ironman.

Hmm? How old are you lad?
>Thief 1 voiced protagonist
>Thief 2 voiced protagonist
>both considered some of the best immersive games ever made

It's factually correct
>It's an RPG
Okay? Have you put a single second of thought into what you're trying to say?

>he isn't you
Irrelevant to being immersed in a game or not. I realize you're shitposting but try and make better bait.

>Nor do you imagine Jensen is yourself
Irrelevant to being immersed

>Irrelevant to being immersed in a game or not
Lol no, i get that you want to pretend immersion is just some ambiguous nothingness equivalent to "me having happy time with gaem, me immersed", but please,stay in school, kiddo.

You're right, I don't imagine Jensen is me but I can still immerse myself in the world.

>still replying to him

>It's factually correct
How so.
>Have you put a single second of thought into what you're trying to say?
I should be asking you that.

>doesn't make a single argument
Okay, retard.
>but I can still immerse myself in the world.
FINALLY someone says something with a single second of thought put into it, yes you can immerse yourself in the world. You're not immersing yourself as the character.

>Lol no
lol yes

I have nothing else to do, it's corona time.

>self-inserting past the age of 12

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How indeed.

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>being gay

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>You're not immersing yourself as the character.
What does this even mean?
Unironically explain.

>doesn't make a single argument
Exactly, you haven't made a single argument against not being able to be immersed in a game with a voiced MC
>yes you can immerse yourself in the world. You're not immersing yourself as the character.
You can do both. You don't have to feel like you are a character to be immersed in their plight in the world.

How many cumulative hours have you spend posting about a game you don't want to play?

>You're not immersing yourself as the character.
But I am. I myself am the only proof I'll ever need. Stay schizo.

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>You can't immerse yourself as someone else you fucking moron.

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Immersion is to be deeply engaged. It has nothing to do with a character or not.
You absolutely can be immersed in a movie or book. It isn't some vidya only thing because you control the character.
You are objectively wrong, user.

No one tell this retard there are games like DAO where your self insert MC has battle lines and is thus voiced.

And is thus, not immersive.

Why is voice where you draw the line?