Based on Boomer knowledge, this is how the vidya market works out

>"You can't just sell your video games on the market, there's like an entire Mafia out there, you need to be part of some corporation before you can freely distribute your stuff."
>"Also, you need some sort of college diploma (Gaming Degree) in order to prove you can be a game developer."

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What the fuck are you talking about you schizo

>inb4 anons complaining about Samurai jack season 5.

What the fuck am I reading

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>First 3 episodes were 10/10
what the fuck went wrong.


the first few episodes were Samurai Jack episodes

the later episodes were a crappy romance story set in the Samurai Jack universe

shut up schizo

What are you talking about

>"Also, you need some sort of college diploma (Gaming Degree) in order to prove you can be a game developer."
yes, and? how can people expect anything other than shovelware from you if you don't know the basics of programming? it's like asking why pilots need a license to fly an aircraft. sure they might be able to, but why the fuck would anyone trust them to?

>you need a piece of paper from Mr. Shekelnosestein saying you can program otherwise it's literally impossible to program.

toby fox made the best video game ever and he didn't knew shit about programming, just used easy drag & drop methods in game maker, get fucked :)

he didn't do drag and drop

>>"Also, you need some sort of college diploma (Gaming Degree) in order to prove you can be a game developer."
that's how zoomers think
zoomers go to gamer schools to get gamer degrees on their parents money

>that's how zoomers think
Funny you mention that because that's literally what my Boomer dad advised me to do when I told him I'm thinking of changing my major to something like Computer Science maybe, then got all defensive and felt insulted when I tried explaining it to him how that is the most useless shit ever.

>Stardew Valley
>made by a movie theater clerk, no game dev experience
>the only experience was making a ROM hack of earthbound
>Five Nights at Freddies
>chiristian games failed dev and 3D artist. Used his critics to fuel his first FNaF
>No degree, worked for King before Minecraft

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Made this without knowing how to make games, simply learned as I went along

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looks like a VR game

It has a mode that lets you aim with a dead zone, like in Arma or Red Orchestra. It's fun even in a very arcade game

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you didn't post proof of what was said in the OP
you just posted proof about the video games market, especially the indie one, being oversaturated

I didn't? look closer

oh wait... now that i look at it.. yeah i see.. a retard

you must have saw your own reflex on the monitor screen, because i'm not displaying my face online

nah but you're definitely displaying your opinions which immediately make you look like a retard

I posted a picture proving my point and you?

i fucked your mother

who are you quoting?

boomer here.

no degree needed.

no mafia, but similar to Hollywood jews, there are groups out there that direct and dominate the market. You can still go indie, but just like the movie industry, you will never get as far as you could if you just complied with their rules.

It's not the same as a mafia cause they're not gonna break your kneecaps, and they will let you do your thing, but you just won't get very far cause they've got control.

you can't fuck yourself then

>you will never get as far as you could if you just complied with their rules.
Various indies and midsized companies have gotten filthy reach over the years thanks to a flagship game they made without the assistance of a big company. That shit doesn't happen in the film industry.

true. For sure it's not as bad as the film industry, but let's not kid ourselves and pretend it's not there.

Yes. If you operate without a license, you are a threat to the economy

I'm just sad he doesn't get his happy ending. Eh, maybe the season also felt disjointed, but complain? Nah, it was decent.

spoken like a true jew

to elaborate: the successful indie (which not THAT common a thing, when you look at how many indie titles come out all the time) can make millions sure, and that's great cause it's offset by the fact that it's usually small teams that make it, so each member can take a real nice cut.

However, say we look at 2017-2019ish, and you're a very successful indie like Stardew Valley guy, Concerned Ape... his success was be ant-sized compared to the blue whale of a success that AAA Battle Royale games (or even those already successful AAA games that added Battle Royale mode as a bit of an afterthought) saw.

Sure Concerned Ape might be able to live off of his success for the rest of his life cause he's just one guy (and he started including a handful others since he started expanding the game with stuff like multiplayer, but it's still a small team). But in terms of raw popularity, I doubt peak Stardew Valley is close to peak Fortnite.

I could be wrong, but it's certainly the way things seem.

In the end, though, as corny as it sounds: just do what you enjoy. If you do that and are persistent enough with your vision, the money will come. No piece of paper required.

>it's like asking why pilots need a license to fly an aircraft.
Because if they fuck up then people die, dumbshit.
If pilots could fuck up safely then companies would gladly give a chance to someone who can just show a video of himself landing a plane.

fortnite keeps dropping 40% every quarter

>but you just won't get very far cause they've got control.
False. You won't get very far because you don't have money yet. You don't have a marketing budget, you can't afford a booth at conventions. The best you can hope for is that your amateurish trailer goes viral on youtube.
They can give you the money to get started in exchange for your soul or you can struggle your way to money on your own.

Who are you quoting?

>I'm just sad he doesn't get his happy ending

But he did. He returned to the past, killed the shit out of Aku, and prevented the future where Aku reigns supreme. Yeah, it sucks that his wife got NIA'D, but if fifty years in a hellish future couldn't break him, nothing will. He's finally at home, and he's finally at peace.

based trips of truth

>The best you can hope for is that your amateurish trailer goes viral on youtube.
I think the better idea there is to try and build yourself an audience on YouTube first before releasing a trailer for a game.
I already made like 2k subs in just under a month of me simply just shitposting OC audio and visual edits I made of things, so hopefully at some point I'll be able to release a trailer and get it noticed. Point is you should really have some sort of pre-established fanbase, no matter what it might be about, because if you think about making a game with literally NOBODY knows about you, then you're sorta fucked.

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yeah, that's why I said 2017-2019. Not sure what the current trend this year is, but it seems Battle Royales aren't as hot as they were then.

Doesn't make what I said False, though. You have less money but you also have way fewer salaries to pay.

>They can give you the money to get started in exchange for your soul or you can struggle your way to money on your own.

how is that not them directing the market like I said they do? Again, what I said isn't false. Not claiming I am the master of absolute truth, and I can be wrong, but none of what you said really invalidates what I said.

>finally at peace
He's still immortal though.

>"Also, you need some sort of college diploma (Gaming Degree) in order to prove you can be a game developer."
Except Gabe is 57 years old and he dropped out of college

I think OP is saying that about boomers that are stupid and act like that is the case.

You don't need a college degree but if you've got no background in game programming and no games you developed you're going to have a hard time convincing a company to pick you over a dude with a bachelors in computer science.

>how is that not them directing the market like I said they do?
"Directing the market" would imply they are somehow actively restricting access to the market, which they aren't.
The market has a barrier to entry by it's very nature.

This is why people make portfolios of personal demo projects to show that they know their shit.
A comp sci degree isn't more impressive than an actual working game, even if it is just a demo.

He might be mortal again now that he's back in his proper place in time. And even if he is still immortal that just means he can personally ensure that the new future turns out better than the old one. It's win-win, baby!

>"Directing the market" would imply they are somehow actively restricting access to the market, which they aren't.

true, they aren't entirely restricting access, but they are restricting reach/scope in a way.

Not providing assistance is not the same a restricting.

fair enough. Maybe things are actually better than I thought for indies.

Btw, nice change of pace having a civilized argument on this board.

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>Btw, nice change of pace having a civilized argument on this board.
It's a rare thing.

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Real boomer take is that they don't make 'em like they used to.
yup, back in my day you just bought the game that was all the money you ever spend on one game

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its funny how you used an aircraft license, something obtained via experience and not schooling, to argue that you need schooling


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One guy who doesn't know what he's doing and doesn't know professional procedures can destroy a project. Not committing metas on the repository, not exporting meshes, not being organized or creating too many dependencies can easily break a game and indie development teams especially can't take that risk. As a game developer I rarely ever work with people if I don't have to. When I do I work with people, I work with people I know well because it's a serious risk. You don't need a degree, but very few people make it through the learning curves of game development without college guidance.

choose one

They might be wrong about the details but they're giving you good advice and you should listen to it. Becoming an indie developer is the nerd equivalent of becoming a rock star. Only a very small minority of people are able to make a living that way.

>you should listen to people who are unwilling to support you with what you're truly passionate about doing in the future