Game has amazing graphics but everything else is shit

>game has amazing graphics but everything else is shit

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There's also Kass.

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I feel like it's a nice time sink during the lockdown. Already wasted 50 hours doing fuck all.

the combat is so wonky in this right? cant get past that and delete it within 30 mins every time i try it.
>wants to be dark souls
>doesnt understand how souls combat works

far cry 5

seems like a theme

You know it's a great game when Roxxanne the 60 year old crossdresser and Randel the Flamboyent Homosexual get validated right before the logo and main menu show up.

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How is the combat Dark Souls? It's the same basic shit every game has: light attack, heavy attack, dodge, block, special moves.
Not that any of it matters cause it's an asscreed game and you can curbstomp your way through any camp within seconds using one button past level 20 or so.

>Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
>amazing graphics

even that is debatable

>Love the game because I love the setting

Anything to do with the modern day stuff fucking sucked though.

I played it about 8 hours when it was free a few days ago and it already started feeling repetitive. Seeing how some people have over 200 hours in this game puzzles my mind

Fun fact that long running disclaimer was originally made because Ubisoft feared they'd piss off Christians and Muslims, now it's there for SJWs.

wahh wahh those 3 minutes of the easiest modern day stuff in the series was awful

>climb on top of building
>shoot guard
>all guards go full retard and gather in circle
>spam AoE arrow skill
>rinse and repeat till outpost is clear

Thanks for the warning. Not that i would ever pay for an assassin’s creed.

>Lovely graphics in general
>World design is top notch with tons of variety, clear navigable paths, and detailed settlements and scenic points
>Atmospheric details like npc chatter/idle activities, sound design, and references to Hellenic culture like the games kids play and fashion are all top notch
>Side characters for side missions are actually entertaining and have personality, and while the mission objectives tend to be boring the themeing of stuff like fetch quests to be hunting aphrodisiacs down so a blacksmith can get it up again so he'll forge gear for you is at least strong
>Most of the historical figures who show up are solid spins on the characters
>Combat is very shallow and stealth is essentially useless
>Any good to be found in the main story is fucking ruined by the usual AssCreed nonsense with the ayyliens and advanced tech plotline
>There's really not much roleplaying despite it being an ARPG

I really hope one day Ubisoft gets their head out of their ass and just ditches the overarching modern narrative of the franchise and makes it all pure historical fiction with zero sci fi elements.

this is the best game in assassin creed series.
it is so much better with arcade combat oriented playstyle
and Kassandra is love, also notice how good is facial animations and all that comes with it

The discovery tour thing was better than the game tbqh

I know Yas Forums is a bit retarded, but the intention here isn't to claim that "look, we've got trannies" but rather "don't get triggered".

>What is every AAA game?

>0.02c has been transferred to your ubisoft account

>Side characters for side missions are actually entertaining and have personality,

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not true
game is fun for the first 4h. the problem is it just repeats for the next 96h

Assassin's Creed Unity looks better than Odyssey and Unity released four years before Odyssey.

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What's the best city in the assasin's creed franchise?

yeah but it didnt try to be another Witcher 3

lightning is better and faces are more detailed but everything else looks meh

Venice > Paris > London > everything else

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because the game has a MASSIVE checklist of things to do. They're not necessarily fun things and they’re extremely repetitive, but some people get a lot of enjoyment out of completing a laundry list of tasks. This is the appeal to most of Ubisoft’s games.

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literally the best game of the last decade if you play it on the hardest difficulty

>t. gaming journalist

are you so mentally challenged that you thought i was implying it's impossible to beat on the hardest difficulty
it's THE difficulty which makes the game and its combat shine, the game is so incredibly fun then, especially in those athens vs sparta battles you can participate in - one wrong move and you're dead

now i am a mentally challenged retard cause i accidentally responded to myself...... oh well

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I couldn't beat the first battlefield without using that warrior skill that gives you back 25% HP.

how, what was the issue

It was fun and ok until level 30 and now its turned into a utterly horrible slog with damage soaking enemies. Its like the level curving of the gear just went and died at that point.

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Too hard, any random hit would remove 1/4 of my HP and two hits from those dual wielding poison guys outright killed me. The mercenary also attacked during the battle a took forever to kill.
I finished the fight barely ten second before my side would lose.

my battlefield strategy was to attack regular mooks before the game would even indicate one "target" for you - because it then targets the one you've already attacked
hitting them with those specials i forgot the names of would usually kill them instantly or leave them almost dead and i could clear out several enemies before the mercenary shows up
at that point it's a game of cat and mouse and adapting to his playstyle, staying close if he's wielding something heavy and hard hitting or staying the fuck out if he's a dual wielder and shooting him every second

Such an impossibly boring game.

I love greek mythology and history, this setting is incredible, the world is so vast and beautiful.
I can't be bothered with any of it because the game is so fucking boring.
It suffers from the same shit all this ubisoft, checklist ticking, collectathon, soulless bullshit games suffer from.
There's so much stuff to do but none of it feels fun or challenging.
All the loot is levelled and you just end up fucking full to the brim with the shit. You spend as much time clearing out your inventory as you do playing.
The combat is totally weightless. High level opponents aren't really better fights they just have ridiculous health pools or damage resistance so that its almost impossible to beat them no matter how well you fight...

Wide as an ocean deep as a puddle. The game is paper thin and extremely repetitive. The core mechanics are just not compelling enough. They're not compelling enough to begin with and they're certainly not entertain after you've done them for the thousandth time.

It's a game I really wanted to love but I can never play for more than a few hours before shelving it again.

Does it have amazing graphics though? It looks kinda old in many ways, but an old game full of modern assets. Ultimately it looks kinda rough like it doesn't quite come together right. Maybe it lacks some modern filters or something. Also it runs pretty bad/weird but at least better than Origins.

the only reason why the empty open world, the shitty quests and level grinding exist so they can sell you XP boosts

Man those palace interiors were impressive.

I never felt like I had to grind but I didn't just make a beeline from one main quest to the next.

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i love greek mythology and history and i thought it nailed the setting, especially having read herodotus's histories beforehand
i never really had an issue with the battles and i always sold/destroyed any non-legendary gear except for dad's helmet

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which assassins Creed game is this?

is this supposed to look good?

>Side characters for side missions are actually entertaining and have personality, and while the mission objectives tend to be boring the themeing of stuff like fetch quests to be hunting aphrodisiacs down so a blacksmith can get it up again so he'll forge gear for you is at least strong

Did we play the same game?


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Every modern corridor shooter and “cinematic” game.

so in terms of gameplay, which is best?

In style? Undoubtedly. Although it benefits considerably from the setting.

In fidelity? Not a chance. There are only 2-3 objects casting shadows in that image. The rest is mediocre ambient occlusion.

this loot shit is ruining video games, no weapon is unique anymore

>same basic shit every game has
Bullshit, imagine being this wrong and gay.

run it on PC with everything maxed. the world and character model geometry is way up there

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its okay but nothing impressive

i have around 90h on this ,i loved it though it does get repetitive but i liked getting every main quest done,killing cultists and the dlc quests.AC games have always been just mindless fun if you dont try to judge it too hard

there is a decent RPG under all that shite capitalists keep pushing onto our games.

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truly the best game in the series.

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completely agreed

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It's basically The Witcher 3 in ancient Greece, it was fun enough.

stop spamming this shit, nobody cares

ah ok thanks

just like how no one cares about odyssey shit, fuck off

not even the graphics are good

uhm sweetie, it's not spam. it's an image dump.

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