Sources: Despite Huge Sales, Borderlands 3 Developers Are Getting Stiffed On Bonuses

THIS is not okay! How do the fatcats keep getting away with it? Not only the crunch, but now they even steal money.

>"The video game Borderlands 3 was a big sales success when it launched last fall, according to its publisher, 2K, which described it as “a billion-dollar global brand.” That’s why it was shocking to employees at Gearbox, the developer of the game, when the studio’s CEO, Randy Pitchford, told them yesterday that they would not receive the significant royalty bonuses they expected."

>"To make up for that, the studio offers something unique: profit-sharing. Royalties from all of the developer’s games are split 60/40, with 60% going back into the company (and its owners) while 40% is distributed to employees in the form of quarterly bonuses. This system has been in place since Gearbox’s inception, and when the company has big hits, it can be lucrative."

>"Then, in a meeting yesterday, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford told employees that Borderlands 3 bonus checks would be significantly lower than they hoped, according to three people who were present. He said the game had been more expensive than expected, the company had grown significantly larger than it had been in the past (it now operates a second studio in Quebec, Canada), and that their sales projections had been off-base.

>"Pitchford also told Gearbox developers that if they weren’t happy with the royalty system, they were welcome to quit, according to those who were in the meeting. He did not attribute the diminished bonuses to the coronavirus pandemic, which has led to economic uncertainty and pay cuts in many other fields. "

What do you think, Yas Forums? Did you play Boarderlands 3?

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Its shit. But this is the price you get for working for a greedy company.


>linking kotaku
Fucking kill yourself and get off our board

Jason man, we get it. You're a Jew. Stop shilling your articles on Yas Forums. We don't care.

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Didnt he stole 12mil before already?

In b4 edgelord zoomers arguing that this is OK because [insert misantrophic non-reason]

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>get into CS at age 14 because I wanted to make video games
>get my degree but realized long ago I didn't want to touch this industry with a ten foot pole
>tfw 70k starting salary at 22 with comfy hours, bonuses, great benefits, no crunch time and a chill team and manager
Thanks vidya but also fuck the vidya industry

>if they weren’t happy with the royalty system, they were welcome to quit, according to those who were in the meeting
Hope to god they all quit. Fuck GB. Fuck Randy. Fuck Borderlands

I will never buy another Gearbox game until they've released a second GOTY edition because of the insane jewery Randy pulled with the Borderlands 2 DLC's.

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And I specifically said "second" GOTY because they kept shitting out DLC after the first GOTY bundle for Borderlands 2.

How is Randy still allowed to work? I thought he was/watched StrangerDanger videos.


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80% of that is cosmetic trash (that i own anyway when it was like $2 to buy all of it+TPS and its season pass)
The real problem is Commander Lilith was free and then they made people start paying for it.



Based randy thank gods for him

We will help randy if they atack him in any way

>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who gave randy their money

Commander Lilith was always intended to be paid, they just made it free as a PR stunt to get people interested in Borderlands again.

>waste your entire health in insane crunch for the money randy promised you
>barely able to sleep, have a life, be with your family
>have to take insane credits
>randy goes back on his promise

I know that Yas Forums is full of bootlickers, but you are something else bro. Do you let your boss ride your boyfriend too?

I don't want whoever wrote this fucking game to get paid, that's for sure.

>Pitchford told employees that Borderlands 3 bonus checks would be significantly lower than they hoped, according to three people who were present. He said the game had been more expensive than expected, the company had grown significantly larger than it had been in the past (it now operates a second studio in Quebec, Canada), and that their sales projections had been off-base.

Kek. Randy gave them the ol' pitchford pattented jewing. Work for the devil and surprised when you get back stabbed? That's entirely on the devs. No excuses.

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>the devs were disappointed, but were quoted, saying "at least they aren't anthony burch."

Not knowing obvious sarcasm when you see it is a sign of clear autism

They would've done this regardless of whether Borderlands 3 was any good or not. Because they can get away with it. This is just the world we live in.

>Its another Yas Forums pretends they know how the corporate world works episode

So Randy stole their money again.

I don't understand. Didn't the Dec signed a contract or they just trusted the good Faith of GearBox. If the first is real I would kick this guy ass and demand my share otherwise they are just moron trusting the industry.

More likely Randy leeched off the money from royalty fund, AGAIN.

Do you know what bonuses are?

people will spin this off as being the fault of "gamers"

I can tell you your bonus is walking out of this thread alive while I give you the chance.

>we spent the money on other things lol

Holy shit these guys got paid to do a job and then want money for having done the job as well?

I think the guy who makes my McDoubles deserves a bonus check because it's digesting so well. Or perhaps the farmer who raised the cow?

>>"Pitchford also told Gearbox developers that if they weren’t happy with the royalty system, they were welcome to quit,
>if you dont like it, quit
>S-social media! Help!

I dunno, man, I've never EVER heard of Randy Pitchford stealing people's money.

If the guy who makes the McDoubles or the farmer who raised the cow were told they would be getting bonuses, then, yeah, they should probably get them.


Hello randy

Im pretty sure this type of revenue split they were doing was either part of their contract or of some general agreement employees and the company signed together
You'd have to be crazy to rely on their good faith. My company has company wide agreements on the distribution of bonuses so this kind of thing can only happen every 3 or 4 years when they renegociate.

>working for a literal pedophile
those cuck devs deserve it

Uh oh. Randy "Embezzling" Bobandy is at it again. Probably bought his sperg of a son a bigger autism castle.

Based Cool Guy poster.

>be software engineer
>loads of great jobs available in all kinds of companies
>durrrr I'll pick a vidya company because muh working in vidya even though I know the conditions are terrible
>hey why are the conditions terrible

why do americans rely on shit like bonuses and tips so much? are they gambling addicts?

I read somewhere it’s because of taxes, but where I live, bonuses are taxed higher than wages, so I’m not sure it’s true.

Randy is a greedy asshole. Nothing new.

don't give a shit, don't play bordertrash

Cuckold mindset

Wait a second
I was told multiple times that the Epic Store would mean that developers got a bigger cut of the profits and got paid out the wazoo for their timed exclusives
Borderlands 3 was this huge thing for EGS, how can gearbox be getting "less than expected" after that? Did Sweeney lie to them about that? Could the Epic store be less than the shiny gilded promises that people have been fed? Maybe water is even wet or something

Why would you want randy to have more money?

No, they're getting their higher cut, Gearbox are just jewish anyway

shut the fuck up randy

They either expected to sell retarded amounts of the game or they sat down, saw the amount they’d be losing to bonuses and nope’d the fuck out

>Jason Schreier again
why is it that all articles of this dude nowadays are
>evil company asked devs to stay in late with extra pay!
>evil company allegedly employs sexists
>evil company does what all other companies do but its evil
>muh crunch
>muh sexism at the workplace
>muh racist remarks someone may have said
This dude went full tankie and does nothing but point at companies all day, shouting "look at they're doing!! why won't anyone care!?!"

Tim Sweeney is full of shit and "EGS gives more to developers" has been nothing but a PR talking point.

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welcome to Yas Forums my reddit friend.
linking to Kotaku is a gay move. Please refrain from doing so and use an archive link instead

Pitchford is the worst ceo around, he's a complete scumbag of a person. And considering his competition are Wilson and Kotick that's saying something

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god, i wish it was me

This nigger Randy does this shit every time to these fuckers. When they gonna learn

publishers get the 88% cut and from that cut the developers get a cut but just like foreign aid in 3rd world countries a lot of it gets taken up by corrupt governments (in this case that would be randy)

so basically EGS doesn't really help devs, just the people who manage devs

>work for a cuck
>get cucked from your money

Because "le otrage" culture is the new fad, so people need new stuff to pretend to be outraged every week.

Attached: cliffy-b-is-a-cuck-1.jpg (400x400, 23.6K)

>Maybe water is even wet or something
Yeah, I'm still baffled that chinks lied to us. Who could have told?


Maybe if they didn't sell out to epic...

something tells me that it was a big success but not anywhere near what they hopped for

>Release game on Epic for the exclusivity cash/Definite sales
>"Sell" an incredibly large amount of copies for a game that's the technical jump equivalent of Skyrim->Fallout 4
>Sell on steam half a year later, make money off the majority of the PC crowd
>"Sorry guys, games are expensive"

Honestly, the kike behavior was at the door. If they're this Jewish to the customer, the red flags would have appeared at the office long ago.

They get paid less at Gearbox in exchange they're supposed to get big bonuses after the game sells well.

>they were welcome to quit,
>>if you dont like it, quit
Firm handshake and look them in the eye
and dont forget to say you are okay with starting early and working overtime

>and that their sales projections had been off-base.
well at least they got too "own" those racist, sexist gamers buy putting tons of strong wyman lesbiens, trans robots and gay niggers form outer space in the game.
surely that must be worth way more then just some monetary bonus right comrade?