Will inserting bing bing wahoo elements to everything now become the new big trend in industry?

Will inserting bing bing wahoo elements to everything now become the new big trend in industry?

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How do people consider doom a game? I've tried playing several of these and you literally just walk around and click, except it's not hard. What is the point of this?

It's advancing the medium away from problematic videogamey shit. Now it embraces more cinematic elements.

DOOM 1 and 2 are mazes with enemies, not just pure shooting. 3 is a weird / bad horror-ish game that kinda just sucks. 2016 is just a corridor / arena mindless shooter, and eternal is a more thoughtful and challenging version of 2016. out of all of them eternal is probably the hardest, but it is because of tight resources not because the enemy AI is amazing

I hope so because I'm platformingfag

Are they counting Doom II? It had to have a bigger opening.

It rquires a minimun skill, so no.

Well the COD, HALO, BATTLEFIELD "so serious let me suck your dick" trend is finally over and it's fucking great, fuck realism in vidya, fuck boring storylines, fuck grey games, fuck boring shit.

> out of all of them eternal is probably the hardest, but it is because of tight resources not because the enemy AI is amazing
Cool, we've finally advanced far enough in gameplay innovation to catch up with one of the core features of 90s shooters. Give it another console generation and maybe we'll start getting real level design as well.

Doom was bigger than Windows 3.1 in 1993.

>played 3 levels
>became absolutely disgusted with the low ammo count, shitty cooldown powers and no damage weapons that only serve to stun enemies for forced GLORY KILL (tm) animations you're forced into every 5 seconds
Fuck this shit. How can anyone enjoy this cancer?

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Nigga those are some of the most casualshit shooters in existence.

>its-a me, Doomio
>bang bang, kaboom!

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Ye, and they ruined a generation of games.
THE STYLE, you fucking mongoloid.

Cool! I love vidya.

>implying nu-doom's style isn't shitty ZOMG SO EPIC cartoony zoom zoom shite

>you gotta use this intricate tactic to defeat this single enemy

>put as many bullets in it as you can until it fucking dies

Now tell me what's more metal

It isn't and you just prooved you haven't played it. Some of the enviroments are fucking amazing and if I would have to compare, I would compare it to God of War 2.
Go play Broderlands or something if you wanna cry for bullshit.

oh, you're one of those posters. Sorry I took you seriously for a second.

but I did play it.
See my post here

the game that doesn't over explain everything

Eternal is the best single player FPS experience, prove me wrong

Nigga please, the entire thing looks and plays like a parody of the OG DOOM games.

>absolutely disgusted with the low ammo count
got filtered
You're supposed to switch weapons user, you're nto supposed to lay down in you comfy zone

>don't stand in his face
>shoot him when he glows green

wow very complicated

You do realize they used this tip for the tyrants on eternal, right?

Stop missing your shots.

but we have to also just shoot the cyberdemon until it dies in the new dooms too

Oh I got it now. Sonyroaches call everything with gameplay "bing bing wahoo" now because skillful interactivity triggers the movieloving fucks.

A good game teaches you this via gameplay, not by spelling it out on plain text.

Enemies move so slow it's hard to miss anything.

Ammo count is actually a great thing, it forces no skill zoomies to git gud or git filtered.
Glory kills are fucking retarded, though. Should be just a melee attack that instakills shit that flashes in orange.

y'all can just turn off the tutorials and you'll probably complain the game is too vague and the marauder is unkillable (not like the internet is already plagued with casuals getting assraped by him)

Why do you keep moving the goalpost? Is it because your argument is shit and I'm right?

Shadow Warrior 2 did everything Doom Eternal does but better.

Blood Punch is one of the things I dislike the most in Eternal. One more dumb meter when it would be more fun to just hit staggered enemies to gibs instead of saving up punching power for just another instakill attack.

>tight resources
>free ammo refill every 20 seconds
why did this resource management meme start.

Play on ultra-violence on minimum, everything easier is for pussies.
You are also gay.

Now this is peak contrarianism

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And thats with bethesda giving the game away for free for pirates?

>glory kills are bad
>chainsaw good

Try and prove me wrong.

>no wanting to watch faggy forced GLORY KILL animations every 5 secs makes you gay
OK zoomzoom

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There's no evidence that shows that video game piracy has any substantial impact on game sales.

Eh, both games are great.
Doom was always cartoony, and real Doom fans know that, so it's no reason to complain.
A lot of people here probably don't know about Doomworld forums, or TerryWADs, so your opinions on old-school Doom kinda is invalid.
OG Doom will always have a special place in my heart, but I definitely enjoy the new game, though it is pretty different.
Hate Bethesda, since they're a shit company.
wojaks are for newfags


I bet overwhelming amount of sales were on consoles.


>it forces no skill zoomies to git gud or git filtered.
I forgot that glory killing a zombie once a minute for infinite ammo forces people to git gud, sorry.

Just dont get hit lol filtered

The only objective downgrade with Eternal is that you can't chainsaw more powerful demons once you've brought their health low enough.

My only complaint is that those pushovers removed whiplash's tits.

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Chainsaw is good as a mechanic, terrible as an animation.
Should be just an one hit kill that recharges your ammo. No excessive animations, no pinata.

doom eternal literally forced you to watch glory kill animations if you want to keep shooting.

>Comment he was replying to was complaining about low ammo count

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Try actually hitting the enemy shitter

He's right though.
If you care about aesthetics, pacing and so on, you're a big homo.

>literally no arguments
Enjoy your cinematic RPG-lite I guess.

How did the sales get so high? Drm tells me that piracy reduces initial sales and thus drm will ensure high sales. Yet this was cracked day one due to Bethesda incompetence and still sold like hot cakes. Explain


pick literally any other shooter where cutting the ammo pools down by 4/5, deleting regular melee attacks, and forcing you to glory kill animation 9/10 enemies would be an improvement.

>doom 1

git gud

well you just described all pc games, in consoles it's even worse cos you just dumb dumb sticks to click on stuff

games are fucking dumb amirite

i don't like glory kills but you're absolutely not forced to use them

No you literally don't have enough ammo to kill all the enemies without using the chainsaw.

It was fun when it was a back up weapon that just so happened to refill ammo, now it's a bog that unnecessarily adds an extra step to combat and doesn't make it any more appealing.

He also didn't have arguments, he just parroted memes, nothing he said made the game bad so people just laughed at him,

Even pirates like to reward good work occasionally.

>less realism in videogames
yes please, maybe this will end the "cinematic experience" shit in the industry

it is way more mature than anything else released in recent years, it also isn't cringe edge like resident evil

Pirating doesn't actually affect game sales in any substatial way. Witcher 3 also had no drm and it was one of the best selling games because people liked it.

useless info vs FUCKING SHOOT IT SCRUB

The game is actually really fucking beautiful.

>forced glory kill animation every 5 secs
>"nothing bad about that hurr"
Fuck Yas Forums. It's basically reddit.

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Are doom fags the most whiny nostalgia stricken fan base ever?, even the glasses on nintentards aren't that rose tinted.
>muh speed.
>muh difficulty.
>muh level design.
>muh Doombro.

It's a 30 year old fucking franchise owned by a major studio and literall money grubbing jew holding company, no one is going to cater to your 3-4 decade old ass, you are not the target consumer, whom the game is extremely well received by, fuck off and go play Dusk or Amid Evil and stop complaining.

2016 had superb visual design and direction, Eternal was fun and the only thing it did better was level design, and it's likely the best this shit is ever gonna get, it's like you fags never learn.

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It's not forced if you git gud

you mean Yas Forums's retarded contrarianism. Any time lots of people complain about something, you always get this retarded group that defends it no matter what. I have yet to see one person convince me that the limited ammo and the chainsaw makes the game more fun.

the chainsaw counts as a glory kill.

Why are glory kill haters so autistic? My only issue is that the chainsaw should be sped up by the fast glory kill rune, they're perfectly fine other than that. Besides the chainsaw you use every minute or so, glory kills are completely optional and not even an issue with the rune

To be honest, it's none of the real fans who used Doomworld, and were big fans, so as far as I'm considered, they're the Nu-Doom fans they hate, and also edgy redditor contrarians.

>the chainsaw counts as a glory kill.
You need to do it once or twice at most per encounter, and that's if you are a fucking shitter. Which you are, since you got F I L T E R E D hard, fuckface.

Why do publishers waste money on it? After these examples, how can they believe the snakoil peddlers that drm is a good investment?

>ultra newfag pretending 4chinz wasn’t already a normalfag shithole with twenty five fucking million users

So you admit that glory killing is forced. Great.

>anything but the same animation 1823918239 times per encounter
>hurr durr i love reddit filtered filtered hurr durr

They're not particularly safe at higher difficulties, you get i-frames when performing them but can get body blocked once you're done as other enemies approach you.

>People really enjoying Doom Eternal
>Shit on it because you're seething that people are having so much fun

Because investors are the dumbest motherfuckers in the universe.

You don't even have to do it once per encounter.
That's only for the big ones, the smaller ones the scattered ammo is enough.
Unless you are a farming faggot who can't help himself but stand around and flamethrower/chainsaw the last zombies.

Who are you quoting?

Chainsaw makes it possible to use the good weapons without penny pinching.
It's basically health regen for ammo, except without the cover system idiocy.