Go build a gaming PC already, user

Go build a gaming PC already, user.

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some of us already had since 2915 but consoles are easy and fast
Intel - Core i7-6800K 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor
CPU Cooler
Corsair - H115i 104.65 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
Asus - Rampage V Edition 10 EATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard
Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory
Corsair - Force 40 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Intel - 320 Series 40 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Samsung - 950 PRO 512 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive
Seagate - Barracuda 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Video Card
NVIDIA - Titan X (Pascal) 12 GB Video Card
Corsair - 780T ATX Full Tower Case
Power Supply
Corsair - CXM 750 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply
Optical Drive
Asus - DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer
Operating System
Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit
$99.39 Buy
Razer - Naga Chroma Wired Laser Mouse
External Storage
Western Digital - Elements 1 TB External Hard Drive
Axiom - Mobile-D 320 GB External Hard Drive
LaCie - Rugged 120 GB External SSD

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and this

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Let me think.
I can buy a 200$ console and have access to
Dreams, Nioh 2, Persona 5r, Final Fantasy 7r, The last of us 2, Ghost of tsushim and all the multiplats or I could waste $3000 on a hardware that offers nothing but last gen console broken sloppy seconds and will be obsolete with the arrival of the next gen consoles
No thanks, I'd rather play on a mobile phone than spend any money on that pieced of irrelevant, overpriced garbage with NO games.

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I can "play" all of those movies on the youtube launcher tho.

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i'm broke.

>want to build pc
>know nothing about building a pc
>ask for advice
>"it's too late for you if you don't know anything bro. Get a console."

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who are you quoting

I'd rather not throw money at something that costs more than a debt to the Italian mafia, thank you.


That's not true at all, it's very easy to get into PC building.
Might be better to wait a few months for the new graphics cards and processors tho, current graphics cards have pretty shit performance for their prices.

I built one 3 weeks ago its very simple and you learn from watching tutorial videos on youtube.

I made it super easy for myself because i found a video of a guy using the same motherboard that i bought,same CPU too.I think if you find a video tutorial which uses the same motherboard you are planning to buy then you wont be scared because you can compare and see where everything goes without reading any manuals.

PC booted up first time and no issues so far.

Never happened. Maybe if you are this much of a slackjawed dipshit you SHOULD only keep to console so we can continue to laugh at you.

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I'd say even without someone having the same motherboard as you it's very simple to follow, especially if they at least use the same CPU brand.
All the headers generally look the same and most of it is also labelled on the board.

the basic logic isn't that hard, put the pieces where they belong and some screws where they are needed. but it is still tedious because the parts are badly designed and it's hard to assemble the machine because of it.

>pc fats will never experience GOTY of 2020.
What is even the point of pc?
It has no games, overpriced, always considered as a 3rd wheel of the industry by publishers.
Publishers should just abandon that meme garbage platform for the sake of better optimised console multiplats and leave pkuks with their shover ware, sorry, I meant 'exclusives'.

Attached: ps4-exclusvie-june.jpg (3840x2160, 1.03M)


>build pc 7 years ago for 300$
pic related
>got a gtx 750 ti and never been happier in my life and play any game i want without hiccups
>fast forward to 2020
>every game is slow as fuck
>every game barely runs on medium
>decide to build a new gaming pc
>look up prices
>everything is expensive as fuck to even reach decent levels of vidya gayming

Not gonna lie, Yas Forums. Console's the best thing if you just want to play games. Logical Increments wants me to pay 1000$ for a "decent" gaming tower with a gtx 1650? fuck that

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>Not gonna lie, Yas Forums. Console's the best thing if you just want to play games. Logical Increments wants me to pay 1000$ for a "decent" gaming tower with a gtx 1650? fuck that
Bullshit, you can build a PC with a 5700XT and 3600 for $1000, maybe even something better.

I want to but finnish prices are insane.

I really need to upgrade mine, but I'm waiting for Zen 3.

I don't like house fires

>its very simple
Yeah and then you touch the motherboard and an undetectably small charge of static electricity kills it.

The best thing to start with is looking up how not to do it.
Here's some reference material:

Why not the gaming laptop?

>throttles components to 25% performance

Then get a 2060 Super, either way the idea that you can only get a 1650 build for $1k is absolute nonsense.

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It's 2020 user, the 290X was released 7 years ago. If you care about brand loyalty so much then go ahead and spend $550 on a 2070S.

There's a literal pc building general there, autist. Go ask there what your specs should be.

Hey, if you're happy with console-level performance you don't even need a GTX 1650. The cheapest R3 and an RX 480 will already beat the X1X and PS4pro. It's just that PC gaming has higher standards.

nigger detected

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>can buy a 200$ console and
If you install linux on it you also can wine the Russian Visual novels as well!

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There's people that still don't know how to build PCs? I'm genuinely shocked. 70 year old literal tomber at my job built one. Little sister's 14 year old roastie friend built one. Even my mom built one.


PC was great for torrenting, mods, and strategy games but I switched to consoles. Throughout the years I've noticed a rapid decline in PC gaming and eventually it became too much of a hassle. Once I got used to a controller it became my favorite input device. It's so much better than mouse and keyboard. That shit is meant for office work and stupid shit like that regardless of what anyone tells you. With the new consoles releasing this year I think we'll finally have narrowed the gap so much that it won't matter anymore. This gen is alright but you can notice the drawbacks, mainly the FUCKING LOADING TIMES. Once that's fixed PC neckbeards have nothing to jerk off about. Enjoy your waste of money.

There are so many videos of complete retards putting computers together with no real issue that I find it hard to believe that you can't figure it out. Go watch a few, skip around, then if you still have questions, you'll probably be better equipped to ask them rather than going "uhh how 2 computer".

>falseflagging retard doesn't know that you can use controllers on PC

My point is, for the price i paid for 300 dollarinos back then. I got to play a LOT of games and my gtx750ti held up for about 6 years before it started showing signs of slowing down. For a decent build now, you'd probably spend what? 500$ tops? and i don't even know how long today's PCs will last.

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Im saving currently user

That guy's head is a salami pizza.

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>my gtx750ti held up for about 6 years
Even 5 years ago a 750ti was too slow for 1080p/60 FPS. So is that i3 you're running.

So if you're really happy with that very low level of performance then just get a B450, the cheapest R3, 8 gigs of some cheapshit RAM and like a 470 for $350 tops. You can keep your case, PSU, and SSD.

This isn't really smart because you're getting way less performance per dollar but if all you care about is that games run at 30 FPS then it's more than enough.

>shoes indoors

should I really do it? I want to go for a 2080ti, no less.

People say to wait, but you can always wait for the next hardware update, it's endless.

What exactly is it that's being waited for?

You never know if you are safe with footfags around.

That's a good point


Just set up a quick build without giving much thought into it. This should be more than enough for 1080p60fps, which is a clear superior option to consoles.
Now, let's break down the price.
MSRP is now at $300, so let's go for that now. Let's assume you bought it at this price 4 years ago, and have been playing it since.
$50 a year for PS4, so $200 extra here
$60 per AAA game, let's say you bought one per year plus another $20 of minor games per year, so another $320 for 4 years worth of video games.
The total now is $820 for 4 years of owning a PS4. Even if you get PS+ on sale you're still above $750.
Now, for the computer:
You can skimp on some parts, and go higher on some parts, so let's average it out to $700, which is $20 more than PCpart says.
Let's also pretend you'll have it for 4 years, but in reality it'll last well into PS5 era.
Online is free, so no additional fee there. Obviously you also pirate Windows so you don't pay license fee there.
If you also assume you pirate most of your games, you can say you'll spend $40 a year on video games, as a mix between bought AAA games and Steam sales. That's $160 over 4 years.
Totalling around $860 over 4 years.
So with this very rough draft on pricing, you're looking to spend about $40 more getting a solid PC and getting an objectively better experience over 4 years. The longer you go, the more expensive your console becomes. Like I mentioned, this build if bought today will easily last you 6 years or more without upgrades, assuming 1080p60fps with better graphics than PS4 or maybe PS5.

I didnt use a static wrist band, just touch the case and work on a wooden surface

I used a wood floor wood table and touched the metal PC case every now and then, wow fucking nothing happened PC works

I know the "wait" thing is often kind of a meme, but right now it honestly seems appropriate.
Current GPUs are really shit, both for the price and in general, and in a few years you'd curse yourself for not waiting for the 3000 series Nvidia cards.
Especially with new consoles on the horizon that are looking to compete with the 2070 or even a bit higher possibly, the gap between them and your 2080ti would not be worth the money at this time
Get a 3080ti this summer or fall and you'll be a lot further ahead of consolefags.

Another mITX chads here?

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mITX is /comfy/ and you literally do not need anything more.
Micro ATX is a good alternative too.

Here are some easy instructions:
>assemble your build through pcpartpicker since it automatically checks compatibility (or just use someone else's build that's in your budget)
>get your parts and take out the manuals for everything
>start reading
>begin with the motherboard and case manuals
>pay attention to the wiring diagrams and look at your shit to make sure you put all the wires where they need to go
>once you've finished reading all that shit start putting your shit together in this order
>psu into case if it doesnt have one
>mb into case
>cpu into mb
>fan onto cpu (stock coolers always have paste if not toothpaste will do. its ok if it runs off the sides, just dab it up with a towel and move on)
now turn the power on and hold del or whatever key to go into post screen, boot from usb, plug in your os stick reboot and you're done

Why? I'm waiting for 3000 series, 2000 is already behind the times

i forgot about ram
buy some ram and put that in there so you can boot it up

He should install things like the CPU, RAM and cooler before putting the motherboard into the case, installing things inside of the case is way more of a hassle.

I like ATX, idk why people want everything to always be as small as possible.
A nice chunky desktop computer looks good in most rooms imo.

My 2013 build is nearly at its end. I need to start a new build soon. Laster longer and stronger than most consoles.

How to build computational device:
>Observe logicalincrements.com/
>Decide budget
>Purchase parts (ensuring the CPU and cooler matches the Motherboard socket type)
>Look up any assembly guide (for your tower if possible) on youtube to get an idea of the workflow, pay attention to cable management as this is probably the only hard part (although not essential), it seems daunting but is extremely easy

congrats you're now part of the master race
Bonus hot nigga tips from me personally:
>NZXT cases are pretty cool nice
>AIOs are based and painfully easy to install, get a nice meaty on for your CPU
>Positive pressure with fans is essential imo, ignore fags calling it subjective. Back and top case fan blow OUT, then that many fans +1 sucking IN so theres outware pressure (slows dust uptake)
>power supply should EXCEED power draw for max efficiency

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Reminder that if your PC has LED lights or glass panels you're a fucking autist.
Your case should look like this.

Attached: gmxcssilent_1.jpg (1024x780, 51.17K)

If you want it to outlive the next console gen, wait for the new Nvidia cards that are coming later this year.

Any case worth a damn has an opening under the motherboard allowing for much easier cooler mounting compared to having the motherboard on a table.

is this relevant only for GPU, or even for CPU?

>Positive pressure with fans is essential
Hear hear

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Is there like a massive fucking run on parts right now or something? I had my build ready to go on PC part picker for when the trump bucks get in but I checked it just now and like everything I picked was out of stock, and then when I checked for replacement parts it was just page after page of like 1-2 items in stock.

Well, a console would play these exactly like movies are supposed to be played: with 25 FPS. Have fun, negro, and don't get killed in a drive by.

AMD has Zen3 coming which will not only drive down prices of the previous generation (which is best on the market right now) but will blow away anything Intel will be able to put out within the next year at least.

Don't give him bad ideas.
Always put that stuff in after the MB is in place and your case fans and front panel wiring is all hooked up. Then tuck those wires away neatly and proceed with the big stuff. You need that MB to be secure in there so you don't fuck something up while you're trying to put the fan on the cpu

CPUs are alright at the moment, Ryzen 3000 is really amazing and affordable and there's also new Intel ones coming up that are gonna be okay.
End of this year or early next year we'll likely get the next AMD Ryzen generation but unlike with GPUs, i wouldn't say you necessarily need to wait for that.


I'm doing this

I might just replace the graphics card first though. I don't think a 4770k and 1600mhz DDR3 would be such a huge bottleneck considering I'm not playing at 144hz.

CPUs are in a better spot. The problem is that PC game development is ignoring the benefits of more cores and threads and keeps Intel alive by focusing on clockspeed based performance, even though existing architecture hit its limits ten years ago

Okay, sorry.

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Nice cope from pc fat.
That still doesn't change the fact that on your shitty pc you won't experience some of the best games of its generations.
I can give you multiple titles that makes owning ps4 worth it, while it can't be said about your meme pc.
Same will happen in the next gen, multiple games to buy console for, not a single game to justify wasting money on pc.

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CPU requirement has seriously stagnated. My i73770 has lasted me since it got released, which I think is like 7 or 8 years ago. I need a new one now, but overall any modern CPU will do you just fine.

That's bullshit and literally every professional PC builder disagrees with you. Even with a backplate cut-out, mounting a cooler on an already installed motherboard is always more difficult.
You also increase your risk of having an accident with the pins when inserting the CPU inside of the case, whereas it's much easier and safer to do outside of it.

The PS4 has literally only one (1!) worthwhile exclusive, meanwhile PC has 99.9% of all games ever made, with improved visuals and gameplay, mods, and free online play.

>glass window
Into the trash it goes!