Why does RE3 openly supports violence against women?
Not cool, man...
Why does RE3 openly supports violence against women?
Stopped reading after "wot I think"
Of course, another RE thread
>she's clearly designed to be sexy
Release is tomorrow, what did you expect?
I hope this guy didnt play nu-Tomb Raider if this shit offends him
second to last sentence gave me a boner
>she's clearly designed to be sexy
Most of the review is like that about Jill being oppressed by every straight white male in the game
Since we're on the topic of RE3:
>Chinese are angry because one safe code apparently references the time Japan dabbed on China
>Capcom changes it
Add it to the list
>we need more wamanzez in games
>wtf? why do you support violence against wamanzez in games?!?!?
Females = cancer, always and forever.
It's been a while since they appeared in the broader conscience. Thought people finally stopped giving those retards clicks.
>the general miasma of yikes mentioned above
Fucking kill me. Why do I have to share a planet with this fuck
They appealed for their regular readers to become paypigs. I guess it must've worked because they're still going.
>when you cater to sjws and they still complain
good job crapcom
Okay but in how many of these can you play the woman getting tortured?
That shit was hilarious when it happened to the YIIK guy. Someone complained that the opening character asking you for your birthname was offensive and they asked for a refund, then when the dev said they were sorry and would change it they replied "wow I'm happy you listened but I'm still getting that refund lol."
of course they'll still complain
they won't stop until it is destroyed
It's their very agenda. They won't stop until it conforms to their ideals exactly.
I'm not even going to install this game until the nude Jill mods are available.
Good news for you goy, they already have a bunch of nude mods for the demo. They'll probably have them good to go an hour after release.
Uh huh sure. How dare a woman have to overcome adversity, challenges and pain in order to achieve her goal.
>tfw you get assaulted by naked Nemesis and his 12 inch cock
>a woman have to overcome adversity, challenges and pain in order to achieve her goal.
well that's unrealistic as fuck
>the "socially conscious" were the realists all along
Mein Gott...
These creatively bankrup remakes are targetted to soibois anyway
>Release is tomorrow
It feels like it had been released for like a week now.
>She's clearly designed to be sexy
According to who? She looks like a fucking dude. Is she made to be sexy to closet faggots?
>How dare a woman have to overcome adversity, challenges and pain in order to achieve her goal.
That's a male power fantasy
How does that logic even work? I get it, "birth name" triggers them because they're soft pieces of shit, but it's weird since they otherwise have such phenomenal mental gymnastics. How can they not just dance that one into something like, "the name I should've been born with", or something?
Yas Forums's opinion on nuJill isn't shared by pretty much anyone, that's why she's getting so much porn.
Nigger this list is from 2010.
Feminists are some of the most retarded Human garbage churches that this species has excreted out of its anus upon this world.
Bottom of the barrel low IQ subhuman trash sharing the bottom with Far Right and Religious Fundamentalist retards and also sharing a lot of characteristics and personality traits with them.
The only two positives to come out of this are that shitloads of retarded Feminists will die like dogs to natural selection, and that we can now point towards this event as an example when asking general society in the future whether they want to be led and governed by a collective of inconsiderate Human garbage which prioritizes their own vaginal narcissism and autistic ovaryscreeching over the livelihood of society in general.
>Take a feminine character
>Make her masculine
>All the "woke" sites exclaim how this is such a great leap forward because if they do otherwise they'll lose their online social credit points
>Porn artists make porn for flavor of the m̶o̶n̶t̶h̶ week character to get views
Not surprising.
this isnt about "Yas Forums's opinion"
the devs literally said she is not designed to be sexy because "that would be unrealistic"
He fits the virtue signaling pedophile categorization to a t.
Except literally no one outside here thinks she's masculine in any way.
Yas Forums does because Yas Forums is full of autistic American millennials who, after so many years of le ebin culture "war" people are just addicted to outrage.
Umm it's called equal opportunity violence
C'mon sweetie it's 2020, get with the times
Why do you bother reading these people's articles?
Do you realize they make them as controversial as possible to get you to click on them, because online journalism is dying out?
Let's not forget the long gone Feminist era of NeoGAF, all the pedophiles and smokescreening rapists moved to ReeeeEra after getting banned from ever polluting NG with their cancer again.
I`m not going to buy the game because they made jill ugly, pandered to sjws and cut like 80% of the content of the original
not cool, man
Thank god he's sniffing that flower :)
Now I know he's not a threat :)
Yes it's an American thing of course. You Euros are all pureblooded normies and never think like autists. Of course
>pandered to sjws
>cut like 80% of the content of the original
>we want female protagonists in games
>we remade RE3, it has a female protagonist
>why are you supporting violence against women
Nah, they don't do it for money which is evidenced by all of them losing it no matter how much clickbait they make.
The true reason is that they are rapists and pedophiles trying to don a cloak of virtue and political correctness to hide their degeneracy, and journalism gives them powerful tool to engage in such acts.
You just want women to be hurt, they're the fairer sex and we wouldn't have these problems if us men just stepped back and let women do the leading.
Not ugly enough
No one outside of Yas Forums dares to say it because they'll get downboated or banned for bigotry
He got several erections while playing because he's a degenerate like all men, he needed to write this article to make himself feel better.
Yes, only you Americans unironically think that feeling "offended" about trivial shit is they to saving the west.
That's why you Americans focus on discussing the powerful impact Marvel movies have on society while voting for moderates, while more and more people vote for the far right in Europe, to the point where there's now a literal far right dictatorship in it.
do you ever get tired of being angry, Yas Forums?
>Except literally no one outside here thinks she's masculine in any way.
If you phrased it as 'basically nobody', I'd say sure, it's vague enough. Literally nobody? Come on now. There isn't even that much porn of her comparatively. Even that fucking bug lady from Hollow Knight got more porn.
>Addicted to outrage
>Being disappointed at a character being made uglier is outrage
This isn't even speculation. It's not just people here blindly thinking it. As has been said many times, the developers intentionally made her uglier just so these fourth wave feminists wouldn't get triggered and start screeching about them on Twitter and shit.
why won't other people stop annoyed us then?
you'd have to be delusional or severely retarded if you attempt to claim that horror in general doesn't fetishize violence against females
You say that about literally everything.
Hell, i've seen people say that Doomguy's model was also made to appeal to SJWs.
And i'll never forget where Yas Forums was borderline wishing every character in RDR2 was a nigger back when they revealed the game only so they could be outraged about it.
Imagine being so much of a coomer that you look at Nemesis and think "sleazy dom energy".
really sounds like projecting... how can someone have that little self awareness.
says angry man
yes i am often tired of others making me angry. to the point where i sometimes contemplate what to do to stop them from doing the things that make me angry.
These fucking fags need to be shot into the son. I can’t wait until RPS goes under.
>cater to these retards
>they still shit on you
And yet women live more often than men in horror films, and men rarely make it to the end.
Contemplate away irrelevant faggot
Who's an elected "far right" in yurop? Trump is more right wing than any of your rapefugee flooding leaders.
>Seeing one retard say stupid shit is the same thing as a developer openly admitting they made a character uglier
>Yas Forums was borderline wishing every character in RDR2 was a nigger so they could be outraged by it
Blatant lie, Yas Forums would definitely be on the fence about that if it were true. Some would be outraged, more would be ecstatic since they could spend the entire game killing niggers.
No, their agenda is quite literally gain power and feel morally superior. They will never be pleased at least that's not what they want to show, because if everyone actually did what they wanted they would be a mundane whiner and not a morally superior crusader of human rights.
All women I know want to achieve their goals without having to deal with pain.
Based Hungary. The world is almost to a point where we’re gonna be throwing leftist trash out of helicopters everywhere.
what kinda shit horror are you watching
Not only the dude is far right, but he has now approved a decret so that he could last indefinitely, and the first thing he has done is remove any tranny rights.
Not to mention the EU's jews are getting mad at most of Eastern Europe because they refuse to take any refugees.
Then there's also the fact that southern European countries are getting increasingly tired of the EU being useless and much less helpful than fucking China when it comes to the Coronavirus.
The EU is falling apart, the only people who still want it is central Europe.
>Trump is more right wing
What has Trump done that will have any lasting impact on the US?
He's just another jew worshipping cuckservative.
Not to mention there's literally no far right sentiment in the US.
Hell, your entire culture "war" has shifted from left vs right to some stupid pointless gender fight, and now you have all the supposed american right wing shitting on whites and shilling racemixing.
kek every single "far right" euro party approves of gay marriage, accepts immigration of some kind, talks about diversity being their strength and thinks trannies are real
nah, just a tired one.
hungary has always been far right you dumb retard
start listening western european countries with actual influence or fuck off back to Yas Forums
You just said 'millennials'. Get a grip man!
You know what? If women led, betas would be exterminated. Why would they keep them around when there are prized studs to fuck?
Betas literally fight for their own liquidation.
>spider monsters strangled her with tentacles then rammed a bigger tentacle down her neck
webm when?
You started being angry at gamers keeping to themselves in their basements preferring to jack off to vidya titties rather than rape women in the streets or fuck you, and then you starter screeching about how gamer you who call incels and virgins are at the same time also the rape culture being trained into rape by video game titties.
Gamers can stop being angry any time, your mental retardation however is forever.
The west will solve Corona by changing the name. Step one, rename wuhan virus, step two ???, step three, Israel profits.
>literally no far right sentiment in the US.
is this nigger serious?
we have entire militias, based states like idaho literally removing tranny rights one by one, millions of people armed and ready.
how delusional can you be, dumb eurofaggot? literally turn on your cucked mandatory brainwashing news media, they are constantly whining about the resurgence of the far right in the US, how far right americans are the most dangerous threat to your poor brown hordes
Well, you have Italy, where the far right party is posed to win the next elections without any coalition, and then you have Spain, a traditionally socialist stronghold, where the far right party, in one year, has gone from complete irrelevance to being the third biggest party of the country, tailing behind the cuckservatives and socialists that have always been in power.
Even in Germany they are having trouble building regional governments because of how much support and influence AfD is gaining.
What trans rights did Hungary have?
Is that Jesse Cucks?
How long until this dude gets stopped in a police control with his trunk full of dismembered prostitutes?
It does, and does against men
That's what horror is
Reminder that this fag is just too afraid to play RE3 and thus wants to criticise it but is also too afraid to admit it. So he dresses up the criticism in some other way.