>all this amazing tech we have for games
>used exclusively on the dumbest, most boring, calculated, repetitive piece of shit games imaginable
What went wrong and could another crash fix it
>all this amazing tech we have for games
>used exclusively on the dumbest, most boring, calculated, repetitive piece of shit games imaginable
What went wrong and could another crash fix it
not under capitalism
There probably won't be a crash. Faggots keep preordering games based on marketing rather than the final products' quality, so games will continue to under-deliver and be shitty with no negative feedback loop, only positive. Additionally, manchildren and nostalgiafags keep buying remakes, remasters and sequels of/to old games, again, regardless of eventual quality or target audience, just because they want to relive their childhood.
Consumers are indoctrinated into blindly following and supporting corporations for no good reason, and there is no counter-trend to break that mindset and to even enable a crash, let alone actuate it.
The only innovation you will see will be from indie devs and it will take years before the new tech will become cheap enough for them to work with it.
The market doesn't allow for A or AA studios anymore to test out cool stuff. You are AAA or you are indie.
There doesn't need to be a conscious counter-trend in order for another crash to happen, even mainstream audiences have their limits, granted they're much farther than we assumed they are, but once they're crossed and even the normiest normies feel like they're getting a raw deal, circumstances for a crash will flourish. Well that, or an unrelated economy crash that brings down vidya with it as a non-essential industry.
look at all these games made under socialism:
Socialism has not been tried since the video game crash.
And before that it gave us Tetris, only the most famous video game of all time.
A lot of "indie" studios today have the same budget and manpower as AA game studios during the earlier generations. It's just that people today like to label game companies as either AAA or indie for some reason, unless it's from Japan.
i think it's because "budget" leaves a poor taste in your mouth. labelling yourself "indie", despite having a publisher, is basically a marketing buzzword at this point.
not a chance sadly, people forget that game market is way more international than ever, even if everyone in US suddenly grew standards, people (mostly kids) would still buy them based on what it is alone, casuals dont look at the quality, they see something they recognize and want to get, not a good game, they want a shooty game, they want a football game, they want a racing game etc
I think capitalism kills the need to be creative and inspired, or anything else really except for profitable, but I don't think a different system is the solution, just a more heavily regulated capitalism.
You just need to signal the vultures to fuck off, so the passionate people can work in peace.
Yas Forums's crash has never been anything more than wishful thinking
>another crash
dude we´re right now inbetween the crash. it will get much worse before it gets a bit better. just look at the remake market, videogames are a shadow of their former self with pretty grafix. i overheard my mom talking to my bro what movie was he looking at. he was playing re2demake.
games currently are what matchbox cars were 20 years ago. toys for the normies.
ofc there are still rough gems in betweeen but gaming currently is a husk of what it used to be.
>just a more heavily regulated capitalism
whenever I see libs say this they never explain themselves. how does wage labor benefit video games at all?
I'm not sure what you're getting at here, are you suggesting that everyone on a dev team work on their own good will and get a share in the sales, or that every game should be a one man project? Or something else?
so you don't get situations like activision laying off 200 employees after breaking profit records
>implying the PS2 wasn't the golden age
oh no no no
>PES? Why would I buy a better game if everyone plays Fifa?
What are you on about?
It was the best compromise between tech and creativity we ever had, but it was the beginning of the end. You can literally see a cross-section of the changing industry in the entries of its flagship series (e.g. Jak), changes that are in effect to this day.
can you read? do you retain information for more than 3 seconds?
How much time do you have to play games? There always seems to be a game with interesting innovations around the corner.
Unless you're only playing AAA, but then you're retarded to complain.
>I think capitalism kills the need to be creative and inspired
>indie games are better than ever
>jevvstarter campaigns gather milions of dollarydoos letting you do whatever you please without backing up of big government
>on top of that you have patreon, meaning if enough people will consider you "creative" you can focus on making game
>indie games are better than ever
Muh politics and mental illness
>jevvstarter campaigns gather milions of dollarydoos letting you do whatever you please without backing up of big government
Literally scams every single time
>on top of that you have patreon, meaning if enough people will consider you "creative" you can focus on making game
Even worse scams since they never end and the devs have no incentive to ever finish a game
Why does willingness to experiment suddenly go up? Just because there's a crash?
Normalcy sells. Appealing to the average casual player sells more than making a game as actual product of love. Excluding games that EA intentionally ruined to have an excuse to shut down the company they bought out to erase competition, most AAA games should be avoided on the principle that they were made to either be eyecandy or to be accessible to even the most potat of PCs. There are good games there and there but there aren't anywhere near as many good and memorable games as in the past
In capitalism, the wild west period of any industry/company is always the best and most fruitful, once they get the necessary audience/market attention, it's all downhill in an endless struggle between quality and profits. We're currently in one of those quality wastelands, and a crash (meaning the mainstream audience loses its interest in games) would be the reset necessary to motivate devs to innovate and experiment in order to once again capture their audience's attention.
>just a more heavily regulated capitalism
>diversity quotas are now mandatory in games
I know I'm strawmanning but if you are open to the possibility of heavier regulation you must take into consideration the fact that at some point down the road people will elect people that will enact regulations that you don't like. If you're not comfortable with that you're better off never giving a government that power to begin with. Also, people always talk about "more regulation" but I fail to see how a few hundred more pages of legalese on top of the endless tomes of rules and regulations that already exist everywhere will fix anything.
Horrible take, the PS2's ubiquity brought unparalleled experimentation for a home console of its generation with countless left-field classics. Not to mention that the DS came out shortly after, which was a handheld so radical the tech could barely keep up. The graph is clearly saying that we are NOW at a higher level of experimentation than we were at the PS2, which could absolutely not be further from the truth.
No, capitalism creates the need to be creative and inspired. And then it kills it. Because as video games become multi-million dollar investments and companies become bigger and more well established, they become more risk-averse.
But trust me, regulation would kill creativity even more surely than our current situation.
Have you tried NOT playing triple A games?
The perfect game.
i dont think so, look at assassin's creed, people super tired of the series, sales low, ubi literally takes a year off, adds somewhat a new mechanic and boom, money made
>The graph is clearly saying that we are NOW at a higher level of experimentation than we were at the PS2
No, everything after the green line is hypothetical estimates for what the industry would be like after a crash, we're now somewhere just before the green line, i.e. high tech low creativity
Gimmicks that trick the customers into short-term bursts of interest are not a viable sustainable replacement for quality.
that's true, but why would they care, it makes money, and with way less effort than actually coming up with anything creative and good
>government should regulate vidogaems
Going by the example you're replying to, they clearly are.
>le industry crash
lmao, you guys know about a single data point, poorly understand it, and think this is something that will happen again. brainlets, all of you.
>government should regulate food/gambling/alcohol/drugs etc
You don't like playing a movie? Just look at all those greasy pores!
Well yeah, no one says that the government regulating alcohol will make drinks better, so why do they say this for videogames?
>Government shouldn't regulate food
found the chink
Says you while enjoying piss-free drinks
Absolutely this, the reason for governments to regulate those things has nothing to do with making them better.
The risk here isn't having drinks taste like piss. If they did, they wouldn't sell. What the government regulates is drinks that have piss that you wouldn't notice. So mostly a health issue.
The point is, the point of government regulation isn't to make it taste better.
Wouldn't you say that game monetization that uses empty psychological exploits to compel players to spend more money in the game as opposed to selling quality products is akin to using e.g. cocaine in food to make its customers addicted to it
The problem with capitalism is never the system or creators it's the consumers. If people actually went out of their way even slightly and stopped eating the garbage shoved in their faces by million dollar marketing campaigns then you'd have a lot more competition.
>people think gaming is going to crash again
it won't happen, we're not in the 80s anymore
Then in this case government regulation would serve to stop people from getting addicted.
Making the game better or worse as a result would be completely indifferent to this policy.
If AAA companies had to rely on the quality of the game instead of predatory practices, you'd see more experimentation
Saying games shouldn't be addicting because it's predatory is like saying music shouldn't be catchy.
This is why.
It shouldn't though
Except the addicting practices monetized in games already exist and are already heavily regulated in gambling
>all this amazing tech we have for games
What kind of tech are you even talking about? I'm really confused.
You're right user, there were just as many occasions for not-capitalism to produce games in this world that has been entirely capitalist since the apparition of video games, you're so smart!
All addiction is neither exclusively gambling nor directly monetized in any way, nor do all predatory practices lead to addiction. On top of that, your vague blanket statements and assumptions tell me you're not exactly qualified to teach the law what is and isn't gambling.
Boy you sure love getting fucked in the ass don't you
I haven't spent a single cent on video games in the past 5 years but that's hardly the point.
There won't be any crash, nerds are a minority of gamers and normies are much better cash cattle who will keep financing the industry. Normification of the industry could've been postponed, prolonged and happened under much more favourable circumstances with AA gaming eventually going for the nerd demographic establishing old school vidya for once again maybe fuelled by the money of Notch, if he didn't happen to be a lazy depressed fat NEET of a retard, but such is life.
The reason why there's a lack of innovation is because gameplay as we know it has already been a solved problem by the end of the 6th generation of consoles.
There can only be stagnation afterwards.
Every AAA game looks, feels and plays exactly the same these days.
There's close to no innovation in gameplay or level design.
Every game needs some sort of shitty progression system and crafting tacked onto it.
All we're getting now is prettier pixels.
It's all tiring.
At least we get some outliers from time to time.
Jaded white boys in here. Goods still good. High tech doesn't automatically mean good game.
Shut the fuck up, retard.
Suck more dick retard shill
Socialism produced the perfect game and understood that no further creation was necessary.
I think it's interesting that good, creative vidya mostly comes from the devs who bypass the capitalist system (i.e. indies).
No one asked nigger go die of diabetes at 43 like your absentee father
How is marketing your stuff to a different demographic not capitalism?
Whitebread mad
Play indie games you AAA shiteater. New and interesting ones drop all the time.
Why do newfags hate niggers so irrationally, again?
It's cool how companies worth billions of dollars cannot afford to be creative in the slightest but broke dropouts kids HAVE to be for every single project.