Objective: Survive

Objective: Survive

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>People freaking out over 1/7000 people being infected
It's just a flu

This is only the beginning.

>approximately 5% chance of dying

we've heard that for over a month

The swine flu was estimated to have taken a quarter million lives, what will this one be?

I don't think you understand exponential growth.

Why should I be worried?

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More people die in PREVENTABLE car accidents than from this.
How come nobody cares about that?

>main villain leads a death cult
Any games that do this?

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It's more, a lot of people have no symptoms and in some countries they don't test you unless you needs to be hospitalized

>but whatabout that other thing that kills people
not an argument

5% chance of dying with 50% of those 5% being people older than 60
i saw on the news today that average BMI for infected was 30.1 somewhere but i wasnt paying attention to context

Estimated 2-3 million americans will die. Globally it'll be at least 10x that. The only countries that got this under control are Signapore and Korea. Singapore is proof that a strong government is a necessity.

If we didn't have a vaccine for influenza it would have the same statistics as covid19

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This reminds me of HIV or Hep C.
Most people don't show symptoms, contracting it is pretty much a long term death sentence, and most couples quit using protection because "length of the relationship = trust = protection."
We see so many instances of this in nursing.

The problem isn't really the illness itself, but how infectious it is.

Out of fifty million people, if 95% survive, That's still 250,000 corpses.

Already done. Shitty quest. I'm demanding a refund.

Yes, these things take time

Got any facts to back that up?
>leddit bean
Just another underaged. Back to twitter with you.

Definitely an argument when it's preventable.
>B-but speed limits are just guidelines!
>B-but I'm too young to die from corona, so it doesn't affect me!

>coronavirus deaths? up
>car accident deaths? INSANELY down, because nobody is commuting to work except delivery, supply transport, and a few construction workers

Ironically, not doing anything truly has saved lives...which would be possibly dead, just because someone wasn't paying attention on the road.

man this shit is going to go on forever. hope nobody had plans this FUCKING YEAR. THANK YOU YOU STUPID FUCKING CHINKS FUCKING SHIT EATERS

out of those 250000 249000 were already on their way out

They've been saying this everyday for the last two months.

come on bro, for every 4 births in the world, there is 1 death, with only 2/3 of those deaths being from old age. 150,000 people die a day so who cares if the number even becomes 160,000 deaths a day like oh no

And you'll hear that for another month. Maybe some day you understand how long things can go on. WW2 didn't end after two months either.

Assuming we don't find a vaccine any time soon, we still need millions infected to not have the situation of another plague. But the more you flatten the curve, the longer it takes for these millions to get infected. After all, the total number infected is just the area below the curve. If you lower the curve, the area is stretched out towards the ends, or in this case just one end. It'll take months, possibly until next year.

A statistic, who cares it’s nothing compared to 7 billion.

Just a month ago we had less than 100k cases and now we're over 600k. Next month will be over 2 million. That's how exponential growth works. Are you saying you know better?

I-is that...
a bi-yearly WHO-sponsored VIRUS HYSTERIA????
Oh my god, it's gonna

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arent most huans actually infected with it though? it basically becomes a point where if you dont kiss someone who never kissed someone before, you will get herpes. like 85% of germany has it for example, and even then, only 1 out of 7 know they have it.

Easy if you’re not old or fat.

Are you?


ER nurse here, who else is playing on hard?

The the other 1000 were fat leeches.

most people in the world are going to get this fucking stupid shit eventually, its all about "flattening the curve" which basically means making sure the hospitals dont get completely overwhelmed right now. thats why its going to be a loooooong time before we return to "normal".

Or isn't overexposed to the bioweapon, like doctors or nurses are

Oh no, a 5% mortality rate, this is like a super flu

No, that's just something people tell each other so that they feel better about having something.
But hey, more power to them so long as they don't use it to justify spreading it.
It's not normal to have either herpes or other sexually transmitted infections or diseases.

in that post, i was talking about being infected with HIV/hepatitis, not the corona virus.
whats the news on it dealing with fat people

Happy autism day.my fren

like 90% of the world has the virus that causes cold sores. which is a type of herpes.

Ultimately yes, The VAST majority of us won't kick it and it's really not anything to panic about unless you have preexisting conditions are you are elderly.

I hate being the one defending him, but a modicum of intellectual honesty won't kill.
He never said he was going to reopen the country in Easter. It was something like 'I know it might not be possible, but wouldn't it be grand'.

It says right there the mortality rate is 19%.

>Almost 20th death

Thanks Xi.

Because preventing car accidemts by not letting chang and shit coloreds drice is problematic.

You got your math wrong, that's 2.5 million people.

Then would you bet your life on a throw of a D20 with no benefit if you win?
If so, do it. Roll the die, if it's a 1 you die, everything else and nothing happens.

More power to you.
Just get tested with your significant other before ditching protection.

ok retard

It's not great, but it's normal by all definition of the word.

The benefit is you don't shut down the economy.

I’d bet my life on Corona cause I’m not fat as shit.

it seems a lot higher in certain other places that tend to have more old people and fat people, with Italy having the old and not doing social distancing and USA having the fat people
i havent seen a girl lighter than me, 150lbs, in three months

Like I said, people come in all the time to get tested after the fact, only to say the same thing...
>I had no idea I even had it.
AFTER having multiple partners.

It's a sad repeating story.

>implying it wouldn't shut down both the economy and the hospitals if it was uncontrolled spread

I still wonder if its true that those that survive it get it again and die from it. It's impossible to find any info about it.

Haчaлo зoмбиaпoкaлипcиc, выживи или yмpи

not a boomer so not worried at all, I’m pissed that my job is gone because it went out of business because the retarded leadership in my state shit everything down, thanks dems for making me jobless, GREAT

Niggas cant even cure cancer we finna fucked yall

That's assuming the economy gets by just fine with 5% of the population suddenly gone.
>But it's just old people anyway
Exactly, old people who'd usually train the young ones. Not to mention that many economies tried to optimize profit so much that they laid off as many workers as possible, meaning they destroyed lots of redudancy, which means there are huge bottlenecks in expertise in certain companies. If those people die, the companies are just fucked.
But hey, at least housing would get cheap again.

And how many infected did we have last month?

>other people should die so I don't lose my job!
>turns out those other people don't agree with that and they're the ones running the show
Oof! Guess you ought to start worrying, huh?

That's not how diseases work. What likely happens is that COVID-19 may lead to OTHER illnesses due to complications going on in your body that could kill you.

that was a poor attempt, fren

how much shit do you have to have in your ears to think it hasn't gotten worse in the last month?

>Next month will be over 2 million.
and then youll say its only the beginning. STFU NIGGA

exactly this. Current evidence suggests most if not all people who die as a result of COVID-19 would have died this year anyway.

How did SARS and swine flu end? Did we just wait it out? Did everyone get infected eventually?

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Holy shit who cares anymore

They're both still around but they're seasonal like a flu

>we can accurately predict what year people will die now

I hate to be your math teacher here user, but 2 million is still three digits short of the billion people we have world wide. And unless you want to have corpses literally piling up every day, the pace isn't gonna pick up that much from then on.

A helicopter just flew over my house.

They ran out of fundings and had to shut it down.

>and then youll say its only the beginning.
yes? Exponential growth can always get larger, it'll always be "the beginning" until cases are in the billions.

People wised up to the media's fear porn.
Also, what happened to the ebola scare?

Within a reason.

Governments are totally overreacting. This shit doesn't even have a 1% death rate.

>Trump's voter base

I get a reroll because I am not an old faggot

So you died? Welp, what a shame user. Was good to know you


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COVID-19 causes or is a severe pneumonia. That alone CAN kill you - especially with suboptimal health as in an underlying preexisting condition. However, under COVID-19 the severe pneumonia weakens you significantly and other diseases have an easy entrance into your system. Such is generally called a super-infection. That counts as a complication of the disease. The give people antibiotics to prevent that from happening even though it does not help with fighting through COVID-19 directly. There's also talk of how the corona virus damages the heart in some patients putting them in danger of cardiac arrest but I think that also is in range of expected complications of pneumonia. It's what happened to France's youngest victim, the 14 year old girl probably. R.I.P.

people don't realize there's a ton of people who don't have symptoms and never get tested, or they get a mild case and ride it out
if you could test literally every person who has it then it wouldn't look so bad

Retarded larping Yas Forumstards who desperately want their HAPPOOOOOONEEENG and equaly retarded lefties willing to crash the economy so they could put the blame on the orange man right before the elections.

Hopefully this is a wake up call for the westerners. Singapore and most of the asian countries got hit hard by SARS so we more or less knew what to do this time.

I forgot to add, most people that die from COVID-19 die because of sepsis. Probably as a result of aforementioned superinfections. Or you simply suffocate in a matter of days.

Oh we knew what was coming all right.

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>Hopefully this is a wake up call for the westerners

whenever i see someone say 'whatever bro just dont be old or sick lol' it just makes me think none of you have family or friends because some of the are bound to be either old or not in good health. if you were born with an autoimmune disease or were in your fifties, you'd be singing a different tune. i'm terrified my grandparents won't make it.

actually it's the end. it's already over.

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Pretense to turn society into a police state. The virus isn't that bad.

5% who is already retired and with a foot in the grave already you disingenuous fuck.

>Be New Zealander
>Put on lockdown the moment communal transmission was detected
>Getting about 80 new cases a day at this stage (our population is about 4.5 million)
Are we gonna be ok?

Where were you during swine flu?

You'd be just as justified giving Xi Jinping the benefit of the doubt right now, knock that shit off.

No, not especially. Only if. You don’t develop pneumonia if you’re a healthy individual.

I didn't want to believe this in the beginning, but the fact that gatherings are now misdemeanor worthy crimes and the state governments are shaming people who just want to live their life... it's all just wrong.

Hope you can keep it up forever. All it takes is 1 person


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based happooner

yes. croatian here, we're about your size and your infection rate and we have like 4-5 deaths so far and it started about three weeks ago. this is the way to do it if you want as little as deaths as possible, but the economy might suffer for it.

>people are STILL trying to pull the "it's just a flu bro" shit
How much destruction will it take for you delusional idiots to stop spouting this?

>it's all just wrong.
would you prefer to be dead

>It's just fearmongering
Okay anons, assuming people are overreacting, how can you prove that it's the same as the other viruses that the media exploited to get clicks? Sure, we have regular virus outbreaks that end up better than the media paints it to be and get out mostly unscathed, but that doesn't mean that's true for every single virus outbreak.

What if a a virus suddenly spreads that's actually threatening in your opinion? What would need to happen for you to recognize such a virus as truly dangerous?

You will care when you get one... Or your family will get one

With how infectious it is, it's not likely. The lockdown can not realistically hope to starve the virus. It would have to last too long and be too strict. We might see some relaxation but wearing masks outside and social distancing should be maintained as long as there's no vaccine - which most say is like 12-18 months out. But we still don't know how long it will make you immune. The SARS vaccine was never completed. Let's remain hopeful.

Our government has already issued like, 7000 dollars per person essentially that can't work. To cover us for 12 weeks. Our economy will be fucked, but it's worth it

NZ is better off than 99% of the rest of the world

What destruction? You think the overreaction of government is somehow indicative of how deadly the virus actually is?