So when does this get good?
The combat is worse than skyrim and that's saying something...
So when does this get good?
Other urls found in this thread:
it gets good when you go to BBI.
You are completely right.
Once you get Gran Soren and can switch to one of the cooler vocations. Mystic Knight is satisfying as fuck once you get the shield counters down.
you ever see a guy with a chick and you think damn is that her brother? because she's waaaaay too good for him. that's you. dragon's dogma is too good for you bro. you can't handle her. you're not man enough. stick with skyrim, you two suit each other.
I wouldn't say it necessarily takes that long but BBI does introduce some really fucking cool mechanics and monster fights.
The hit stop is annoying but the combat is very fun in my opinion only wish sprinting didnt cost stamina outside of combat
You can also do the door glitch here if you don't have any skeleton keys, just be aware, there are enemies in the second room.
how do you door glitch
Another door where you can glitch through.
>So when does this get good?
When you refund it. Did you keep the receipt?
>worse than Skyrim
Jesus, are you usually this wrong, or is this a recent development?
Here You need a barrel + another thing you can carry, so far it seems to work mostly with doors which have a slightly deeper frame at least.
>No pawns allowed, they tend to destroy all stuff around including barrels.
>Place a barrel in the door frame's corner.
>Pick up another object and quickly move onto the barrel, you should clip on the barrel.
>Wait a few seconds and then jump, then tilt the stick towards the door while in the air.
If everything went right the barrel's hitbox will "catch on" and push you through the door, in some cases you will get pushed inside a wall which sometimes can make you fall into nothingness but you will respawn after a while, if you get stuck inside a wall try to put down the thing you are carrying and pick it up again, sometimes that's enough to get unstuck, sometimes only a specific corner of the frame will allow you to go through, otherwise the barrel will push you to the side.
>mfw I got hooked on this since the start
The only bad thing was the ending; unfulfilling as fuck, made me feel empty. Amazing game considering is not even 2/10 of what it should after Capcom's and NT cucking its development.
Please Capcom
Announce it
>combat is worse than skyrim
user, I know the best way to get a thread rolling in Yas Forums is making retarded, outlandish claims but settle the fuck down, this is a bit much.
I can't believe it's the only game to date with a decent forgery.
What a fucking amazing thing to only be limited to one game.
>inb4 hurr durr anime I never played it though lol
Japs just can't into video games that's why all their games are boring grindfests
It is most aesthetically pleasing. I've always had a soft spot for clerics.
if you like try out different skills/classes than you might like the game. If you like a good story, dialogues and characters you should play other games (Dragon Age Origins, Baldur`s Gate, Divinity Original Sin,...)
>mfw I got hooked on this since the start
Same, I love the beginning of the game. Humble beginnings in RPG's are always Ludo.
im waiting to buy this game for PC the next time i can catch it on a sale
>So when does this get good?
The combat is worse than skyrim and that's saying something...
Low effort bait.
>The combat is worse than skyrim and that's saying something...
Have you played Skyrim?
what is this? tell me
Dragon's Dogma Online.
Just play Vindictus if you want this flashy shit
When they were making Monster Hunter World they also closed down Monster Hunter Online, that was japan only aswell. Im really hoping that the shut down of DDO was a sign that they are infact making a new DD game and didnt want to support DDO since the new game will be the same thing but on a larger scale.
Minute one.
>Guys this is a pretty shitty game
HURR just get to Gran Soren in the world's most annoying escort quest it gets good then!
>Ok, I got to Gran Soren, it still feels pretty fucking bad
HURR Progress in the game and you'll see how it opens up
>ok, I literally cleared all quests and beat the final boss dragon, it was a shit game
NOOO but the post-game is when it gets actually great! beating the dragon is not the end! just because you saw the credits roll doesn't mean the game is over! It means it just begun
>ok I beat the post-game too, the game is seriously fucking awful
You didn't do the DLC? Wow man, it's like you didn't play the game at all
>Fine, I've done the shitty island, the game is unbelievably awful
hurr soulsfag shitting on the game without playing it
OP listen to me.
Do not get memed like I did.
It never gets good. It's shit and will always be shit. I'll never get those 60 hours back from my life, but I can save yours.
Dang bro, shit taste.
Christ, retards like you need to be put down, do everyone a favor and never post on this board again you reddit tier faggot.
What's a good game you would recommend?
I’ll never understand the shilling everyone does for the DLC. I mildly enjoyed the game but holy shit is BBI boring.
With all the ports and the upcoming anime they're surely trying to drum up interest in the IP so they can make a sequel.
I mean, they wouldn't port it 4 times and make an anime if they weren't planning on doing anything with it, would they?
>Gran Soren
I just got there, what a drab and boring main city.
Questing around and killing bandits is an alright diversion, but I'm also waiting to discover what's all the hype.
Wasn't MHO in chinese only? Japan got MHF
Thats what I meant.
Dark Souls II
It's not that flashy though. It's MK-tier at best
it literally was on sale for 6 bucks yesterday.
check out
thank me later
>want good BBI gear
>not enough rift crystals because no one is renting my Pawn
>most likely because I don't have BBI gear equipped
>farming is tedious
>The combat is worse than skyrim
You being unable to do anything with it isnt the games fault. Its designed to give those who can utilise it and understands what skills and equipment they need for each endeavour a greater impact while leaving those who cant out to dry. The difference between oneshotting and desperately whacking away at an enemy to no avail is just understanding.
post pawn
>we placed a bunch of cool monsters and new gear along a corridor
Whats not to like?
Imagine having a taste so shitty I wouldn't even (you) you
Once you join the wyrm hunt you'll have some interesting dungeon crawling quests, but when you will start feeling is when the first bunch of wyrmhunt quests are done and you are tasked to kill the Griffin that's roaming around.
Thanks. These are my thoughts exactly.
Old picture, but I'm not at home right now. Her id is BE97-44DC-CDA5 since I'm on the Switch.
I thought BBI was the best part of the game. It truly feels like a legendary place filled with secrets and danger.
All the reused assets you find later on somewhat hurt that illusion, but it's still great.
A harsh truth to be sure.
It's not a bad game, but it's nowhere near this perfect darling Yas Forums makes it out to be.
I'm sure 90% of them are just blinded by the fact that they can play as a loli wearing a thong.
>play as a loli wearing a thong.
>casual retards getting filtered by a fucking RPG
Absolutely based. Go back.
finally, someone with some sense. i only paid $5 for this game and still regret it. wasted 40 hours hoping for it to get better but it never did.
i have been trying to get into this game every fucking month but i cant play it past the 5 hour mark. Its just so boring
VERY based post
Dragons Dogma is like a bimbo.
Looks sexy, but actually is superficial and dumb as a brick.
They have it on the switch now?
Damn, sorry but PC player, someone else might pick her up
Did you do the real ending, with the Seneschal? The fake-out ending was underwhelming but I thought the true ending was fantastic.
My disappointment with the story was everything BEFORE the ending. It seems so bland for 90% of the game just for things to get interesting at the end. XBX had the same issue.
Also warrior best class