XIV Shadowbringers 5.25 update next week on Tuesday



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relic content lasts a lot longer than 3 hours

whether or not you have fun for more than 3 hours is a different matter

Why did Zenos keep his sharingans when he can back in an elezen body, I thought that shit was a physical procedure

fucking finally
also did they deliberately make that pic look sexual for all the dirty fujos

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them delaying relics until 5.25 these past couple expansions makes them drop right when my expansion burnout hits and i can't be fucked to bother. fuck this shit

Is Cid going to be okay I mean he's 35

See you next week

Can't believe Cid has the coronavirus

I'm down with it, I can use tombs on one weapon this week then grind for the relic with a different job next week.

>Fuck you Cid, that's what you get for telling me about my daughter

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can't believe we're getting female hrothgars

Rent free, incel

Everyone gets fancy new relics except GNB and DNC who just get reskinned shire weapons again.

what's worse is this might just be the first step, which means no glow yet

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relics are shit until the last patch when it's pointless to have them in the first place
gear in general is pointless due to lack of customization, they're just stat sticks that becomes obsolete in a couple months no matter how hard you work for it

the proper way to play XIV is to sub only for patch releases, play the story, do fun fights, get some poverty gear and unsub until next patch
everything else is turbo autism

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the problem with relics is that you don't know what you're grinding shit for until the last step where it can look complete cancer like it did back in Stormblood. They should show how each and every step will look from the get go (and make it optional for muh surprise spoilers spergs)

spoken like a true no house shitter.
DNC are going to be all over 5.25 for the dyable AF

relic weapon glows are awful after they gave up making unique glows and just slapped the same generic shit on everything.

Give me a quick rundown how to optimize DRG on E6S because it's a clusterfuck.

pyros was peak relikino though and that was just flames in different colors

generally glows might be terrible but you bet its one of the things primal weapons are sought and old relics are being farmed, and to a lesser extent why people also chase ultimate
the glow effect can be a real head-turner in dungeons and the like, especially when no one else has one
imagine how gratified a player can get when a sprout asks him "cool weapon, where can I get one?"

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Finally. I feel like this is the longest ever gap between the base patch and the .X5 patch.

It will probably be like Anemos i.e. just the AF weapons but dyeable + with a glow.

Play NIN on that fight instead
t. DRG main

I guess I could since it's the only other melee I have at 80, just gotta craft gear.

i'm bored

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how you doing, fish-wise?
dont bother replying if your not pic related

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is the easter stuff worth doing, or should I just keep playing VII R?

>it's just a glorified story patch
12.99 for this? pathetic

>reaching the level 80 point soon
So what's your word of advice that you can give before it happens?

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might as well do it if you have an active sub, it takes 5 seconds. that way you won't have to buy the fursuit a year later if you wanted it

Them making relic weapons useless in general last expansion was retarded. 2.0 they were relevant for end game almost the entire end game but the grind was horrendous, trying to clear coil with pugs for those weapons was faster. Not as bad in HW but I think they were only worth it when you were able to customize stats (I remember having to grind that shit for accuracy on my healer weapon). In SB not only were they always irrelevant, they were all fucking hideous and why even bother to max them out with elemental bonus and rerolling for stats because by that point there's no way you weren't fucking burned out by Eureka. I can't imagine it being any better in ShB with how fucking delayed they are

FUCK This game is getting too hard already! I'm sick and tired of going to a new dungeon and then getting raped because of the oh-so-funny mechanics where the boss farts in my general direction as I'm stepping on the wrong floor tile while the wind is blowing from the east, today's Lion's lucky day, and one party member was born on a non-even year, so my 100K HP are instantly blown away like a candle, and all I can do is stand there and eat it, why am I even wearing armor, I could just do this shit naked and it wouldn't change anything, and then the other party members passive-aggressively lecture me for not watching some faggot e-celeb's video series beforehand, and not learning calculus in high school and not having already done this a hundreds times in a week GODDAMN THIS IS NOT FUN ANYMORE WHY MUST WE CASUAL PLAYERS SUFFER BECAUSE THE DEVS CATER TO RAIDTRANNIES AAAAAA FUCK THIS FUCKING SHIT GAME YES I'M MAD

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>80 ruby totems so far
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Tell me about Skysteel tools. Are they scrip rewards or craftables?

why on earth do people do this to themselves? just wait and unsync the boss with increased drop rates

I actually like farming Ruby EX, it's way better and less frustrating then farming Hades EX where a single persons mistake, especially from the brain dead tanks, caused a wipe.

There's no zone this time. It's just a Duty and a Trial. It'll literally be 2-3 hours to get through it and then repeat the Trial for every job's base weapon.

The next Eureka-like timesink zone only arrives in 5.35.

It's already confirmed the 5.25 step will just be dyeable AF, no glow, nothing new.

lame if true

Favorite caster?

Confirmed where


Reminder to report any and all mod users that you see post their hideous characters, be it on Yas Forums, Twitter, Discord, your local supermarket's bulletin board, Reddit, Youtube, Twitch or even ingame.

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They're relics so they will have some kind of questline most likely involving both crafting and scrip farming


Says that it won't glow but not that it'll be dyeable AF. Although dyeable AF is what I'm expecting.

That fag wasn't banned for modding you double nigger, he was banned for posting uncensored names (with his name in the screenshot too).

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Who cares, I just want the dyable job gear just like in SB.

job gear dyed any other color than the default is absolutely haram though

i'd do a lot more reporting in general if it didn't involve talking to GMs directly. it's such a pain

no one cares about your stupid jew laws

Damn did cid get the Rona?

wow another teaser that makes you think something serious is going to go down but nothing happens

1 hour of content because trannies cried about Eureka.

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it's not a matter of jew law it's a matter of you having shit taste

I see so many people talk about 5.3 revamping the ARR main story yet I don't ever recall Square specifically stating that they'd do it, especially not in the 5.3 patch
Would be funny if it ended up getting delayed as well

but trannies were the ones doing eureka
why do you think we call the Ozma mount the tranny marble?

guess i'm not resubbing until 5.35

Was mentioned around 5.1 I think but they did only say they were "aiming" for 5.3. Nothing is confirmed until officially announced. We should be getting the first Live letter for 5.3 in the next 2-3 weeks unless the virus is delaying everything.

>unless the virus is delaying everything.

They already posted a news article to expect delays.