Why do trans girls like Animal Crossing so much?
Why do trans girls like Animal Crossing so much?
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im not a tranny
im not a tranny
im not a tranny
this is torture
Transwomen like any game that lets them make an ultra girly anime avatar and let’s them play pretend. Most of them don’t even want to be female but want to be literal anime girls
fucking gay people, why can't you just have a normal fetish
I don't know any trannies but I do know that actual girls really like this series and other farming/socializing games.
Anons will deny it because they’ll suck Jap cock until they die but anime is unironically partly the reason for the rise in males aged 16-30 becoming trannies in the recent years.
I got giant autogynephilia and feel no shame about it. Still, I will never try to become a woman, it would be just delusional and disgusting. I just keep enjoying fapping to playing cute/attractive female characters.
Wow, she is literally me.
>Yas Forums is still pretending that this image wasn't made by a drawfag who joked about systematically turning his male character into a cute female
Girls also like Tomodachi Life, which sold over 6 million copies. It's a bit weird that Sony and Microsoft don't try to compete in cutesy life sims at all.
Transgirls are garbage. Transboys is where it’s at
What's the story there
Doesn’t one of them own the actual Sims? Because that is THE female video game.
They get to believe they pass as females and try their best to engage in feminine behavior.
Ahh yes, the mental instability of a female combined with the mental instability of someone taking the wrong hormones, perfect.
No, it is EA series.
That's probably because it's Hypergynephilia that has a correlation with getting the ol' dick snip.
Make believe fantasy life sim
It’s perfect for mentally handicapped people
Because most video games are violent and violence, even simulated violence, awakens the primal testosterone fueled beast inside their very core. Deep down they know that no woman could ever feel this level of sublime rage and focus, nevermind the raging murder boner, and it makes them keenly aware of the fact that they are and always will be, male. Therefore they need to stick to """""girly""""" games about picking flowers and making friends and shit, so they don't accidentally remind themselves that within their Y chromosome is contained the legacy of every ferocious warrior that has ever graced the face of planet earth.
>Herny started the game as a male villager
>He liked female customisation options so he turned his villager into a female
>Made a comic about it
That's literally it.
If the april fools events are good for anything its proving that anime makes people faggots
>trans """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""girls""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
They generally stop doing this shit. Men who got suckered into doing the opposite somehow appear more gullible for longer.
Sometimes they do pass, but it’s very few cases
>anime is unironically partly the reason for the rise in males aged 16-30 becoming trannies in the recent years
Ah yes, this is why the country with the biggest amount of anime watchers is full of trannies!
Oh wait...
Just not even homos but faggots. They think they're so edgy and cool spamming homo stuff but in reality they have no interest to be homo. Just like how more than 99% of gachi watchers are straight.
meant for
Japs are sissified faggots, though.
Anime is cute cartoon characters, which men are just attracted to. That's barely even a fetish.
The bottom 3 countries are all asian countries, east asians are extremely feminine compared to other races so many people there probably still do know trans people, they're just not aware of it because asians actually pass well.
Daily reminder that trannies >>> females. They are far less cancerous.
Best tranny outfit for my villager?
At this point? Yes, to a pathological extent. It's amazing their government somehow has no idea why nobody's fucking and there is an army of NEETs from the 80's and up.
Sony and Microsoft have been trying to broaden their demographic ever since the Wii was a huge success and it always ended in failure, or a moderate success like the Kinect that still went nowhere.
But really the thing is that game companies are so depreciated to the AAA title development model they have hardly any room for anything else and by now everyone who wants a Switch for those kinds of games already has one so it's pointless to make them for the Xbox or PS4. It would've been a good idea before the Switch was made though. Like how many women would love to play those sort of games on the Xbox or PS4 their man owns?
I think so too.
It's because trannies experienced the eyes as males for some amount of time, which means they knew what it was like to not have everything in life handed to you for free.
Thus they actually had to develope a personality and hobbies instead of just being walking holes.
Who are you even trying to trick, faggot.
*experienced the world
Idk what distracted me into writing eyes there lol
this is fucking torture haha
Alice just take your pills already, at least go boymode so you don't masculinize more.
>develop personalities
ooh yea I totally have cool personalityyy uuuh. I talk like thiiis. Its like uhm so girly and originaaal. oh hi anooon. yees suure. The didn't develop anything. They quite literally GAVE UP.
No one. Just posting uncomfortable truths.
We were tomboys at one point but as long as mtf trannies exist there is no place for tomboys in this world anymore.
>trannies have to pretend to be valid and bland to seem more feminine
It definitely contributes because anime avatars are a good disguise.
VRChat is a good example, even if you don't want to use a female avatar, you will due to sheer peer pressure
Yeah, you're still obsessed and also most likely schizophrenic.
Sure thing, tranny.
because normal girls like animal crossing, so they want to fit in
Everyone on Yas Forums has been gay for bridget for 15 years
Gays are occasionally legitimately smart, on account of having minimal female influence in their lives, but certainly not fucking trannies. They are even more unstable, they are fucking directly with their nature.
Actually, fuck gays too. They get their stability by grooming third-country boys.
Brazil's big number of transgenders are because of the prostitution industry, correct? They generally don't give a fuck about transgender/LGBT rights as far I think (gay marriage is not even legal there). The ones I know make fun of faggots all the time.
Is Mexico's case similar?
This, puritan straightfags need to gb2reddit.
You can post whatever video you want, females will always be more cancerous than anything.
My boyfriend is almost 2 years on HRT and he still cums like a machine gun, it fucking ROCKS. He also plays a lot of games you expect dudes to play, usually hard or competitive shit. Hes cool as fuck. We used to tank together when overwatch was still cool, lmao. More of a guy than some of my other cis friends.
Testosterone is a gift and i will never, ever be able to comprehend trans women.
Because it is fun
That is way many people of many different demographics enjoy the game
you sure are a gentleman and scholar.
transboys are the worst thing to happen to mankind. LITERALLY EVERY OTHER MENTAL ILLNESS IS BETTER.
wanna be a regular male to female faggot trans? ok cool, theres a small minority which are sexy and age well if they don't kill themselves.
want to be a lesbian? cool, no problem even butch lesbians can have appeal to the right retards.
want to be a regular gay man? ok honestly regular gay guys are genuinely not a problem feel free to live your faggot life
want to be a tomboy/ or a boyish girl? heck that's sexy as hell and patrician as fuck why the hell not!
but a female to male trans? what the living fuck! it's like they all decide to become a hyper masculine man, decide ALL MEN are extra hairy and bald get tatted the fuck up and then they turn around try to suck dick on the internet. WHY? YOU WERE BORN PERFECT FOR THE ROLE NOW YOU LOOK LIKE A FATHER IN THIS LATE 40'S?!
i don't even want to get into the ones that decide to attach a sausage to their cunts.
ALL of them get insane foot long salamis...you ever looked up transmen porn? don't.
It is the nature of anonymous imageboards to congregate extremes.
Nowhere else will you find so many people who hate gays and so many gays in the same place.
Correlation does not equal causation.
Anime doesn't make people mentally ill. People who are already insane see anime girls and think that "transitioning" will let them become the characters.
>no chilel
I wish trans got a 100% functional pussy.
Autogynephilia is a straight fetish.
Most of those unpassing trannies are "transbians".
I think in maybe 20-30 years that might be very possible, we're already making great progress in growing artificial organs. Seems only natural that eventually that tech would be used for SRS and cosmetic surgeries.
>living with a delusion that a man with an axe wound is good
Nah, m8. You are a living proof that there can always be something worse than a whore.
>some autist wasted his time creating this
Never said trannies were good. Just better than females. Not that it's a particularly high bar to cross, admittedly.
Kill all trannies
Based japs
I can't even parse this degeneracy, or who's even transitioning to what. But testosterone is incredibly useful for doing shit.
Says the retard who thinks its only 1 person posting this image.
Sure thing, faggot. You can go back to any moment now.
I never said that, there's many schizos here. Especially since 2016 when you reddit subhumans infested this place like filthy refugees.
And violent videogames makes people violent? After all many people who commits acts of violence, have played violent videogames. It is in no way fault of getting isolated from society, mental health issues or such.
Same way as anime makes more people trans, rather than it getting more common due to information of trans stuff being available and people allowing to express being trans without automatic social isolation that used to follow it.
>animal girl was just trying to be nice and liked the mayor either way
>the mayor act aggressively and scares her
>nigger semen slurping cuck simp telling anyone else to go to Yas Forums
Probably because the characters are extremely sexless?? You can actually make the boys look like girls (unlike irl).
Keep seething, the truth is as ugly as the reality of females.
Brazil hates LGBT but somehow manage to have one of the loudest and most annoying LGBT communities in the world.
Because women in general love Animal Crossing just as much as they love stuff like The Sims, so they try to imitate what biological women do.
So will Animal Crossing help me get a trans gf?
Put me on hrt and maybe i'll be your trans gf
>Buzzword spewing retard
Struck a nerve there, eh? If there is one thing I hate more than anything is autistic faggots who are even more useless than the group they bitch and moan about.
Nintendo cornered the autist market literally decades ago, and if autists are anything they are loyal, because they are so afraid of change.
The most anti-LGBT countries are always sexually deviant more than pro-LGBT ones.
>brazil has homophobic niggers everywhere, but also plenty of trannies
>russia is homophobia center and pedophilia center of the world
>africa is full of baby-raping AIDS-havers who hate gays
Who was in the wrong here?
Based simp, all women are queens.
Did you drop off your quick 1k for Pokimane this month already?
You're talking to a tranny, most trannies are just failed men and hate women more than any Yas Forumsfag ever could.
No, it has to do with women being given every advantage in society. Then, they started to incentivize people to transition by calling them brave as well and making them a protected class. If women didn't have so much advantage in society and men were given even a little bit of value for literally running and taking care if everything, then you'd find that absolutely no one but the most mentally ill would transition.
That's technically true. Don't forget, men have always been useless without a proper upbringing. You're still a monumental bitch for trying to compete in this world as an "ally" of women.
>call out the retard
>tard rages about autism