Let's settle this

Let's settle this
>Doom II
>Doom 4
>Doom 64
>Final Doom
>Doom 3 Bfg Edition
>Doom 3 original version with shitty fleshlight mechanic
>Zoom Zeternal

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Doom 2016 over Eternal
>BFG Edition over Doom 3
Yep, I'm thinking its cringe

1 > 64 > Eternal > Plutonia > 2016 > 2 > TNT > 3

Plutonia > Eternal > 1 > 64 > 2 > 2016 > TNT > 3 > BFG

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How do I into Doom? I've played a couple levels from the original one obviously but never got into the series as a whole. I started Doom 2016 today, not even paying much attention to what happens just playing casually for the fun of killing motherfuckers.

Do they all have a story I need to know? Can I just skip everything including 2016 and pirate Eternal?

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Story and lore is there if you want to delve into it, otherwise you can just skip everything to enjoy some demon killing.


>Doom II
>Final Doom
>Doom 64
>A bad build engine game
>Brutal Doom
>Doom 3

People who claim to like Doom 3 or think that it's underrated deserve to be euthanized.

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Eternal and 3 are the only story focused one's. 2016s story is there if you want it but they don't shove it in your face like the aforementioned games.

>Doom Eternal
>Doom 2016
>Doom 64
>Doom II (fuck sandy peterson)
>Doom 3
Objectively true. Fuck off.

So can I just play Eternal as a standalone?

>Doom II
>(fuck sandy peterson)

I like Doom II a lot but I understand this.

Eternal > 2016 > 1 > Plutonia > 64 > 2 > TNT> 3

>Do they all have a story I need to know?
nope, classic dooms just give you small paragraph between each episode that tell you that you defeat the demons but NOW you have to go defeat them somewhere else
its just to give you a sense of progression but it hardly matters, 3, 2016 and E have the most story but still rather simple

>Can I just skip
you can skip or play the old games in whatever order, for the new ones its better to play 2016 before eternal

>25 year old game is better than a game made in 2020
anyone wanna hop onto odamex tho?

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>COOM 16 that high
>Eternal that low

The earth levels in general are just not fun at all. You know its bad level design when you have to put a giant arrow on the ground.

>rating snooze 64 that high

If you don't like Final Doom your opinion is irrelevant

>just saying 'Final Doom'
>not breaking them up
TNT and Plutonia are so radically different it's not fair to judge them together.

don't mind me, just making the best maps in both doom and quake

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DOOM is the only series of games i can think of off of the top of my head that has no bad games. Every game is at least decent.

Brutal DOOM > everything else

Pretty much. You can play any Doom game standalone

he's had the hardest life

You're going to have hyperbole fags show up and scream Doom 3, but you're not wrong

Doom 3 was mediocre, but from ID, mediocre may as well have been bad. It also has elements that are certainly bad.

>Can I just skip everything including 2016 and pirate Eternal?
just play 2016 and eternal.

this bothers me more than it should

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Cope, Boomer.

Who in their right mid would say that Doom3 is better than Doom 2016?

1>>eternal>plutonia>>>(only because it plays like doom other than that its trash)>3(bfg or not don't give a shit plays the same)>2016>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TNT

DOOM 1993 = DOOM Eternal = DOOM 2016 > DOOM 2 > DOOM 3 > DOOM 64

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How about you just play the games and pay attention you adhd fuck?

I like em all except for 3

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it's older and not as well-liked so of course there's gonna be people calling it an underrated gem

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It was the only modern Doom game for over a decade so it garnered its share of fans.

nobody considered it an underrated gem, it was praised solely for being old and not being doom 2016
everything that doom 3 was hammered into the ground for was being praised when 2016 came out
>b-but i LIKED the darkness
>b-but i LIKED listening to audio logs
>b-but i LIKED armor being useless
>b-but i LIKED walking at a snail's pace
>b-but i LIKED reloading
>b-but i LIKED screen getting red and swaying 120 degrees on any hit

1 > 64 > 2016 > 2 > eternal > 3

these are all acceptable besides screenshit
the shotgun not being able to one shot imps consistently and imps leaping with little to no telegraph is the main reason 3 is dreadful

>anyone wanna hop onto odamex tho?

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Doom2 better then the original if you play it with Isabelle mod

>doom 3
>audio logs
>no subtitles

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I can't imagine anyone saying a Doom game with Knuckles would be bad. Especially if Hunnid-P does new rap songs for the Knuckles stages.

a Doom game with Knuckles would be bad.

well i listed them from least to most annoying imo
getting rid of screen sway and red bullshit would make some of it more bearable
but shotgun literally had like 40 degree pellet deviation AT POINT BLANK

Are you sure about that?

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>but shotgun literally had like 40 degree pellet deviation AT POINT BLANK
yes he pointed that out already

weak bait.

Objective tier chain goes like this:
D3 > 64 > 1 > 2016 > RPG > 2

t. Haven't yet playet Zoom Maternal

I replayed Doom 3 a few eeks ago and was suprised how good it was and how much the BFG-Edition sucks compared to the original

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pretty accurate approximation
those who hate seeing micro-cutscenes every 2 fucking seconds.
>inb4 "hurr durr but they get, like, optional 20 hrs in"
fuck you - they're essential trailer fodder, baked in to pander to marketing, instead of player's immersion or compelling gameplay.

Why though

objectively best sound design and ambient score / balanced gunplay (granted - shotty turned into a point-blank banhammer, but it only serves to forcing player getting intimate with the beast, risking having their face torn off if they linger for a microsecond). It's Doom 1 on crack, with you and space marine being stuck in an abandoned, poorly lit space station, infested with intimidating hellspawn.
Most coherent world building with some of the best audio logs in all vidya

I used to hate it for being so slowburn with occasional adrenaline bursts that require your immediate reaction, providing excellent adrenaline bursts (instead of constant white noise of, say, 2016, that always tries to keep you on your toes, which inevitably exhausts your focus), but in retrospect, it's the one that will age better than the sequel thanks to sound, coherent, non-cartoonish world building, mostly settled in hard sci-fi premise.

>Most coherent world building with some of the best audio logs in all vidya
The lack of subtitles made me not really care about any of that. I cant really tell whats going on when the noise in the background is louder than the people talking.

2 (with wads) > Plutonia > 1 > Eternal > 2 (without wads) > 64 > 2016 > 3 > BFG

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>t. zoomer who never played the originals so can't appreciate eternal

>quoting civvie

Ultimate > Eternal > 2016 > 64 > II > Final > a gay man's ass leaking diarhea mixed with cum >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3

Just sounds like a shittier FEAR 1 which is all Doom 3 will be remembered as other than the Doom game no one really remembers.

>Doom 2016
>Doom Eternal (maybe)
>Doom 3: F.E.A.R.
>pretending to like older doom to appeal to old fags and fake old fags
>Doom Eternal II: Metallica and lol random armor

check your ears then